4 research outputs found

    Ipteks Pengaruh Minat Perilaku Wajib Pajak dalam Menggunakan System Online di Kpp Pratama Manado

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    Reporting system (SPT) starts the expansion of information technology online & real time, namely e-Filing. With an existence of e-Filing provides convenience to taxpayers in reportin tax returns. The purpose of this study's to look at the factors that affect interest in taxpayer behavior toward the use of e-Filing at KPP Pratama Manado. E-Filing makes a good contribution to Taxpayers and by using e-Filing, a Taxpayers can feel the benefits, wich one is convenience when delivering taxes. Taxpayers interest in using e-Filing is based on perceptions and the experience gained by taxpayers on e-Filing. Factors of USAbility, convenience, security and confidentiality, and human resources have a positive influence, so that the benefits of e-Filing can be felt by all Taxpayers registered at the KPP Pratama Manado

    Ipteks Pengendalian Internal terhadap Perekaman Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan (Spt) pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak (Kpp) Pratama Manado

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    KPP Pratama Manado is a tax administration agency in the Manado area under the auspices of the Indonesian Ministry of Finance. The main task of KPP Pratama Manado is to carry out the main duties of the Directorate General of Taxes in collecting State revenues from the Taxation sector. To achieve the best service, recording annual notification letters (SPT) on taxpayers is one of the important roles in reporting, receiving or deduction. This study aims to determine the internal control of SPT recording at KPP Pratama Manado. Internal controls will run according to regulations if implementing COSO internal controls, including the control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, and monitoring. The results of the study indicate that the ability of KPP Pratama Manado in processing and recording Annual Tax Returns is quite effective, but delays in reporting will often occur

    Ipteks Balanced Scorecard pada PT. Daya Anugrah Mandiri Manado

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    One important factor in assessing the achievements and success of a company to achieve a company goal is by conducting a performance appraisal analysis, PT Daya Anugrah Mandiri Manado is a company engaged in the sale of Honda motorcycles and maintenance which of course must be carried out performance assessment to measure level of achievement and success achieved. In this study the author conducted an analysis on PT Daya Anugrah Mandiri Manado for performance assessment using the Balanced Scorecard method which discusses several things in the method. With the method of performance assessment analysis and financial perspective techniques, customer perspective, internal business process perspective, learning and growth perspective. The results of the study are very good at using this method to assess the growth performance of the company. With suggestions, you can do an analysis of PT Daya Anugrah Mandiri Manado in order to find out whether there is performance growth or not