328 research outputs found

    Aliran lapisan sempadan olakan bebas terhadap silinder membulat dan mengufuk deng an syarat sempadan isoterma

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    Penyelesaian berangka bagi masalah aliran mantap lapisan sempadan olakan bebas berlamina terhadap silinder membulat dan mengufuk dengan syarat sempadan isoterma di dalam bendalir likat diperoleh dalam kajian ini. Persamaan menakluk lapisan sempadan terlebih dahulu dijelmakan ke dalam bentuk tak berdimensi. Seterusnya, persamaan tersebut dijelma menggunakan penjelmaan tak serupa. Persamaan yang terhasil diselesai secara berangka menggunakan kaedah beza terhingga tersirat yang efisien iaitu skim kotak Keller. Penyelesaian yang terhasil bagi ciri-ciri pemindahan haba bagi kes nombor Prandtl, Pr=l diguna untuk membandingkan ketepatan kaedah ini dengan kaedah yang digunakan sebelumnya (Merkin 1976). Keputusan yang diperoleh menunjukkan hasil perbandingan adalah baik. Keputusan baru bagi kes nombor Prandtl, Pr=7 dengan skop masalah yang sama juga dibincangkan. Di samping itu, profil halaju dan profil suhu bagi nombor Prandtl Pr=l dan Pr=7 juga diketengahkan. Didapati, pekali pemindahan haba menokok, berbanding pekali geseran kulit yang menyusut dengan pertambahan nilai Pr. Seterusnya, profil suhu dan profil halaju menyusut pada lapisan yang lebih jauh dari permukaan silinder


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    AbstractWastra and Spices in Sublimation of Cultural Photography. Wastra and spices with a variety of types is one of the leading Indonesian assets. This creation of photographic nerstone idea of creation. Wastra sample used is some kind of striated main Yogyakarta. The focal factor in this study is an effort of creating art in photography that has the content of the local culture, with the approach of the aesthetic principle refers to the philosophy of Java that can create sublimes. The present cultural photography is still stuck in the form based. The relation between the content and thepackaging has not been explored by the local aesthetic approach which is composed of the reduction Javanese philosophy of life. This study uses a qualitative method to shape practice approach based research. Data and reference rests on a literature review, while the research process is the main media experimentation in the studio. Experimentationprocess consists of two types of shooting and the implementation of the merger between multiple media photo prints with some other drawing medium including spices. The results of this study are the stimulus for researcher or other creators in the field of photography to explore the aesthetic principles of Java in the art of photography. AbstrakWastra dan Rempah dalam Sublimasi Fotografi Budaya.Wastra dan rempah dengan jenis beragam merupakan salah satu aset unggulan Indonesia. Penelitian penciptaan seni fotografi ini menjadi sumber landasan ide penciptaan karya fotografi. Sampel wastra yang digunakan adalah beberapa jenis lurik dari Yogyakarta. Inti utama dalam penelitian ini adalah upaya dalam proses mencipta seni fotografi yang memiliki konten budaya lokal tersebut, dengan pendekatan prinsip estetika yang mengacu pada falsafah Jawa dan dapat mewujudkan sublemasi. Fotografi budaya yang ada masih terjebak pada bentuk tampilan sehingga terkesan tempelan belaka. Relasi antara isi dan kemasan belum digalimaksimal dengan pendekatan estetika lokal yang disusun dari reduksi falsafah hidup Jawa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan bentuk pendekatan practice based reseach. Data dan referensi bertumpu pada kajian pustaka, sedangkan proses riset utamanya adalah eksperimentasi media dalam studio. Proses eksperimentasi terdiri daridua jenis yaitu pelaksanaan pemotretan dan penggabungan media antara hasil cetak foto dengan beberapa medium gambar lain termasuk juga rempah. Hasil dari penelitian ini menjadi stimulus peneliti atau pencipta lain dalam bidang fotografi untuk ikut menggaliprinsip estetika Jawa dalam seni fotografi


