705 research outputs found

    Afprøvning af luftfordelingsprincipper

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    Improvement of Thermal Comfort in a Naturally Ventilated Office

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    Nonlocal description of X waves in quadratic nonlinear materials

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    We study localized light bullets and X waves in quadratic media and show how the notion of nonlocality can provide an alternative simple physical picture of both types of multidimensional nonlinear waves. For X waves we show that a local cascading limit in terms of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation does not exist—one needs to use the nonlocal description, because the nonlocal response function does not converge toward a δ function. Also, we use the nonlocal theory to show that the coupling to the second harmonic is able to generate an X shape in the fundamental field despite having anomalous dispersion, in contrast to the predictions of the cascading limit

    Advanced Unit Commitment Strategies in the United States Eastern Interconnection

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    This project sought to evaluate the impacts of high wind penetrations on the U.S. Eastern Interconnection and analyze how different unit commitment strategies may affect these impacts

    Neuroprotection by minocycline in murine traumatic spinal cord injury: analyses of matrix metalloproteinases

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    Aim: Minocycline has neuroprotective activities in several models of neurological disorders including spinal cord injury (SCI) where it prevents axonal loss and improves functional recovery. There are still gaps of knowledge on minocycline in SCI including whether it ameliorates neuronal loss at the focal site of trauma, and whether minocycline reduces the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a family of enzymes implicated in the pathophysiology of SCI. This study addressed these gaps. Methods: Mice were treated with either minocycline or vehicle control after a spinal cord contusion. MMPs were compared between the two groups using real time polymerase chain reaction and zymography. Immunohistochemistry was used to examine microglial activation and neuronal cell death. Results: While several MMP members were elevated in the spinal cord following injury, treatment with minocycline did not affect their expression. Importantly, minocycline reduced the loss of neurons in the epicenter of damage to the spinal cord and in segments caudal and rostral to the injury. Conclusion: Despite the inability of minocycline to alter MMPs, the results of neuroprotection at the lesion site support the continued testing of minocycline as a neuroprotective medication in experimental and clinical SCI
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