200 research outputs found

    Balancing Care and Authenticity in Digital Collections: A Radical Empathy Approach To Working With Disk Images

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    Both traditional recordkeeping and radical empathy frameworks ask us to carefully consider: the presence of sensitive information within digital content; those who created, are captured by, and are affected by a record (or the absence of that record); and the consequences of retaining or discarding that information. However, automated digital archiving workflows – in order to handle the scale and volume of digital content – discourage contextual and empathetic decision-making in favour of preselected decisions. This paper explores the implications on labor and privacy of the common practice to “take and keep it all” within the context of radical empathy. Practices which promote retention of complete disk images and encourage the creation of access copies with redacted sensitive data are vulnerable. The decision to discard must be deliberate and, often, must be enacted manually, outside of the workflow. The motivation for this model is that the researcher, archivist, curator, or librarian can always return to the original disk image in order to demonstrate authenticity, allow for emulation or access, or to generate new access copies. However, this practice poses ethical privacy concerns and does not demonstrate care. We recognize that the resources necessary to review disk images and make contextual decisions that balance both privacy and authenticity are sizable due to the manual nature of this work: this places strain and further labor on staff and practitioners using current digital archival and preservation tools. We proffer that there is a need to develop tools which aid in efficient and explicit redaction, but also allow for needed contextual and empathetic decision-making. Further we propose that more staff time is required to make these decisions and if that staff time is not available, then the institution should consider itself incapable of ethically stewarding the content and protecting those affected. Pre-print first published online 01/24/202


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    Toponymie Le mot latin qui dĂ©signe l’église a laissĂ© une postĂ©ritĂ© dans la toponymie actuelle du Maghreb, Ă  la fois dans les rĂ©gions berbĂ©rophones et dans celles oĂč l’arabisation a recouvert les dĂ©nominations antiques. Pour les premiĂšres, c’est bien Ă  ecclesia qu’il faut rapporter les noms de lieux comme Henchir Tagliz, Henchir Taglissi en Tripolitaine, Henchir Tarlist auprĂšs de Zraia ou Taglisiya dans le royaume rostĂ©mide, en AlgĂ©rie centrale et occidentale. Il n’est pas impossible que le to..

    An introduction to the EULAR–OMERACT rheumatoid arthritis MRI reference image atlas

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    This article gives a short overview of the development and characteristics of the OMERACT rheumatoid arthritis MRI scoring system (RAMRIS), followed by an introduction to the use of the EULAR–OMERACT rheumatoid arthritis MRI reference image atlas. With this atlas, MRIs of wrist and metacarpophalangeal joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis can be scored for synovitis, bone oedema, and bone erosion, guided by standard reference images


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    Fig. 1 : Les communautĂ©s juives dans l’Afrique antique (attestations archĂ©ologiques, Ă©pigraphiques ou littĂ©raires. Fig. 2 : Plan de la Synagogue de Naro (Hammam Lif), d’aprĂšs AntiquitĂ©s Africaines, 17, 1981, p. 176. Fig . 3 : Epitaphe d’Abedo, redigĂ©e en latin, suivie de Shalom lho en hĂ©breu. Thenae (Henchir Tina), Tunisie. Inscriptions latines d’Algerie, n° 36.ClichĂ© MusĂ©e Bardo Les origines Notre connaissance du passĂ© juif est trĂšs inĂ©gale selon les rĂ©gions du monde berbĂšre : alors qu’on..


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    Le terme, attestĂ© au pluriel dans la littĂ©rature antique et dans les sources Ă©pigraphiques (le singulier mapale ou mappale n’apparaĂźt que chez Valerius Flaccus, II, 460, et dans le poĂšme tardif d’Ausone, OdyssĂ©e, 16), dĂ©signe indubitablement une habitation rustique, lĂ©gĂšre et dĂ©montable pour ĂȘtre transportĂ©e. Mais Ă©tablir l’étymologie du mot prĂ©sente de grandes difficultĂ©s. Certains savants ont Ă©tĂ© tentĂ©s par un rapprochement avec magalia, magara, megara, un mot punique qui pourrait ĂȘtre la t..