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    AbstractIndonesian Folklore Visual Exploration on Narative Photography. This research begins with the lack of awareness of Photography class students to work on local content in their duties. Students feel foreign and don’t care about the wealth of content they have. In some cases sending students abroad requires a portfolio that has a strong local identity. Our strength as a multicultural nation that is rich in a variety of cultures andtraditions is an attraction worth selling. These problems were not realized by students and teachers, especially photography classes. The results of this study are expected to later be an input to the photography learning material. Besides that, it can also be an inspiration for other subjects in developing local content in their learning material. In this study, taking the case of Nusantara Folklore will be done in a creative projectthrough photography. The project will be attended by several selected photography class children. The method to be carried out in this study uses the Artistic Research on Art approach, where the object of the research is the process of creating photographic works in the project that are carried out communally . Every student works on a topic offolklore that is different from other students. Their photography work in this research project will be exhibited by inviting participants from other countries’ campuses.  AbstrakEksplorasi Visual Cerita Rakyat Nusantara dalam Foto Berkisah. Penelitianini berawal dari minimnya kesadaran mahasiswa kelas Fotografi untuk menggarap konten lokal dalam tugas-tugasnya. Mahasiswa merasa asing dan tidak peduli dengan kekayaan konten yang dimiliki. Dalam beberapa kasus pengiriman mahasiswa ke luarnegeri dibutuhkan portfolio yang memiliki identitas kelokalan kuat. Kekuatan kita sebagai bangsa multikultur yang kaya akan ragam budaya dan tradisi menjadi dayatarik layak jual. Permasalahan tersebut kurang disadari oleh mahasiswa dan juga pengajar, terutama kelas fotografi. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menjadi masukan terhadap materi pembelajaran fotografi selain itu dapat juga menjadi inspirasi matakuliah lain dalam mengembangkan konten lokal dalam materi pembelajarannya.Dalam penelitian ini mengambil kasus Cerita Rakyat Nusantara yang dikerjakan dalam sebuah proyek kreatif melalui fotografi. Proyek tersebut akan diikuti oleh beberapa anak kelas fotografi yang terpilih. Metode yang akan dijalankan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Artistic Research on Art, di mana obyek penelitiannya adalah proses penciptaan karya fotografi dalam proyek tersebut yang dilakukan secara komunal.Setiap mahasiswa mengerjakan topik cerita rakyat yang berbeda dengan mahasiswa lain. Karya fotografi mereka dalam proyek penelitian ini nantinya akan dipamerkan dengan mengajak peserta dari kampus negara lain

    Production management and improvement initiatives: case studies of two Malaysian manufacturing companies

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    Currently, there are numerous Production Management and Improvement (PMI) initiatives that can be used by the manufacturing companies such as Lean Manufacturing, Material Requirement Planning, Manufacturing Resource Planning, Six Sigma, Agile Manufacturing and Flexible Manufacturing System. Unfortunately, there are very limited study on the selection and implementation of multiple PMI initiatives especially in Malaysian manufacturing companies. The objectives of this study are to identify the main PMI initiatives currently being implemented by the case companies, investigate the strengths and limitations of the main PMI initiatives, investigate the processes involved in selecting and implementing multiple PMI initiatives, and finally to propose a framework for the selection and implementation of PMI initiatives. The method of data collection in this study involved eight semi-structured interviews, document reviews and observations. Two automotive companies were selected as case companies: (1) Permintex Furukawa Autoparts Sdn. Bhd. and (2) Yokohama Industries Bhd. From the data collected, it was found that the case companies implemented Lean Manufacturing, Material Requirement Planning, Manufacturing Resource Planning, and Six Sigma as their main PMI initiatives. Finally a framework for selection and implementation of PMI initiatives has been developed using the acronym ‘AIR’ which indicates (1) Analyse, (2) Implement, (3) Reflection; with intention to assist organisations in selecting and implementing appropriate PMI initiatives. This study enriches the pool of reference materials and findings related to the selection and implementation of PMI initiatives in the Malaysian manufacturing companies

    The effects of worked examples presentation on sub-cognitive loads

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    One promising technique for helping students in fulfilling complex problem solving tasks is through learning with worked example. Although worked example approach is the most prominent technique discussed in the literature of cognitive load theory, there is still very little scientific understanding of managing the students’ sub-cognitive load, namely intrinsic, extraneous and germane load on different complexity of worked example approach especially in engineering domain. Thus, this study was conducted to investigate the effects worked examples presentation on sub-cognitive loads among electrical engineering students. In this research, the worked examples were presented in three different sequences: (i) all examples were of same level of difficulty (ii) from difficult to easy example; (iii) from easy to difficult example. Data were collected from 82 students (Condition (i) =27; Condition (ii) = 34; condition (iii) = 21) of Diploma in Electrical Engineering Program at three selected polytechnics. The inventory tool of sub cognitive load were given to students after each teaching and learning session ends. The findings suggested that worked examples presented in easy to difficult format could be one of the approaches that is more efficient to manage students’ cognitive load and effective to be applied in engineering lesson


