19 research outputs found

    Impact Assessment and Evaluation: What it is it, how can it be measured and what it is adding to the development of international co-operation.

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    This article defines impact assessment and evaluation while comparing three different approaches. First, randomized evaluations or random control trials, which aim to maximize quantitative accuracy and solve selection bias. Second, non-experimental methods, where randomization is not possible. Third, participatory techniques. The article also discusses pros and cons of each methodology. Applications and uses in the education sector help to illustrate differences.attribution, foreign aid, contra factual, evaluation, impact assessment

    Foreign Aid: reduce poverty? (in Spanish)

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    Recent studies and approaches to foreign aid effectiveness have concentrated on its impact on economic growth. But aid’s main goal is poverty reduction, not economic growth. In this paper, aid’s impact on poverty, growth, and inequality are analyzed. A 97 country sample is used for the 1981-2001 time period. Both, panel data and cross-section econometric techniques, are used. The main finding is that economic growth reduces poverty, but also aid, although less than growth, and not under linearity assumptions. Data limitations and econometric assumptions lead to the recommendation of adding impact evaluations and country-case studies to “classic” aggregate approaches and methodologies, before coming to false conclusions and empirical evidence of foreign aid’s effect on poverty.aid effectiveness; inequality; growth; poverty

    La Eficacia de la Ayuda al Desarrollo: el Caso Peruano

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    Does foreign aid reduce extreme poverty in Peru? Under a quatitative analysis the paper shows big doubts for this hypothesis. Donor fragmentation and inadequate planification are two drivers in the explanation. Impact evaluations are necessary and Peru has enough techical capacity to carry on them. The Peruvian Cooperation Agency should lead the evaluation process and ensure that program recommendations are put in practice after the evaluation reports

    La ayuda al desarrollo: ¿reduce la pobreza?

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    Recent studies and approaches to foreign aid effectiveness have concentrated on its impact on economic growth. But aid’s main goal is poverty reduction, not economic growth. In this paper, aid’s impact on poverty, growth, and inequality are analyzed. A 97 country sample is used for the 1981-2001 time period. Both, panel data and cross-section econometric techniques, are used. The main finding is that economic growth reduces poverty, but also aid, although less than growth, and not under linearity assumptions. Data limitations and econometric assumptions lead to the recommendation of adding impact evaluations and country-case studies to “classic” aggregate approaches and methodologies, before coming to false conclusions and empirical evidence of foreign aid’s effect on poverty

    A structural analysis of foreign aid to ten Mediterranean countries

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    Although the literature on aid effectiveness is vast, most of it is based on cross-country studies and does not address the Mediterranean countries as a especial group. To fill this gap, this paper describes the main structural characteristics of overseas development assistance (ODA). ODA is analyzed by country, by donor, and by sector for 1960-2007 in ten Mediterranean countries. Different patterns among recipient countries are found, but a proliferation and concentration of donors is confirmed. A positive correlation between shocks in GDP and ODA is found when the whole sample of countries is analyzed, but when the Mediterranean economies are individually considered, the pro-cyclicality of the ODA is not confirmed, except in the case of Lebanon. FDI, remittances and ODA flows are compared. The three variables are positively correlated. ODA and remittances are indeed less volatile than FDI flows. But, whereas remittances are stable and strategic to Egypt, Lebanon and Turkey, ODA flows to Syria and the Palestinian territories are higher than remittances in volume, but more volatile. Egypt and Turkey are the main destinations of FDI to the region. Finally, it is shown that ODA does not offset the shocks of FDI or remittances

