6 research outputs found

    The Longest Baseline Record of Vegetation Dynamics in Antarctica Reveals Acute Sensitivity to Water Availability

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    Against a changing climate, the development of evidence-based and progressive conservation policies depends on robust and quantitative baseline studies to resolve habitat natural variability and rate of change. Despite Antarctica's significant role in global climate regulation, climate trend estimates for continental Antarctica are ambiguous due to sparse long-term in situ records. Here, we present the longest, spatially explicit survey of Antarctic vegetation by harmonizing historic vegetation mapping with modern remote sensing techniques. In 1961, E. D. Rudolph established a permanent survey plot at Cape Hallett, one of the most botanically diverse areas along the Ross Sea coastline, harboring all known types of non-vascular Antarctic vegetation. Following a survey in 2004 using ground-based photography, we conducted the third survey of Rudolph's Plot in 2018 using near-ground remote sensing and methodologies closely mirroring the two historic surveys to identify long-term changes and trends. Our results revealed that the vegetation at Cape Hallett remained stable over the past six decades with no evidence of transformation related to a changing climate. Instead, the local vegetation shows strong seasonal phenology, distribution patterns that are driven by water availability, and steady perennial growth of moss. Given that East Antarctica is at the tipping point of drastic change in the near future, with biological change having been reported at certain locations, this record represents a unique and potentially the last opportunity to establish a meaningful biological sentinel that will allow us to track subtle yet impactful environmental change in terrestrial Antarctica in the 21st century

    Using Google Earth Engine to classify unique forest and agroforest classes using a mix of Sentinel 2a spectral data and topographical features: a Sri Lanka case study

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    Global land cover classifications may lead to the loss of important local and national nuances such as forest and agroforestry classes. These classes are important to local contexts because they contribute to sustainable land management systems. This paper demonstrates the application of Sentinel-2A satellite images, elevation data, and the Google Earth Engine platform to generate more detailed, specialist land cover classification for forestry classes important in Sri Lanka deriving ten spectral, 16 textural, and three topographical features from the input datasets. The random forest classification model discriminates vegetation types as forest, forest plantations, shrub, grassland, home garden, and cultivation with an overall accuracy of 94% and kappa value of 0.91. Results indicate the elevation feature contributes the most to discriminate forest and agroforestry classes, and red band (664.6 nm) textural metrics derived from grey-level co-occurrence matrix analysis are more useful for separating the home garden from other land cover classes

    Biotic interactions are an unexpected yet critical control on the complexity of an abiotically driven polar ecosystem

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    Abiotic and biotic factors control ecosystem biodiversity, but their relative contributions remain unclear. The ultraoligotrophic ecosystem of the Antarctic Dry Valleys, a simple yet highly heterogeneous ecosystem, is a natural laboratory well-suited for resolving the abiotic and biotic controls of community structure. We undertook a multidisciplinary investigation to capture ecologically relevant biotic and abiotic attributes of more than 500 sites in the Dry Valleys, encompassing observed landscape heterogeneities across more than 200 km². Using richness of autotrophic and heterotrophic taxa as a proxy for functional complexity, we linked measured variables in a parsimonious yet comprehensive structural equation model that explained significant variations in biological complexity and identified landscape-scale and fine-scale abiotic factors as the primary drivers of diversity. However, the inclusion of linkages among functional groups was essential for constructing the best-fitting model. Our findings support the notion that biotic interactions make crucial contributions even in an extremely simple ecosystem