12 research outputs found

    Modelling of Heat Transfer in Ground Heat Exchangers

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    The results of the numerical simulation of heat conduction in ground with a horizontal, tubular (parallel pipes) heat exchanger installed are presented in this paper. On the basis of analysis of courses of temperature isolines in the ground, a simplified mathematical heat transfer model in a horizontal ground exchanger was developed. The ground thermal diffusivity was assumed to be a variable of location. On the basis of the model, the temperature profiles in the ground with a heat exchanger installed were determined

    Heat Transfer Model to Predict Temperature Distribution in the Ground

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    Knowledge of the temperature of the ground in time and space as well as its thermal properties gives basic information about physical phenomena concerning the transfer and accumulation of heat in the ground. It can be also used for evaluation of the heating possibilities of heat pumps; to proper design the size of the ground exchangers and the depth, at which they should be installed. For this purpose, a mathematical model based on the heat balance equation on the ground surface was developed. The basis of the model is the Carslaw-Jaeger equation regarding the temperature profile in the ground. The model was verified using experimental results for two different locations (different climatic conditions, moderate and arid climate)—the standard deviation is equal 0.62 K and 0.92 K, respectively. In this work, the impact of several parameters on the ground temperature profiles and thermal fluxes was determined. It was found that among the examined parameters the amplitude of the daily average solar radiation flux strongly effects on the total amount of heat transferred between the ground and the environment during the year, wherein the other parameters have a negligible effect

    Physiotherapy in a scoliotic posture with asymmetry of movements in temporomandibular joints - case study

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    Wst臋p: Wiek rozwojowy jest czasem, w kt贸rym najcz臋艣ciej dochodzi do r贸偶nych odchyle艅 w postawie cia艂a. Postawa skoliotyczna jest pierwszym etapem ka偶dej rozwijaj膮cej si臋 skoliozy, zaliczanej do najcz臋艣ciej wyst臋puj膮cych ortopedycznych chor贸b u dzieci oraz m艂odzie偶y. W kontroli postawy sw贸j udzia艂 ma uk艂ad stomatognatyczny, do kt贸rego zalicza si臋 stawy skroniowo-偶uchwowe.Cel pracy: Przedstawienie pacjentki z postaw膮 skoliotyczn膮 oraz asymetri膮 ruch贸w w stawach skroniowo-偶uchwowych. Ocena post臋pu jej rehabilitacji za pomoc膮 komputerowego badania postawy cia艂a. Materia艂 i metody: Materia艂 stanowi dokumentacja medyczna oraz wyniki komputerowego badania postawy cia艂a trzynastoletniej dziewczynki z cechami postawy skoliotycznej do 10 stopni, asymetri膮 ruch贸w w stawach skroniowo-偶uchwowych oraz wad膮 zgryzu - ty艂ozgryz. W badaniu pacjentki przeprowadzono wywiad, kliniczn膮 ocen臋 postawy oraz komputerowe badanie postawy cia艂a. U偶yto aparatury, kt贸ra swoje dzia艂anie opiera na metodzie fotogrametrycznej oraz efekcie mory projekcyjnej. W trakcie badania wykonana zosta艂a komputerowa fotografia (przy u偶yciu kamery wideo). Za pomoc膮 specjalnego systemu optycznego wyznaczony zosta艂 tr贸jwymiarowy obraz plec贸w, a komputer dokona艂 analizy parametr贸w w p艂aszczy藕nie zar贸wno strza艂kowej jak i czo艂owej.Wyniki: Zaobserwowano wyr贸wnanie asymetrii w ruchach staw贸w skroniowo-偶uchwowych oraz odnotowano popraw臋 w niekt贸rych parametrach w komputerowym badaniu postawy cia艂a. Podsumowanie i wnioski: Prowadzona w odpowiedni spos贸b rehabilitacja, a tak偶e stosowanie si臋 do zalece艅 przez pacjentk臋 i jej rodzic贸w wp艂yn臋艂o na popraw臋 parametr贸w w badaniu komputerowym oraz badaniu klinicznym.Introduction: The developmental period is the time, in which the most common deviations occur in the posture of the body. The scoliotic posture is the first stage of every developing scoliosis, one of the most common orthopedic diseases in children and adolescents. The stomatognathic system, which includes temporomandibular joints, contributes to control the posture.Aim of the study: Presentation of case - the girl with a scoliotic posture and asymmetry of movements in the temporomandibular joints. Evaluation of the progress of the rehabilitation by means of a computer examination of body posture.Material and methods: The materials are medical documentation and the results of a computer body posture examination of thirteen-year-old girl with scoliotic posture, asymmetry of movements in the temporomandibular joints and malocclusion - posterior bite. The patient's examination included an interview, a clinical assessment of the posture of her body and a computerized examination of body posture. Equipment was used, which operates based on the photogrammetric method and the effect of the projection moir茅. During the examination, a computer photograph was made (using a video camera). Using a special optical system, a three-dimensional image of the back was determined, and the computer analyzed parameters in both sagittal and frontal planes.Results: Equalization of asymmetry in temporomandibular joint movements was observed as well as an improvement in some parameters in the computerized postural examination.Summary and conclusions: Rehabilitation carried out in an appropriate methodology, as well as adherence to recommendations by the patient and her parents resulted in improved parameters in the computer examination and clinical examination

    Study of temperature distribution in the ground

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    Knowledge of the temperature distribution in subsurface layers of the ground is important in thedesign, modelling and exploitation of ground heat exchangers. In this work a mathematical model ofheat transfer in the ground is presented. The model is based on the solution of the equation of transientheat transfer in a semi-infinite medium. In the boundary condition on the surface of the groundradiation fluxes (short- and long-wave), convective heat flux and evaporative heat flux are taken intoaccount. Based on the developed model, calculations were carried out to determine the impact ofclimatic conditions and the physical properties of the ground on the parameters of the Carslaw-Jeagerequation. Example results of calculated yearly courses of the daily average temperature of the surfaceof the ground and the amount of particular heat fluxes on the ground surface are presented. Thecompatibility of ground temperature measurements at different depths with the results obtained fromthe Carslaw鈥揓aeger equation is evaluated. It was found thatthe temperature distribution in the groundand its variability in time can be calculated with good accuracy

    Undisturbed Ground Temperature鈥擠ifferent Methods of Determination

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    Methods for the calculation of the undisturbed ground temperature (UGT) are presented. Heat fluxes occurring on the surface of the ground and their influence on the UGT are described. Correlation equations for the calculation of the undisturbed ground temperature based on the meteorological data averaged in the yearly cycle are proposed. These equations are of a semi-empirical character and they are based on the heat flux balance. The determined coefficients of these equations, particularly the convection heat transfer coefficient, are consistent with the values specified by other methods

    Thermal performance of a PCM integrated underfloor heating system. Experimental and numerical analysis

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    The application of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) in radiant floor heating considerably enhance their energy saving potential and the improvement of indoor thermal comfort as well. The study aims at investigating the energy performance of a PCM integrated hydronic underfloor heating system in dry and wet sand conditions. Experimental and numerical analysis of floor surface temperature and heat flux demonstrated that higher thermal conductivity of sand increases more quickly the thermal performance of the system