16 research outputs found

    A molecular dynamics model to measure forces between cellulose fibril surfaces: on the effect of non-covalent polyelectrolyte adsorption

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    This study describes the development of representative models of cellulose fibril surface (CFS) as a first approximation to the study of the molecular interactions that are developed between cellulose fibres. In order to assess its sensitivity and representativeness towards the main factors affecting the bonding properties at the fibre scale, these models were non-covalently surface modified with two types of polyelectrolytes, sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC–ONa) and a cationic polyacrylamide (CPAM). From the analysis of pair correlation functions (g(r)) it was possible to assess the main interactions of adsorption of polyelectrolytes towards the (1–10) hydrophilic cellulose, which were due to electrostatic interactions coupled with hydrogen bonding. Besides, the bond strength between fibril surfaces through the (100) hydrophobic surface was calculated from pull out simulations (using steered molecular dynamics). Using a rate of change of force of 0.159 nN ps-1, the calculated bond strength for the neat CFS model (nanometer scale) was two to three orders of magnitude higher than the experimental values observed at the fibre scale (micrometer scale). The results for the polyelectrolyte modified setups supported the validity of the CFS models to reproduce the expected behavior of inter-fibre joints in terms of the specific bond strength and the relative bonded area at the fibre scale in cellulose materials, and thereby the CFS models are a suitable complement, in conjunction with other techniques, for the systematic study of the effect (in qualitative terms) of chemical or physical factors on the bond strength properties of cellulosic materials. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    Experimental characterisation of textile compaction response: A benchmark exercise

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    This paper reports the results of an international benchmark exercise on the measurement of fibre bed compaction behaviour. The aim was to identify aspects of the test method critical to obtain reliable results and to arrive at a recommended test procedure for fibre bed compaction measurements. A glass fibre 2/2 twill weave and a biaxial (±45°) glass fibre non-crimp fabric (NCF) were tested in dry and wet conditions. All participants used the same testing procedure but were allowed to use the testing frame, the fixture and sample geometry of their choice. The results showed a large scatter in the maximum compaction stress between participants at the given target thickness, with coefficients of variation ranging from 38% to 58%. Statistical analysis of data indicated that wetting of the specimen significantly affected the scatter in results for the woven fabric, but not for the NCF. This is related to the fibre mobility in the architectures in both fabrics. As isolating the effect of other test parameters on the results was not possible, no statistically significant effect of other test parameters could be proven. The high sensitivity of the recorded compaction pressure near the minimum specimen thickness to changes in specimen thickness suggests that small uncertainties in thickness can result in large variations in the maximum value of the compaction stress. Hence, it is suspected that the thickness measurement technique used may have an effect on the scatter

    Simulation strategy to compensate spring-in deformations in aeronautical panel made by liquid resin infusion

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    Spring-in in composite manufacturing is a relevant non desired effect that complicates the industrialization process of new composite parts. Geometrical deviations of the part with regard to the nominal dimensions  hinders posterior assembly operations or even can cause unconformities (part rejection). Although some correction operations may be introduced in the assembly method to absorb these deviations, a preferred approach is to compensate the tool geometry to produce the part within tolerances. This contribution presents a methodology that, in an iterative process, links a MEF simulation workflow for the prediction of process induced distortions, a routine to compute deviations and updating tool cavity surface, till the deviations are within a target tolerance. The spring-in calculation engine is implemented in Abaqus Standard with specific subroutines to model resin curing kinetics, heat generation, cure dependent mechanical constitutive model with consideration of thermal expansion and cure shrinkage, and specific strategies to simulate the tool/part interactions. The spring-in engine is incorporated in an external Python manager in charge of post-processing results, updating the mesh and launching the executions. This methodology aims at proposing a modified tool surface geometry that could be used to build a compensated tool at first, reducing industrialization time and cost

    FE Mechanical properties prediction of CFRP considering different carbon fiber surface treatments

