17 research outputs found

    Impact of Hapten Presentation on Antibody Binding at Lipid Membrane Interfaces

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    AbstractWe report the effects of ligand presentation on the binding of aqueous proteins to solid supported lipid bilayers. Specifically, we show that the equilibrium dissociation constant can be strongly affected by ligand lipophilicity and linker length/structure. The apparent equilibrium dissociation constants (KD) were compared for two model systems, biotin/anti-biotin and 2,4-dinitrophenyl (DNP)/anti-DNP, in bulk solution and at model membrane surfaces. The binding constants in solution were obtained from fluorescence anisotropy measurements. The surface binding constants were determined by microfluidic techniques in conjunction with total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy. The results showed that the bulk solution equilibrium dissociation constants for anti-biotin and anti-DNP were almost identical, KD(bulk)=1.7±0.2 nM vs. 2.9±0.1 nM. By contrast, the dissociation constant for anti-biotin antibody was three orders of magnitude tighter than for anti-DNP at a lipid membrane interface, KD=3.6±1.1 nM vs. 2.0±0.2 μM. We postulate that the pronounced difference in surface binding constants for these two similar antibodies is due to differences in the ligands’ relative lipophilicity, i.e., the more hydrophobic DNP molecules had a stronger interaction with the lipid bilayers, rendering them less available to incoming anti-DNP antibodies compared with the biotin/anti-biotin system. However, when membrane-bound biotin ligands were well screened by a poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) polymer brush, the KD value for the anti-biotin antibody could also be weakened by three orders of magnitude, 2.4±1.1μM. On the other hand, the dissociation constant for anti-DNP antibodies at a lipid interface could be significantly enhanced when DNP haptens were tethered to the end of very long hydrophilic PEG lipopolymers (KD=21±10nM) rather than presented on short lipid-conjugated tethers. These results demonstrate that ligand presentation strongly influences protein interactions with membrane-bound ligands

    Peptide Sequence and Conformation Strongly Influence Tryptophan Fluorescence

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    AbstractThis article probes the denatured state ensemble of ribonuclease Sa (RNase Sa) using fluorescence. To interpret the results obtained with RNase Sa, it is essential that we gain a better understanding of the fluorescence properties of tryptophan (Trp) in peptides. We describe studies of N-acetyl-L-tryptophanamide (NATA), a tripeptide: AWA, and six pentapeptides: AAWAA, WVSGT, GYWHE, HEWTV, EAWQE, and DYWTG. The latter five peptides have the same sequence as those surrounding the Trp residues studied in RNase Sa. The fluorescence emission spectra, the fluorescence lifetimes, and the fluorescence quenching by acrylamide and iodide were measured in concentrated solutions of urea and guanidine hydrochloride. Excited-state electron transfer from the indole ring of Trp to the carbonyl groups of peptide bonds is thought to be the most important mechanism for intramolecular quenching of Trp fluorescence. We find the maximum fluorescence intensities vary from 49,000 for NATA with two carbonyls, to 24,400 for AWA with four carbonyls, to 28,500 for AAWAA with six carbonyls. This suggests that the four carbonyls of AWA are better able to quench Trp fluorescence than the six carbonyls of AAWAA, and this must reflect a difference in the conformations of the peptides. For the pentapeptides, EAWQE has a fluorescence intensity that is more than 50% greater than DYWTG, showing that the amino acid sequence influences the fluorescence intensity either directly through side-chain quenching and/or indirectly through an influence on the conformational ensemble of the peptides. Our results show that peptides are generally better models for the Trp residues in proteins than NATA. Finally, our results emphasize that we have much to learn about Trp fluorescence even in simple compounds

    Spectral properties of environmentally sensitive probes associated with horseradish peroxidase

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    The environmentally sensitive fluorescent probes 6-propionyl-2-(N,N- dimethylamino)naphthalene (PRODAN) and 2'-(N,N-dimethylamino)-6-naphthoyl-4- trans-cyclohexanioc acid (DANCA) form complexes with the heme binding site of apohorseradish peroxidase. The dissociation constants of the PRODAN and DANCA complexes were determined from anisotropy titration data to be approximately 8.7 x 10-5 and 3.3 x 10-4 M, respectively. From comparison of the steady state fluorescence spectra of PRODAN and DANCA in solvents of varying dielectric constants, and in the apohorseradish peroxidase complex, we conclude that the heme binding site of horseradish peroxidase is relatively polar. The lifetimes of PRODAN and DANCA in organic solvents of varying polarities can be fit to single exponential decays. However, the lifetimes of PRODAN and DANCA associated with apohorseradish peroxidase, determined using a background subtraction method to correct for the non-negligible fluorescence of unbound probe, fit be