509 research outputs found

    Tournon-sur-Rhône – Chapelle des Pénitents de l’Église Saint-Julien

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    Succédant probablement à une église romane, l’église Saint-Julien, dans son style gothique flamboyant, remonte au moins au tout début du xive s., ce qui en fait un des plus anciens monuments conservés à Tournon. Elle est érigée en collégiale en 1316 par l’évêque de Valence et accueille alors un chapitre de chanoines jusqu’à la Révolution, époque à laquelle il sera supprimé. L’église perd alors son statut de collégiale.L’église Saint-Julien conserve, au sein de la chapelle des Pénitents, ..

    Salavas – 245 chemin de la Vernède, Base départementale

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    La requalification de la base départementale du Quéret, située à Salavas, sur le flanc est d’une colline qui domine la rive droite de l’Ardèche, devait conduire à la destruction, partielle ou complète, de la totalité des bâtiments. De nouvelles structures, de plan, de taille et d’orientation différents, étaient prévues. Ces nouveaux bâtiments devaient imposer d’importants travaux de terrassement en vue de réduire ou rattraper les contraintes topographiques engendrées par une implantation de..

    IFC-based calculation of the Flemish Energy Performance Standard

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    This paper illustrates our findings concerning space based design methodologies and interoperability issues for today's Building Information Modeling (BIM) environments. A method is elaborated which enables building designers to perform an automated energy use analysis, based oil an Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) model derived from a commercial BIM environment, in this case Autodesk Revit 9.1. A prototype application was built, which evaluates the building model as well as vendor-neutral exchange mechanisms, in accordance with the Flemish Energy Performance Regulation (EPR) standard. Several issues regarding the need for space-based building models are identified and algorithms are developed to overcome possible shortcomings


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    Our apple breeding program is based entirely on the results of our work to safeguard, evaluate and valorize the rich heritage of apple tree genetic resources in our regions. Since 1975, no fewer than 1800 introductions have been collected in our collections and, taking into account duplicates, errors and synonyms, this represents a total of about 850 distinct cultivars. These are systematically evaluated in experimental orchards that do not undergo any treatment. Some cultivars that are highlighted for their high level of resistance to the main diseases as well as for their agronomic and quality characteristics of trees and fruits are used as parents. Our priorities are mainly focused on the expansion of the apple's genetic base, polygenic resistance to the main diseases (scab, powdery mildew, canker) and a whole series of characteristics present in certain old and peasant varieties such as long natural conservation, rusticity, robustness, frugality, nitrogen efficiency, tree architecture and the nutritional qualities and properties of the fruit. These parents are then crossed with varieties, often more commercial, which offer advantages in terms of speed of fruiting, yield, flesh quality and tree architecture. The current plant breeding program is based on extensive methodological work that has been developed specifically to select materials with partial disease resistance that express good potential for adaptation to simple and 'low-input' crop conditions. About sixty elite selections from our work are currently being tested in organic farming and are compared with 48 other new commercial varieties in order to look for varietal alternatives that are much better adapted to organic production than those currently being grown. Partial results of about twenty selections and varieties are presented, including results relating to the sustainability of a panel of varieties carrying the Vf gene

    Primary scab control using a "during-infection" spray timing and the effect on fruit quality and yield in organic apple production

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    Organic apple production in Europe depends to a great extent on the use of copper fungicides for scab control (Venturia inaequalis). The objective of this 6-year study (2003-2008) conducted in Belgium was to determine measures for reducing the use of copper fungicides in organic apple production. The effectiveness of a 'during-infection' spray strategy using wettable sulphur (with or without copper), lime sulphur, potassium bicarbonate, silicon and five natural plant extracts (orange peel, soapbark, tea seed, quinoa seed and grapefruit seed) for controlling primary scab was investigated in a split-plot field experiment. Four apple cultivars that express a gradient of partial scab resistance were included: a high scab-susceptible cultivar (cv. 'Pinova'), a medium scab-susceptible cultivar (cv. 'Pirouette') and two old cultivars expressing low to very low scab susceptibility (cvs. 'Reinette Hernaut' and 'Reinette des Capucins'). Apart from these cultivars, four monogenic Vf scab-resistant cultivars (cvs. 'Initial', 'Topaz', 'Zvatava' and 'JN 20/33/58') were also included in the experimental orchard. In order to reduce the amount of fungicide required, two strategies were used: a specific spray timing involving spraying during the infection processes, before fungal penetration, determined by the RIMpro software warning system, and a tunnel sprayer machine for optimal treatment applications. Depending on the year, a total of 8-12 applications were made annually. Under field conditions that were highly conducive disease, low rates of elemental sulphur (≤ 40 kg.ha-1 per year) combined with low rates of copper (≤ 2.1 kg.ha-1 per year) provided the best scab control and reduced scab severity on the leaves and fruits by 85-100%, depending on the year and cultivar, compared with the untreated control. In most cases, the lime sulphur spray treatment, which used more elemental sulphur but did not use copper, provided a similar level of scab control to the combined wettable sulphur and copper spray treatment. Sulphur, potassium bicarbonate and all plant extracts significantly reduced scab severity on leaves and fruits. In general, the treatments increased the yield of the high and medium scab-susceptible cultivars as well as that of the low and very low scab-susceptible cultivars. Under these experimental conditions, none of the treatments caused phytotoxicity, increased fruit russet or led to undesirable soil and fruit residues at harvest. The potential and limitations of "during-infection" spraying as a protection strategy against apple scab in organic farming are discussed