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    Reinforcement/matrix interaction is recognized as a key issue in polymeric composite materials. From the mechanical point of view, being the link between the fibres and the polymer, a proper load transfer is ensured only if a good enough interphase exists. This is particularly critical in carbon fibre (CF) composites since, due to the non-polar characteristics and chemical inertness of carbon, sometimes they exhibit weak interfacial adhesion. In this sense, various surface treatments for CFs are currently being investigated, in order to improve their interaction with the polymeric matrices: wet chemical or electrochemical methods, chemically or physically activated oxidation procedures, application of thin coatings and plasma treatments. This is precisely one of the challenges addressed in the MODCOMP project. This paper describes part of the work carried out within the mentioned project in order to estimate the improvement of properties that can be achieved through enhancements of the CF/epoxy interphases. The study covers both elastic engineering constants and strengths predictions, and it has been performed using finite element models of RVEs of UD fibres and introducing cohesive elements to take into account the interfacial failure mode. The results obtained allow identifying which range of CF/epoxy interphase properties enhancement should be achieved in order to get significant effects in the composites mechanical response

    Application of functionally graded adhesives in aluminium-composite joints

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    Adhesive joints are characterized by non-uniform distribution of stresses and strains along the bond-lines, with maximum values near the ends of the overlaps. This phenomenon can cause the premature failure of the joints, being specially critical when brittle or semi-brittle structural adhesives are considered. This has motivated the research in the field of ‘functionally graded adhesive’ (FGA) or ‘multiple-adhesive’ joints, which reduce the phenomena described through a combination of rigid and brittle adhesives with more flexible and ductile ones. In this way, these strategies allow to notably increase the joints maximum load capacity. In this field, this article presents the work carried out by ITAINNOVA within the project SAFEJOINT. Specifically, the potential of the techniques based on ‘banded’ gradings as approximations of the continuum gradings is analysed. The study is focused in aluminium-composite single lap shear (SLS) joints with epoxy adhesives. The work done covers both the numerical optimisation of the joints and the fabrication and testing of samples in order to verify experimentally the potential for improvement of the technique comparing with mono-adhesive joints. Finally, an example of application of the technology is presented

    Modelling and predictive control for a RTM mold

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    The objective of this work is the control of a Resin Transfer Moulding (RTM) mold trying to obtain a temperature in the whole cavity as much homogeneous as possible. This is a complex process, mainly because of two factors: temperature distribution in a complex geometry and variability of the system parameters. In order to solve these difficulties, a design procedure based on models is carried out. Firstly, the detailed modelling of the thermal system, discretized and solved by means of finite elements (FEM) and validated by thermal tests in the physical mold. Then, a simplified reduced-order model (ROM) is obtained by means of ARX approach based on the former model. Finally, the design of a  robust MPC (Model Predictive Control) which is able to take the system variability, the geometry complexity and the limitations of the actuation systems (resistances) into account. In order to afford the nonlinearities intrinsically present in the system, in addition to the controller, a perturbation estimator is implemented, which evaluates the changes produced in the mold with regard to the expected behaviour according to the ROM. In this way, the control system is able to detect the variations and compensate them in real time. These algorithms are validated both by simulation and experimentally. From this verification, it follows that the application of these modelling, estimation and control techniques allows to control the mold with temperature variations much tighter than for PID standard controllers

    Industrial Digitalization in the Industry 4.0 era: Classification, Reuse and Authoring of Digital Models on Digital Twin Platforms

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    Digital Twins (DTs) are real-time digital models that allow for self-diagnosis, self-optimization and self-configuration without the need for human input or intervention. While DTs are a central aspect of the ongoing fourth industrial revolution (I4.0), this leap forward may be reserved for the established, large-cap companies since the adoption of digital technologies among Small and Medium-size Enterprises (SMEs) is still modest. The aim of the H2020 European Project "DIGITbrain" is to support a modular construction of DTs by reusing their fundamental building blocks, i.e., the Models that describe the behavior of the DT, their associated Algorithms and the Data required for the evaluation. By offering these building blocks as a service via a DT Platform (a Digital Twin Environment), the technical barriers among SMEs to adopt these technologies are lowered. This paper describes how digital models can be classified, reused and authored on such DT Platforms. Through experimental analyses of three industrial cases, the paper exemplifies how DTs are employed in relation to product assembly of agricultural robots, polymer injection molding, as well as laser-cutting and sheet-metal forming of aluminum