38 research outputs found

    Selective and Irreversible Inhibitors of Aphid Acetylcholinesterases: Steps Toward Human-Safe Insecticides

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    Aphids, among the most destructive insects to world agriculture, are mainly controlled by organophosphate insecticides that disable the catalytic serine residue of acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Because these agents also affect vertebrate AChEs, they are toxic to non-target species including humans and birds. We previously reported that a cysteine residue (Cys), found at the AChE active site in aphids and other insects but not mammals, might serve as a target for insect-selective pesticides. However, aphids have two different AChEs (termed AP and AO), and only AP-AChE carries the unique Cys. The absence of the active-site Cys in AO-AChE might raise concerns about the utility of targeting that residue. Herein we report the development of a methanethiosulfonate-containing small molecule that, at 6.0 µM, irreversibly inhibits 99% of all AChE activity extracted from the greenbug aphid (Schizaphis graminum) without any measurable inhibition of the human AChE. Reactivation studies using β-mercaptoethanol confirm that the irreversible inhibition resulted from the conjugation of the inhibitor to the unique Cys. These results suggest that AO-AChE does not contribute significantly to the overall AChE activity in aphids, thus offering new insight into the relative functional importance of the two insect AChEs. More importantly, by demonstrating that the Cys-targeting inhibitor can abolish AChE activity in aphids, we can conclude that the unique Cys may be a viable target for species-selective agents to control aphids without causing human toxicity and resistance problems

    Myeloablative conditioning with total body irradiation for AML: Balancing survival and pulmonary toxicity

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare leukemia-free survival (LFS) and other clinical outcomes in patients with acute myelogenous leukemia who underwent a myeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplant with and without total body irradiation (TBI). Methods and materials: Adult patients with acute myelogenous leukemia undergoing myeloablative allogeneic stem cell transplant at Duke University Medical Center between 1995 and 2012 were included. The primary endpoint was LFS. Secondary outcomes included overall survival (OS), nonrelapse mortality, and the risk of pulmonary toxicity. Kaplan-Meier survival estimates and Cox proportional hazards multivariate analyses were performed. Results: A total of 206 patients were evaluated: 90 received TBI-based conditioning regimens and 116 received chemotherapy alone. Median follow-up was 36 months. For all patients, 2-year LFS and OS were 36% (95% confidence interval [CI], 29-43) and 39% (95% CI, 32-46), respectively. After adjusting for known prognostic factors using a multivariate analysis, TBI was associated with improved LFS (hazard ratio: 0.63; 95% CI: 0.44-0.91) and OS (hazard ratio: 0.63; 95% CI, 0.43-0.91). There was no difference in nonrelapse mortality between cohorts, but pulmonary toxicity was significantly more common with TBI (2-year incidence 42% vs 12%, P < .001). High-grade pulmonary toxicity predominated with both conditioning strategies (70% and 93% of cases were grade 3-5 with TBI and chemotherapy alone, respectively). Conclusions: TBI-based regimens were associated with superior LFS and OS but at the cost of increased pulmonary toxicity

    Building geographic information system capacity in local health departments: Lessons from a North Carolina project

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    State government, university, and local health department (LHD) partners collaborated to build the geographic information system (GIS) capacity of 5 LHDs in North Carolina. Project elements included procuring hardware and software, conducting individualized and group training, developing data layers, guiding the project development process, coordinating participation in technical conferences, providing ongoing project consultation, and evaluating project milestones. The project provided health department personnel with the skills and resources required to use sophisticated information management systems, particularly those that address spatial dimensions of public health practice. This capacity-building project helped LHDs incorporate GIS technology into daily operations, resulting in improved time and cost efficiency. Keys to success included (1) methods training rooted in problems specific to the LHD, (2) required project identification by LHD staff with associated timelines for development, (3) ongoing technical support as staff returned to home offices after training, (4) subgrants to LHDs to ease hardware and software resource constraints, (5) networks of relationships among LHDs and other professional GIS users, and (6) senior LHD leadership who supported the professional development activities being undertaken by staff

    Tungsten isotope evidence that mantle plumes contain no contribution from the Earth's core

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    Osmium isotope ratios provide important constraints on the sources of ocean-island basalts, but two very different models have been put forward to explain such data. One model interprets Os-187-enrichments in terms of a component of recycled oceanic crust within the source material(1,2). The other model infers that interaction of the mantle with the Earth's outer core produces the isotope anomalies and, as a result of coupled Os-186-Os-187 anomalies, put time constraints on inner-core formation(3-5). Like osmium, tungsten is a siderophile ('iron-loving') element that preferentially partitioned into the Earth's core during core formation but is also 'incompatible' during mantle melting (it preferentially enters the melt phase), which makes it further depleted in the mantle. Tungsten should therefore be a sensitive tracer of core contributions in the source of mantle melts. Here we present high-precision tungsten isotope data from the same set of Hawaiian rocks used to establish the previously interpreted Os-186-Os-187 anomalies and on selected South African rocks, which have also been proposed to contain a core contribution(6). None of the samples that we have analysed have a negative tungsten isotope value, as predicted from the core-contribution model. This rules out a simple core-mantle mixing scenario and suggests that the radiogenic osmium in ocean-island basalts can better be explained by the source of such basalts containing a component of recycled crust.</p

    Probing the mechanisms of large Purcell enhancement in plasmonic nanoantennas

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    To move nanophotonic devices such as lasers and single-photon sources into the practical realm, a challenging list of requirements must be met, including directional emission, room-temperature and broadband operation, high radiative quantum efficiency and a large spontaneous emission rate. To achieve these features simultaneously, a platform is needed for which the various decay channels of embedded emitters can be fully understood and controlled. Here, we show that all these device requirements can be satisfied by a film-coupled metal nanocube system with emitters embedded in the dielectric gap region. Fluorescence lifetime measurements on ensembles of emitters reveal spontaneous emission rate enhancements exceeding 1,000 while maintaining high quantum efficiency (\u3e0.5) and directional emission (84% collection efficiency). Using angle-resolved fluorescence measurements, we independently determine the orientations of emission dipoles in the nanoscale gap. Incorporating this information with the three-dimensional spatial distribution of dipoles into full-wave simulations predicts time-resolved emission in excellent agreement with experiments

    Ultrafast spontaneous emission source using plasmonic nanoantennas

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    Typical emitters such as molecules, quantum dots and semiconductor quantum wells have slow spontaneous emission with lifetimes of 1–10 ns, creating a mismatch with high-speed nanoscale optoelectronic devices such as light-emitting diodes, single-photon sources and lasers. Here we experimentally demonstrate an ultrafast (<11 ps) yet efficient source of spontaneous emission, corresponding to an emission rate exceeding 90 GHz, using a hybrid structure of single plasmonic nanopatch antennas coupled to colloidal quantum dots. The antennas consist of silver nanocubes coupled to a gold film separated by a thin polymer spacer layer and colloidal core–shell quantum dots, a stable and technologically relevant emitter. We show an increase in the spontaneous emission rate of a factor of 880 and simultaneously a 2,300-fold enhancement in the total fluorescence intensity, which indicates a high radiative quantum efficiency of ∼50%. The nanopatch antenna geometry can be tuned from the visible to the near infrared, providing a promising approach for nanophotonics based on ultrafast spontaneous emission