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    Background; The time interval between pregnancies is considered to be an important and modifiable risk factor in terms of adverse perinatal outcomes. This study was done to  determine the frequency of anemia in pregnant women having short interpregnancy interval. Materials and methods; All the pregnant women with short interpregnancy interval were registered from Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Nishtar Hospital Multan, Pakistan. Examination was done including general physical examination. Those with interpregnancy interval less than 6 months were included in study. Detailed history was taken regarding parity, duration of pregnancy. Duration of gestation was estimated according to patients last menstrual period. Three ml venous blood sample was drawn and sent to the pathology laboratory of Nishtar Hospital Multan for Hb levels analysis. Data was entered and analyzed by SPSS version 20. Results; Mean age of our study cases was noted to be 27.83 ± 4.95 years (with minimum age of our study cases was 21 years while maximum age was noted to be 38 years). Of these 90 study cases, 51 (56.7%) were from rural areas, 73 (81.1%) were normal weight 11(12.2%) were overweight and 6 (6.7%) were obese. Seventy eight (86.7%) were illiterate. Of these 90 study cases, 73 (81.1%) were having poor socioeconomic status, 11 (12.2%) were diabetic and 17 (18.9%) were hypertensive. Mean body mass index (BMI) of our study cases was noted to be 22.31 ± 2.07 Kg/m2. Mean gestational age of our study cases was noted to be 24.02 ± 8.31 weeks. Mean Hb level was noted to 10.67 ± 0.893 g/dl (with minimum Hb level was 9.6 g/dl while maximum Hb level was 12.5 g/dl). Mean interpregnancy interval was 4.23 ± 0.98 months (with minimum interpregnancy interval was 2.5 months while maximum interpregnancy interval was 6 months). Anemia was noted in 74 (82.2%) our study cases and only 23 (25.6%) of our study cases were taking iron supplements. Conclusion; Short interpregnancy interval less than 6 months is related with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Very high frequency of anemia was noted in our study cases having interpregnancy interval less than 6 months. Anemia was significantly associated with residential status, hypertension and iron supplementation. Birth spacing is an issue which women should have some control over. Educational interventions, including birth control, should be applied during prenatal visits and following delivery. Keywords; Short interpregnancy Interval, anemia, hemoglobin


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    Background; As the time between the rupture of the membranes and the onset of labor increases, so may the risk of maternal and fetal infection so this study was conducted to ascertain the role of prostaglandin E2 for induction of labor in patients with PROM at term.  Material and Methods; All the study cases (n = 161) presenting with premature rupture of membranes (PROM) having singleton were taken from Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Nishtar Hospital Multan in this descriptive case series. Pregnant women were examined in lithotomy position, leakage of fluid was inspected by sterile speculum.  Three mg of Prostaglandin E2 was kept in posterior fornix and women were kept in left lateral position for 30 minutes. If the uterine activity does not start and Bishop score remains unchanged (≤6), same dose was repeated after 6 hours. Data was analyzed by using SPSS Version 20. Results; Mean age of our study cases was 28.74 ± 5.03 years (with minimum age was 21 years while maximum age was 39 years). Our study results have indicated that majority of our study cases i.e. 112 (69.6%) were aged 20 – 30 years of age. Of these 161 study cases, 70 (43.5%) were from rural areas while 91 (56.5%) were from urban areas. Mean parity of our study 3.17 ± 0.81 and most of the study cases i.e. 105 (65.2%) had parity up to 3. Mean gravidity was 4.35 ± 0.81 and most of the study cases i.e. 91 (56.5%) had gravidity up to 4. Mean body mass index (BMI) was noted to be 24.21 ± 3.08 kg/m2 and obesity was noted in 28 (17.4%) of our study cases. Mean duration of hospitalization before delivery was noted to be 14.15 ± 4.67 hours while time taken for induction of labor was 4.24 ± 1.36 hours and mean gestational age was noted to be 39.43 ± 1.17 weeks. Cesarean section was noted in 31 (19.3%) of our study cases while 130 (80.7 %) underwent vaginal deliveries and poor APGAR score was noted in 11 (6.8%). Conclusion; Our study results support the use of prostaglandin E2 for induction of labor in women with premature rupture of membranes at term as it was safe, reliable and effective mode of treatment. No major side effects were noted in our study. Mode of delivery and poor APGAR score were significantly associated with parity, gravidity, obesity and prolonged duration of hospitalization. Keywords; Premature rupture of membrane, term, prostaglandin