    Guide d'aménagement arborés des parcours extérieurs de volaille

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    Cette brochure est avant tout un guide dans la mise en place d’un parcours arboré de volaille. Elle met l’accent sur les différentes étapes de mise en œuvre en fonction des contraintes climatiques, de la nature du sol, des attentes de l’éleveur. Une liste de plantes de haies et d’arbres fruitiers adapté à nos régions et aux volailles est proposé avec des photos et une courte description pour aider l’exploitant dans ses choix


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    La tavelure du pommier causée par Venturia inaequalis représente une préoccupation majeure dans les vergers des régions à climat tempéré de l’Europe. Le but de cette étude, réalisée dans un verger biologique du CRA-W, est d’évaluer l’effet de la réduction de l’inoculum primaire présent dans les feuilles mortes sur le développement de la tavelure. L’expérience est composée de trois modalités appliquées en automne, l’une basée sur l’andainage et le broyage des feuilles au sol (B), la seconde sur le ramassage des feuilles et l’enfouissement des feuilles restantes (R), et la troisième maintenue comme témoin sans intervention (T). Par rapport aux parcelles sans intervention (T), une réduction moyenne respectivement de 42 et 75% des vols d’ascospore est enregistrée l’année suvante sur les parcelles ‘B’ et ‘R’. Sur la variété ‘Initial’, la plus sensible, l’incidence moyenne de tavelure sur fruits équivaut respectivement à 15, 13 et 4% sur les parcelles ‘T’, ‘B’ et ‘R’. Dans le même verger expérimental, dont 20% de la superficie est occupée par des zones de compensation écologique composées d’arbustes et d’une strate herbacée fleurie, les populations de pucerons cendré (Dysaphis plantaginea), principal bio-agresseur des vergers de pommier, sont maintenues naturellement en desous du seuil de nuisibilité sans aucun traitement insecticide, depuis 2003, deuxième année de vie du verger, jusqu’en 2014

    Strategies to reduce copper use in organic apple production

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    Various strategies for controlling apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) were studied under field conditions over two growing seasons. An experimental organic orchard, designed especially for this trial, was planted with four partially scab-resistant cultivars ('Rubinstep-Pirouette', 'Reinette des Capucins', 'Reinette de Waleffe' and 'Pinova', which was used as the control) and four Vf scab-resistant cultivars (Topaz, Zvatava, Initial and JN 20/33/58). As the virulent scab race 7 is present in Belgium, one of the objectives was to test strategies to prevent Vf resistance breakdown. In order to drastically limit copper use, seven spray treatments were tested, including: 1. wettable sulphur (WS), 2. copper and wettable sulphur combined (CS), 3. wettable sulphur and lime sulphur combined (WSLS), 4. potassium bicarbonate (PB), 5. silicon (Si), 6. untreated control (Control) and 7. conventional fungicide control (IFP). The timing of fungicide applications was determined by the RIMPRO software warning system on the presence of airborne scab ascospores in orchards, taking into account forecasted weather conditions. A prototype of the 'tunnel sprayer' machine was used to apply fungicides. Compared with the control, fruit scab severity on cv. Pinova was significantly reduced by 99, 99, 91 and 68% in 2003 and by 100, 100, 92 and 52% in 2004 on trees sprayed with IFP, CS, WSLS and PB, respectively. These results were obtained with only 10 spray applications at lower fungicide rates despite the higher scab infection pressure in 2004. Good timing seems to be the most important factor in a spray treatment. Most of the treatments (IFP, CS, WSLS, WS and PB) also significantly reduced powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha) infections. In both years, treatments with sulphur, copper and lime sulphur did not cause any phytotoxicity on leaves and fruits. A quantitative provisional apple scab control programme using copper and wettable sulphur was set up, including all potential climatic situations and degrees of infection risk in Belgium. The potential use and limits of potassium bicarbonate as an active substance for controlling apple scab and powdery mildew are discussed

    Comment on two Pachycrocuta brevirostris (Aymard, 1846) mandibles from the Early Pleistocene in south-eastern France: Grosse Marguerite Cave (Aiguèze) and Trois Pigeons Swallow hole (Nîmes)

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    Deux mandibules de Hyénidés, issues de deux cavités du Gard (la grotte de la Grosse Marguerite, à Aiguèze et l’aven des Trois Pigeons, à Nîmes) sont décrites. À l’issue de l’analyse paléontologique, de la description morphologique de ces pièces et de la comparaison morphométrique avec d’autres spécimens de Hyénidés anciens (genres Pachycrocuta Kretzoi, 1938 et Pliocrocuta Kretzoi, 1938) et récents (genres Crocuta Kaup, 1828), nous pouvons attribuer ces pièces à l’espèce du Pléistocène inférieur et moyen Pachycrocuta brevirostris (Aymard, 1846). Ces vestiges paléontologiques nous permettent ainsi de mieux connaître les caractéristiques et les variabilités morphologiques et métriques des éléments dentaires et mandibulaires de cette espèce. Par ailleurs, ces pièces sont l’occasion de documenter deux nouveaux sites livrant des vestiges de Hyénidés anciens en France, Pachycrocuta brevirostris étant un taxon rare dans le Pléistocène français.In the present paper, two hyenid mandibles, coming from two differents sites in Gard, South-East France (Grosse Marguerite Cave at Aiguèze and Trois Pigeons Natural Trap at Nîmes) are describe. The palaeontological analysis, including morphological description and morphometric comparisons with other hyenid (genus Pachycrocuta Kretzoi, 1938 and Pliocrocuta Kretzoi, 1938 and genus Crocuta Kaup, 1828), allows us to relate these specimens to the Lower and Middle Pleistocene Giant Hyena Pachycrocuta brevirostris (Aymard, 1846). Morphological features and metrical data are provide and allow us to describe morphometrical variability in this species. Pachycrocuta brevirostris is a rare species found in french pleistocene; consequently these specimens increase number a known sites which contain such ancient hyenids
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