    The EULAR–OMERACT rheumatoid arthritis MRI reference image atlas: the metacarpophalangeal joints

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    This paper presents the metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint magnetic resonance images of the EULAR–OMERACT rheumatoid arthritis MRI reference image atlas. The illustrations include synovitis in the MCP joints (OMERACT RA magnetic resonance imaging scoring system (RAMRIS), grades 0–3), bone oedema in the metacarpal head and the phalangeal base (grades 0–3), and bone erosion in the metacarpal head and the phalangeal base (grades 0–3, and examples of higher grades). The presented reference images can be used to guide scoring of MCP joints according to the OMERACT RA MRI scoring system

    The development of the EULAR–OMERACT rheumatoid arthritis MRI reference image atlas

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    Based on a previously developed rheumatoid arthritis MRI scoring system (OMERACT 2002 RAMRIS), the development team agreed which joints, MRI features, MRI sequences, and image planes would best illustrate the scoring system in an atlas. After collecting representative examples for all grades for each abnormality (synovitis, bone oedema, and bone erosion), the team met for a three day period to review the images and choose by consensus the most illustrative set for each feature, site, and grade. A predefined subset of images (for example, for erosion—all coronal slices through the bone) was extracted. These images were then re-read by the group at a different time point to confirm the scores originally assigned. Finally, all selected images were photographed and formatted by one centre and distributed to all readers for final approval


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    Dans l’AntiquitĂ© (J.-M. LassĂšre) Notre connaissance des sociĂ©tĂ©s libyennes anciennes est encore trop limitĂ©e pour que nous puissions avoir une idĂ©e, mĂȘme approximative, de l’importance ou du rĂŽle des esclaves, et moins encore de leur affranchissement. Les indications de Gsell (H.A.A.N. t. V, p. 210), trĂšs vagues et trĂšs hypothĂ©tiques, n’ont guĂšre Ă©tĂ© prĂ©cisĂ©es depuis. On est un peu mieux renseignĂ© sur les esclaves des Carthaginois (Gsell, t. II, p. 226-227 ; 300 et passim), qui pouvaient ĂȘtre..

    High-velocity white dwarfs: thick disk, not dark matter

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    We present an alternative interpretation of the nature of the extremely cool, high-velocity white dwarfs identified by Oppenheimer et al (2001) in a high-latitude astrometric survey. We argue that the velocity distribution of the majority of the sample is more consistent with the high-velocity tail of a rotating population, probably the thick disk, rather than a pressure-supported halo system. Indeed, the observed numbers are well matched by predictions based on the kinematics of a complete sample of nearby M dwarfs. Analysing only stars showing retrograde motion gives a local density close to that expected for white dwarfs in the stellar (R^-3.5) halo. Under our interpretation, none of the white dwarfs need be assigned to the dark-matter, heavy halo. However, luminosity functions derived from observations of these stars can set important constraints on the age of the oldest stars in the Galactic Disk.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures; accepted for ApJ, 29 May 200

    The EULAR-OMERACT rheumatoid arthritis MRI reference image atlas: the wrist joint

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    This paper presents the wrist joint MR images of the EULAR–OMERACT rheumatoid arthritis MRI reference image atlas. Reference images for scoring synovitis, bone oedema, and bone erosions according to the OMERACT RA MRI scoring (RAMRIS) system are provided. All grades (0–3) of synovitis are illustrated in each of the three wrist joint areas defined in the scoring system—that is, the distal radioulnar joint, the radiocarpal joint, and the intercarpal-carpometacarpal joints. For reasons of feasibility, examples of bone abnormalities are limited to five selected bones: the radius, scaphoid, lunate, capitate, and a metacarpal base. In these bones, grades 0–3 of bone oedema are illustrated, and for bone erosion, grades 0–3 and examples of higher grades are presented. The presented reference images can be used to guide scoring of wrist joints according to the OMERACT RA MRI scoring system