    A structural analysis of foreign aid to ten Mediterranean countries

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    Although the literature on aid effectiveness is vast, most of it is based on cross-country studies and does not address the Mediterranean countries as a especial group. To fill this gap, this paper describes the main structural characteristics of overseas development assistance (ODA). ODA is analyzed by country, by donor, and by sector for 1960-2007 in ten Mediterranean countries. Different patterns among recipient countries are found, but a proliferation and concentration of donors is confirmed. A positive correlation between shocks in GDP and ODA is found when the whole sample of countries is analyzed, but when the Mediterranean economies are individually considered, the pro-cyclicality of the ODA is not confirmed, except in the case of Lebanon. FDI, remittances and ODA flows are compared. The three variables are positively correlated. ODA and remittances are indeed less volatile than FDI flows. But, whereas remittances are stable and strategic to Egypt, Lebanon and Turkey, ODA flows to Syria and the Palestinian territories are higher than remittances in volume, but more volatile. Egypt and Turkey are the main destinations of FDI to the region. Finally, it is shown that ODA does not offset the shocks of FDI or remittances

    La evaluación de impacto: qué es, cómo se mide y qué está aportando en la cooperación al desarrollo.

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    This article defines impact assessment and evaluation while comparing three different approaches. First, randomized evaluations or random control trials, which aim to maximize quantitative accuracy and solve selection bias. Second, non-experimental methods, where randomization is not possible. Third, participatory techniques. The article also discusses pros and cons of each methodology. Applications and uses in the education sector help to illustrate differences


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    España tenía en 1959 la misma renta per capita que Chile, Costa Rica y Nicaragua. En la actualidad, sus niveles de vida son muy diversos. España pasó de un sistema autárquico en la década de los 40 sin recibir ayuda externa a un sistema abierto al comercio y la integración económica en los ochenta. Fue excluida del Plan Marshall, pero recibió ayuda americana y doce préstamos del Banco Mundial entre 1963-1977. El artículo detalla la cuantía y naturaleza de esta ayuda y muestra lecciones para la actual gestión de la ayuda al desarrollo en torno a la apropiación, la institucionalidad y la condicionalidad. También hace una comparación retrospectiva con Chile, Costa Rica y Nicaragua. Mientras España ha crecido entre 1959-1990 al 4%, Chile y Costa Rica lo hacen al 1.3% y Nicaragua al –0.4%, siendo éste país el que más AOD ha recibido. España muestra que recibir gran cantidad de AOD no es suficiente para salir de la pobreza, pero mientras que su ausencia la hizo perder bienestar en un –8% PIB, la ayuda recibida por el Banco Mundial la ayudó a multiplicar su renta per capita por 8,5%.Plan Marshall, España, condicionalidad, autarquía, Banco Mundial.

    Práctica Médica Sist. Nervioso y Tegumentario - ME139 201901

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    Curso de especialidad, de la carrera de medicina, de carácter teórico- práctico del ciclo 2, en el que los estudiantes al establecer una buena relación con el paciente y/o familiar realizan la anamnesis, que es una entrevista dirigida al problema de salud que presenta el paciente, realizan el examen físico e integran conocimientos que servirán para establecer el diagnostico por síndromes o problemas del sistema nervioso y tegumentario. El curso de Práctica Médica Sistema Nervioso y tegumentario busca desarrollar la competencia general de ciudadanía (nivel 1) y las competencias específicas de práctica clínica-diagnóstico (nivel 1) y profesionalismosentido ético y legal y responsabilidad profesional (nivel 1). La elaboración de una historia clínica orientada por problemas permitirá al estudiante en el futuro, plantear un adecuado plan de trabajo y terapéutico para su paciente

    Prác. Méd. Sist. Locomotor, Hematopoyético y Digestivo - ME155 201801

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    Curso de especialidad, de la carrera de medicina, de carácter teórico- práctico del ciclo 5, en el que los estudiantes al establecer una buena relación con el paciente y/o familiar realizan la anamnesis, que es una entrevista dirigida al problema de salud que presenta el paciente, realizan el examen físico e integran conocimientos que servirán para establecer un diagnostico por síndromes o problemas locomotor, hematológicos y digestivos. El curso de Práctica Médica Sistema locomotor, hematopoyético y digestivo busca desarrollar las competencias específicas de práctica clínica-diagnóstico (nivel 1) y profesionalismo- sentido ético y legal y responsabilidad profesional (nivel 1). La elaboración de una historia clínica orientada por problemas permitirá al estudiante, plantear un adecuado plan de trabajo y terapéutico para su paciente