    Use of infostructure for disaster: Towards definition of infostructure

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    Infostructure’ is used in multiple disciplines and it carries different meaning.The variety of meaning of this term makes it hard to be applied to a specific discipline.Different definition exists and this paper is an extension work of building the definition for ‘infostructure’ to be used specifically in the area of disaster management.The earlier work had analysed existing definitions of infostructure from various disciplines, and similar definitions was searched from selected databases.In this paper, the work of building the definition is continued by analyzing the selected definitions to extract common elements and to establish the basic characteristics of infostructure tailored to disaster management.Based on these existing definitions, this paper presents the exhaustive and consistent definition for infostructure which are contrasted in 4 cases, selected from different countries that experienced different type of disaster


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    AbstractDesigning the Batik Motif Based on the Philosophy of Pencak Silat Cimande’s Movement. For the last three decades, the pencak silat Cimande had progressed more than before. The center of development is the group of Cimande’s art environment. This phenomenon has created the using of silat costume as group identity. The costume includes headband and sarong with batik motives. The lack of textile culture and specific motives become the problem. This reseach’s purpose is to find the solution through designing batik motives based on the philosopy of pencak silat Cimande’s movement. Artistic research is forming by using qualitative method with practice-based research approach. The reseach process is devide in two stages, (a) Case study of Cimande’s silatmovement through photography and (b) Visual design process. The result is the basic motives that include main object with Taqlid meaning or surrender to Tauhid, pictured as Kelid movement. The basic motives applicated to layout and hopefully becomming one of the support system to developing pencak silat Cimande as part of creative economyand stimulate the visual creator to participate in developing local content. AbstrakPerancangan Motif Batik Berbasis Filosofi Gerak Pencak Silat Cimande. Selama kurang lebih tiga dekade terakhir, pengembangan pencak silat Cimande melaju pesat tidak seperti era sebelumnya. Pengembangan pusat pembelajaran silat dipusatkan dalam kelompok atau lingkungan seni aliran Cimande. Fenomena tersebut salah satunya memunculkan penggunaan kostum silat sebagai identitas kelompoknya. Dalam kostumtersebut terdapat ikat kepala dan sarung yang menggunakan motif batik. Permasalahan muncul karena Cimande tidak memiliki budaya wastra dan motif spesifik yang memiliki kekhasan. Penelitian ini mencari solusi melalui perancangan motif batik yang berbasis filosofi gerak pencak silat Cimande. Penelitian artistik dalam bentuk perancangan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan bentuk pendekatan practice based reseach.Proses penelitian ini terbagi dalam dua tahap yaitu (a) Studi kasus gerakan silat Cimande melalui fotografi dan (b) Proses perancangan visual. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah motif dasar terdiri dari obyek utama yang memiliki makna Taqlid atau berserah kepada Tauhid, yang digambarkan dengan gerakan jurus Kelid. Motif dasar diaplikasikan padalayout dan diharapkan menjadi salah satu penunjang dalam pengembangan pencak silat Cimande bagian dari potensi devisa ekonomi kreatif dan ikut memberi stimulus para pelaku kreatif visual untuk ikut berpartisipasi mengembangkan konten lokal

    A blended approach in teaching an EAP course: Malaysian instructors’ perceptions of the new course materials

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    This paper reports on a study which examines instructors’ perceptions of the new commercial course materials that comprises a course book and online practice reinforcement activities. The materials were used to teach undergraduate English for Academic Purposes (EAP) course for Social Sciences at a Malaysian public university. This represents the main facet of the blended approach introduced when the course was redesigned. The sample comprises ten instructors who taught the course for one semester. Three qualitative instruments were utilized to elicit data namely, instructor-researcher reflective notes, focus group discussion and one-to-one interviews. The results of the study were generally positive, however, two main concerns were raised. The first was regarding the difficulty level of the reading comprehension activities in the course book which majority of the instructors felt were too simple and not challenging enough for their students. The second was on internet connectivity to the online practice website which the instructors felt was too slow and was unable to support the students efficiently. The paper concludes by discussing the implications of the findings and provides suggestions for the next cycle of the researc
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