6 research outputs found

    Impact of marbling art therapy activities on the anxiety levels of psychiatric patients

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    Purpose: Study was conducted to explore the impact of marbling art therapy on the anxiety levels of patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.Methods: Data for the study were at a university hospital and in the psychiatric service,polyclinic of a State Hospital with 34 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and 34 patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Investigations were carried out with study groups and a control group.Findings:Following marbling, it was found that there were significant decreases in the PANSS negative, in the positive, general psychopathology in terms of the scores of the group of schizophrenia patients  and in the BAI scores of patients with bipolar disorder.There was no significant difference in the BAI scores of the control group.Clinical relevance:The study showed that the method of marbling therapy led to improvements in the negative and positive symptoms of schizophrenic patients and in both patient groups, it contributed to decreasing levels of anxiety

    Endometriyal polip zemininde gelişen endometriyum kanserlerinde BCL-2, PTEN,p53 ve Ki-67 ekspresyonlarının değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Endometriyal polip zemininde gelişen endometriyum kanserleri ve benign endometriyal polipler arasında, proliferasyon belirteci olan Ki-67 ve antiapoptotik protein bcl-2 ile tümor supresor genler olan p53 ve PTEN ekspresyonlarının karşılaştırılması. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma Başkent Üniversitesi Hastanesinde 2006-2011 yılları arasında tedavi edilmiş 40 olguda retrospektif olarak yapıldı. Çalışmaya en az bir yıldır menopozda olan hastalar dahil edildi. Hormon replasman tedavisi alan, tamoksifen kullanan, meme kanseri öyküsü olan ve premenopozal hastalar ile yeterli doku bloğu bulunmayan ve evrelenmesi tam yapılmamış polip zemininde gelişmiş endometriyum kanseri olgular çalışma dışı bırakıldılar. Endometriyum kanseri olgularının %8’inde (26/323) endometriyal polipten köken alan kanser saptandı. Çalışma kriterlerini sağlayan endometriyal polip zemininde gelişmiş toplam 20 endometriyum kanseri olgusu ardışık olarak çalışmaya dahil edildi. Herbir kanser olgusu için histerektomi örneklerinde saptanmış bir benign polip olgusu rastgele çalışmaya dahil edildi. Bulgular: Ki-67 ekspresyonu polip zemininde gelişen endometriyum kanseri grubunda benign endometriyal polip grubuna göre anlamlı şekilde yüksekti ( p 0,05). Endometriyal polip zemininde gelişen endometriyum kanserlerinde Ki-67, Bcl-2, PTEN ve p53 ekspresyonu ve histolojik tip, evre, grade, myometriyal invazyon, polip büyüklüğü ve lenfovasküler invazyon arasında bir istisna hariç alamlı bir ilişki izlenmedi. p53 ekspresyonu yüksek gradeli tümorlerde belirgin şekilde artmaktaydı (p< 0,05). Sonuç: Çalışmamızın sonuçları benign poliplerde apoptozis inhibe olurken proliferasyonun arttığını düşündürmektedir. Polip zeminde gelişen endometriyum kanserlerinde karsinogenez aşamasında benign poliplerdekinin tersine apoptozis inhibisyonunun engellenmesinden ve proliferasyonun artmasından ek mutasyonların sorumlu olduğunu düşünmekteyiz

    Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in assisted reproductive technology treatment does not increase the risk of adverse perinatal outcomes in twin pregnancies

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    The aim of the study is to compare the perinatal outcomes of twin pregnancies resulting from assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment in which granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) was used with those in which it was not. In this retrospective study, the clinical data of 122 dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies were reviewed. Pregnancies were divided into two groups, G-CSF-treated and non-G-CSF treated. Maternal age, gestational week at birth, oligohydramnios, gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia, preterm birth, first-trimester bleeding, gestational diabetes, rupture of membrane, foetal congenital anomalies, admission to the neonatal intensive care unit, birth weight (BW), small for gestational age, BW discordance, Apgar score and placental weight were compared between the groups.IMPACT STATEMENT What is already known on this subject? Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) administrations increase pregnancy outcomes and do not have a negative effect on perinatal outcomes in singleton pregnancies. What the results of this study add? This study showed that the perinatal outcome of dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies conceived after assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment was similar in the GSF administrated and non-GSF administrated groups. What the implications are of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? Using G-CSF to increase the success of ART does not seem to have an adverse outcome in the dichorionic diamniotic twin pregnancies

    Turkish coffee effect on postcaesarean section bowel motility

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    To investigate the effect of coffee consumption on bowel motility on postcaesarean patients. This study is designed as a prospective randomized trial. Patients who are operated between dates June 2017-July 2017 are assessed for eligibility. We included patients who are operated under elective conditions. Leading exclusion criterias were; emergency caesarean section , patients diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease, chronic constipation, irritable bowel syndrome and who had previous bowel or endometriosis surgery. Simple randomization scheme is used. Patients allocated to intervention group drank 65 cc Turkish coffee at postoperative 4 th and 12 th hour; control group patients drank warm water starting from postoperative 4th hour. Time to first flatus, presence of stool passage and nausea, vomiting are questioned and recorded. Sixty five patients&apos; data was available for final analysis. General characteristics of control and intervention group patients were similar regarding mean age, body mass index (BMI), operation time, type of anesthesia , postoperative analgesic requirement . Mean time to first flatus was 17.7±6.1 and 13.0±5.7 hours respectively for control and intervention group (p:0.004). Number of patients whose stool passage assured before discharge were 7 (22.6%) in control and 3 (8.8%) in intervention group (p:0.174). There was not any patient who had nausea and vomiting in both groups. Postoperative coffee consumption is a cheap, attainable and safe practice that can be utilized to expedite gastrointestinal motillity during postcaesarean period. [Med-Science 2022; 11(2.000): 651-5