34 research outputs found

    Effects of Cocaine-Kindling on the Expression of NMDA Receptors and Glutamate Levels in Mouse Brain

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    In the present study we examined the effects of cocaine seizure kindling on the expression of NMDA receptors and levels of extracellular glutamate in mouse brain. Quantitative autoradiography did not reveal any changes in binding of [3H] MK-801 to NMDA receptors in several brain regions. Likewise, in situ hybridization and Western blotting revealed no alteration in expression of the NMDA receptor subunits, NR1 and NR2B. Basal overflow of glutamate in the ventral hippocampus determined by microdialysis in freely moving animals also did not differ between cocaine-kindled and control groups. Perfusion with the selective excitatory amino acid transporter inhibitor, pyrrolidine-2,4-dicarboxylic acid (tPDC, 0.6 mM), increased glutamate overflow confirming transport inhibition. Importantly, KCl-evoked glutamate overflow under tPDC perfusion was significantly higher in cocaine-kindled mice than in control mice. These data suggest that enhancement of depolarization stimulated glutamate release may be one of the mechanisms underlying the development of increased seizure susceptibility after cocaine kindling

    Geochemistry of the molybdenum-tungsten porphyry deposit Myszków

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    Obiektem szczegółowych badań geochemicznych były skały wendyjskie i paleozoiczne pochodzące z 14 otworów odwierconych na obszarze złoża Myszków i w jego najbliższym otoczeniu (NE obrzeżenie Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego). Na podstawie oznaczeń zawartości 54 pierwiastków w 502 próbkach opracowano charakterystykę geochemiczną poszczególnych stref złoża, wydzielono pierwiastki wskaźnikowe dla Mo-W złoża porfirowego oraz przedstawiono prawidłowości geochemiczne badanej mineralizacji. Pierwiastkami wskaźnikowymi, które mogą mieć znaczenie prognostyczne przy poszukiwaniach zakrytych złóż porfirowych Mo, są: W, Mo, Cu-Ag, K, Be?, F, Sb, Hg, Au, Pb, Ba, As, Ag, Zn-Cd, Bi i Te. Podano również wskazówki metodyczne, użyteczne przy poszukiwaniach zakrytych złóż porfirowych w innych, perspektywicznych dla tego typu mineralizacji obszarach, oraz wskazano na możliwość występowania takiego złoża w odległości około 2,2 km na północ od obecnie stwierdzonego.Detailed geochemical investigations were made in Vendian and Palaeozoic rocks from 14 drill-holes penetrating Myszków deposit and its nearest vicinity (NE margin of Upper Silesian Coal Basin). On the basis of spatial distributions of 54 elements in 502 rock samples were made a geochemical characteristics of respective deposits zones. There were defined elements-pathfinders (W, Mo, Cu-Ag, K, Be?, F, Sb, Hg, Au, Pb, Ba, As, Ag, Zn-Cd, Bi, Te) and geochemical zonality for this type of mineralisation. There were also established some geochemical criteria that can be used to identify covered and concealed porphyry deposits in other perspective regions. About 2.2 km north of existing deposit perspective area for another porphyry deposit was determined

    Geochemical investigations of ore mineralization in the Pieniny region

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    Geochemical prospecting was conducted in three areas of the Pieniny Mountains: Wżar, Jarmuta and Bryjarka regions. Rock samples were collected in the regular grid of 100 x 100 m. A total number of 786 samples were collected from these areas (449 samples near Wżar Mt., 256 samples from Jarmuta, and 81 samples from Bryjarka). Forty-one samples were taken from the Wżar and Jarmuta quarries. Thirty samples of aqueous sediments and pan concentrates were collected from streams of the study areas. The geochemical studies show elevated concentrations of Pb, As, Bi, Cd, Zn, Sn, Tl and K (Rb) in the south-western part of the Wżar Mt., and elevated concentrations of Pb, Bi, Cd, Cu, Ni, Sb, Zn, Fe, Hg and Mn in the vicinity of Jarmuta. Stream sediment samples from the Bryjarka area contain 0.358 and 0.291 ppm Hg (Ścigocki stream) and 0.037ppm Au (Szczawny stream). These anomalies suggest the presence of weak ore mineralization associated with hydrothermal processes due to andesite magmatism. Based on analytical data, it may be concluded that investigated areas of the Wżar, Bryjarka and Jarmuta Mt. are not prospective for ore deposits. The only zone that requires detailed studies is the northern part of Jarmuta, where increased concentrations of Ag within the limits of 7.0-88.0 ppm were found in slope-wash clays in 12 neighbouring samples. The studies of pan concentrates show the presence of detrital gold in the Szczawny stream (1 grain) and the Grajcarek stream (3 grains in 2 samples)

    Determination of metals content in collagen commercial formulations by AAS method

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    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki oznaczenia zawartości wybranych metali w kolagenowych preparatach handlowych metodą atomowej spektrometrii absorpcyjnej (AAS). Pierwiastki wykryte w analizowanych preparatach to: Ca, Fe, Mg, Zn. Najwyższe stężenia wapnia odnotowano dla próbki kolagenu odmiany 3W (K3W (1518,71 mg/kg)). Stężenie tego pierwiastka było o połowę niższe w próbce kolagen 3 (K3-717,95 mg/kg) i kolagen odmiany 2 (K2-677,13 mg/kg). Próbki kolagenu odmiany 3 (K3-194,98 mg/kg) oraz kolagenu odmiany 5 (K5-178,57 mg/kg) odznaczały się najwyższym stężeniem magnezu. Największą zawartość żelaza oznaczono w próbce kolagenu odmiany 5 (K5-187,35 mg/kg), a najwyższą zawartość cynku oznaczono w kolagenu odmiany 3W (K3W-59,50 mg/kg). Metale określane jako składniki bioaktywne: Ca, Mg, Zn mają duży wpływ na zdrowie i piękno skóry. W przebadanych próbkach preparatów kolagenowych nie wykryto natomiast następujących metali: Ag, Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb.The paper presents the results of the determination of the content of selected metals in collagen commercial preparations by atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS). The elements detected in the analyzed preparations are: Ca, Fe, Mg, Zn. The highest calcium concentrations were recorded for the 3W collagen sample (K3W (1518.71 mg/kg), the concentration of the element was half as high in the collagen 3 sample (K3-777.95 mg/kg) and collagen 2 (K2-677.13 mg/kg). Samples of collagen variety 3 (K3-194.98 mg/kg) and collagen strain 5 (K5-178.57 mg/kg) were characterized by the highest concentration of magnesium, the highest content of iron was determined in the sample of collagen 5 (K5 -187.35 mg/kg), and the highest zinc content was determined in collagen of the 3W variant (K3W-59.50 mg/kg). Metals referred to as bioactive components: Ca, Mg, Zn have a big impact on the health and beauty of the skin. The following metals were not detected in the tested collagen preparations: Ag, Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb

    Gorenstein graphic matroids

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