15 research outputs found

    Addition of romiplostim to conditioning prior to HSCT allows chemotherapy reduction while maintaining engraftment levels

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    Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) offers a curative treatment approach for certain benign and malignant hematologic diseases. The actual HSCT is preceded by a conditioning therapy that reduces host-vs-HSCT graft rejection and creates niche space for transplanted hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs). Conditioning consists of chemotherapy with or without irradiation and is a major cause of side effects in HSCT. However, reduction of the intensity of cytotoxic conditioning leads to higher rates of engraftment failure and increased rates of relapse. We here tested if the addition of an HSC cycling inducing agent during conditioning allows to diminish the dose of conditioning drugs without reducing subsequent transplanted HSC engraftment in a mouse HSCT model. The thrombopoietin receptor agonist romiplostim was shown to induce cell cycling activity in hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). We thus tested if the addition of romiplostim to the clinically applied conditioning chemotherapy regimen cyclophosphamide and busulfan leads to increased efficacy of the chemotherapeutic regimen. We found that romiplostim not only sensitizes HSCs to chemotherapy but also enables a reduction of the main chemotherapeutic component busulfan by half while HSC engraftment levels are maintained in long-term, serial transplantation assays

    Blocking the CD47-SIRPα interaction reverses the disease phenotype in a polycythemia vera mouse model

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    Polycythemia vera (PV) is a hematopoietic stem cell neoplasm driven by somatic mutations in JAK2, leading to increased red blood cell (RBC) production uncoupled from mechanisms that regulate physiological erythropoiesis. At steady-state, bone marrow macrophages promote erythroid maturation, whereas splenic macrophages phagocytose aged or damaged RBCs. The binding of the anti-phagocytic ("don't eat me") CD47 ligand expressed on RBCs to the SIRPα receptor on macrophages inhibits phagocytic activity protecting RBCs from phagocytosis. In this study, we explore the role of the CD47-SIRPα interaction on the PV RBC life cycle. Our results show that blocking CD47-SIRPα in a PV mouse model due to either anti-CD47 treatment or loss of the inhibitory SIRPα-signal corrects the polycythemia phenotype. Anti-CD47 treatment marginally impacted PV RBC production while not influencing erythroid maturation. However, upon anti-CD47 treatment, high-parametric single-cell cytometry identified an increase of MerTK+ splenic monocyte-derived effector cells, which differentiate from Ly6Chi^{hi} monocytes during inflammatory conditions, acquire an inflammatory phagocytic state. Furthermore, in vitro, functional assays showed that splenic JAK2 mutant macrophages were more "pro-phagocytic," suggesting that PV RBCs exploit the CD47-SIRPα interaction to escape innate immune attacks by clonal JAK2 mutant macrophages

    Aging drives Tet2+/- clonal hematopoiesis via IL-1 signaling

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    Clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (CHIP), also referred to as aging-related clonal hematopoiesis (ARCH), is defined as an asymptomatic clonal expansion of mutant mature hematopoietic cells over 4% of blood leukocytes. CHIP associates with advanced age and increased risk for hematological malignancy, cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. Loss-of-function somatic mutations in TET2 are frequent drivers of CHIP. However, the contribution of aging-associated cooperating cell-extrinsic drivers, like inflammation, remains under-explored. Using bone marrow (BM) transplantation and newly developed genetic mosaicism (HSC-SCL-Cre-ERT; Tet2+/flox; R26+/tm6(CAG-ZsGreen1)Hze) mouse models of Tet2+/--driven CHIP, we observed an association between increased Tet2+/- clonal expansion and higher BM levels of the inflammatory cytokine IL-1 upon aging. Administration of IL-1 to mice carrying CHIP led to an IL-1R1-dependent expansion of Tet2+/- hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) and mature blood cells. This expansion was caused by increased Tet2+/- HSPC cell-cycle progression, increased multilineage differentiation and higher repopulation capacity compared to their WT counterparts. In agreement, IL-1α-treated Tet2+/- HSCs showed increased DNA replication and repair transcriptomic signatures and reduced susceptibility to IL-1α-mediated downregulation of self-renewal genes. Importantly, genetic deletion of IL-1R1 in Tet2+/- HPSC or pharmacological inhibition of IL-1 signaling impaired Tet2+/- clonal expansion, establishing the IL-1 pathway as a relevant and therapeutically targetable driver of Tet2+/- CHIP progression during aging

    Humanised mouse models for haematopoiesis and infectious diseases

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    “Humanised” mouse models have emerged over past years as powerful tools for investigating human haematopoiesis and immunity. They allowed the identification of key factors for the maintenance and function of normal and leukaemic human haematopoietic stem cells. These findings have been widely used to dissect the pathogenesis of multiple myeloid and lymphoid neoplasms, such as acute myeloid leukaemia and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Furthermore, these models can serve as a stepping-stone to clinical trials by testing novel drugs that target leukaemic stem cells. The investigation of human immunity in vivo is also of great interest in both the context of understanding the innate and adaptive immune system and responses to viral infections with exclusive human tropism, such as Epstein-Barr virus and human immunodeficiency virus. This review focuses on recent advances in the study of human haematopoiesis and immunity in humanised mouse models, underlining their relevance and limitations. Key words: humanised mouse models, xenograft, leukaemia, HIV, EBV, PD

    A single metabolite which modulates lipid metabolism alters hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell behavior and promotes lymphoid reconstitution

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    Fatty acid β-oxidation (FAO), the breakdown of lipids, is a metabolic pathway used by various stem cells. FAO levels are generally high during quiescence and downregulated with proliferation. The endogenous metabolite malonyl-CoA modulates lipid metabolism as a reversible FAO inhibitor and as a substrate for de novo lipogenesis. Here we assessed whether malonyl-CoA can be exploited to steer the behavior of hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs), quiescent stem cells of clinical relevance. Treatment of mouse HSPCs in vitro with malonyl-CoA increases HSPC numbers compared with nontreated controls and ameliorates blood reconstitution capacity when transplanted in vivo, mainly through enhanced lymphoid reconstitution. Similarly, human HSPC numbers also increase upon malonyl-CoA treatment in vitro. These data corroborate that lipid metabolism can be targeted to direct cell fate and stem cell proliferation. Physiological modulation of metabolic pathways, rather than genetic or pharmacological inhibition, provides unique perspectives for stem cell manipulations in health and disease

    CXCL12-abundant reticular cells are the major source of IL-6 upon LPS stimulation and thereby regulate hematopoiesis

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    Hematopoiesis is maintained by hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells that are located in the bone marrow (BM) where they are embedded within a complex supportive microenvironment consisting of a multitude of various non-hematopoietic and hematopoietic cell types. The BM microenvironment not only regulates steady-state hematopoiesis by provision of growth factors, cytokines, and cell-cell contact but is also an emerging key player during the adaptation to infectious and inflammatory insults (emergency hematopoiesis). Through a combination of gene expression analyses in prospectively isolated non-hematopoietic BM cell populations and various mouse models, we found that BM CXCL12-abundant reticular (CAR) cells are a major source of systemic and local BM interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels during emergency hematopoiesis after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation. Importantly, although IL-6 is dispensable during the initial phase of LPSinduced emergency hematopoiesis, it is required to sustain an adequate hematopoietic output during chronic repetitive inflammation. Our data highlight the essential role of the non-hematopoietic BM microenvironment for the sensing and integration of pathogen-derived signals into sustained demand-adapted hematopoietic responses