4 research outputs found

    Geología de los cuadrángulos de Puerto Oriente, Ana María y Río Tapiche. Hojas: 15-n, 15-ñ y 15-o – [Boletín A 101]

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    El área de estudio está ubicada en el sector oriental del territorio peruano, con una extensión aproximada de 7 537.5 km2, comprendiendo las provincias de Ucayali y Requena pertenecientes al departamento de Loreto. El informe actual trata temas de Geografia, Geomorfología, Estratigrafia, Geología Estructural, Geología Económica, Geología Dinámica y una reseña breve de la Geología Histórica. En Geomorfología se han reconocido dos unidades principales: el Llano Amazónico de Contamana - Tapiche y las Zonas Montañosas del Oriente. En Estratigrafia se ha determinado como unidad más antigua y base de toda la secuencia litoestratigráfica a la serie metamórfica del Complejo Xingu del Neoproterozoico. En el Paleozoico inferior-Ordoviciano a la Formación Contaya. En el Cretáceo inferior al Grupo Oriente con sus Formaciones Cushabatay, Raya y Agua Caliente. En el Cretáceo superior las Formaciones: Chonta, Vlvian y Cachiyacu. En el Paleógeno-Neógeno las Formaciones Yahuarango, Chambira e Ipururo. En el Plioceno-Pleistoceno la Formación Ucayali; y en el Holoceno, depósitos aluviales y fluviales. Estructuralmente en el área se han reconocido tres grandes pliegues, entre los cuales están los anticlinales de Contamana, Contaya y Jaquirana-Moa. Del mismo modo, dos sinclinales: Cashiboya y Cachiyacu. Estas estructuras son desarrolladas en las unidades fanerozoicas y son relacionadas a la Tectónica Andina e inicialmente vinculadas a la Tectónica Hercínica. Los recursos naturales existentes son hidrocarburos en la zona del Maquía (NE de Contamana), explotados actualmente por la Compañía Maple Oil & Gas. No se descarta la posibilidad de encontrar nuevos yacimientos en otras estructuras aledañas. En cuanto a los recursos minerales metálicos no se han detectado en la zona, pero sí minerales no metálicos, tales como arcillas, gravas, arenas, etc. Los procesos geodinárnicos ocurren en forma de deslizamientos y erosión, puestos en evidencia en las riberas de los ríos y en áreas deforestadas

    Subclinical detection of diabetic cardiomyopathy with micrornas: challenges and perspectives

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    The prevalence of cardiac diabetic diseases has been increased around the world, being the most common cause of death and disability among diabetic patients. In particular, diabetic cardiomyopathy is characterized with a diastolic dysfunction and cardiac remodelling without signs of hypertension and coronary artery diseases. In an early stage, it is an asymptomatic disease; however, clinical studies demonstrate that diabetic myocardia are more vulnerable to injury derived by acute myocardial infarct and are the worst prognosis for rehabilitation. Currently, biochemical and imaging diagnostic methods are unable to detect subclinical manifestation of the disease (prior to diastolic dysfunction). In this review, we elaborately discuss the current scientific evidences to propose circulating microRNAs as promising biomarkers for early detection of diabetic cardiomyopathy and, then, to identify patients at high risk of diabetic cardiomyopathy development. Moreover, here we summarise the research strategies to identify miRNAs as potential biomarkers, present limitations, challenges, and future perspectives

    Subclinical detection of diabetic cardiomyopathy with micrornas: challenges and perspectives

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    The prevalence of cardiac diabetic diseases has been increased around the world, being the most common cause of death and disability among diabetic patients. In particular, diabetic cardiomyopathy is characterized with a diastolic dysfunction and cardiac remodelling without signs of hypertension and coronary artery diseases. In an early stage, it is an asymptomatic disease; however, clinical studies demonstrate that diabetic myocardia are more vulnerable to injury derived by acute myocardial infarct and are the worst prognosis for rehabilitation. Currently, biochemical and imaging diagnostic methods are unable to detect subclinical manifestation of the disease (prior to diastolic dysfunction). In this review, we elaborately discuss the current scientific evidences to propose circulating microRNAs as promising biomarkers for early detection of diabetic cardiomyopathy and, then, to identify patients at high risk of diabetic cardiomyopathy development. Moreover, here we summarise the research strategies to identify miRNAs as potential biomarkers, present limitations, challenges, and future perspectives

    Subclinical Detection of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy with MicroRNAs: Challenges and Perspectives

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    The prevalence of cardiac diabetic diseases has been increased around the world, being the most common cause of death and disability among diabetic patients. In particular, diabetic cardiomyopathy is characterized with a diastolic dysfunction and cardiac remodelling without signs of hypertension and coronary artery diseases. In an early stage, it is an asymptomatic disease; however, clinical studies demonstrate that diabetic myocardia are more vulnerable to injury derived by acute myocardial infarct and are the worst prognosis for rehabilitation. Currently, biochemical and imaging diagnostic methods are unable to detect subclinical manifestation of the disease (prior to diastolic dysfunction). In this review, we elaborately discuss the current scientific evidences to propose circulating microRNAs as promising biomarkers for early detection of diabetic cardiomyopathy and, then, to identify patients at high risk of diabetic cardiomyopathy development. Moreover, here we summarise the research strategies to identify miRNAs as potential biomarkers, present limitations, challenges, and future perspectives