33 research outputs found


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    A short description of the relationship between Physics, Philosophy and Theology is: Physics neglects or passes by Natural Realism, which is the origin of Philosophy. In turn, Natural Realism is backed up by Judeo-Christian revelation. Therefore, Physics neglects or passes by Theology. That relationship between Physics and Theology is widely used as a background for exercising an intense pressure on Theology. The defence of Theology should begin by pointing out certain shortcomings of Physics and formulating a philosophical control of these shortcomings. This is tantamount to turning Physics instead of Theology into a “site under construction”. Only a “controlled” Physics and Theology are adequate discussion partners. The author of this article is a Catholic. However, the ideas expressed are, by and large, acceptable for Orthodox and Lutheran Christians as well, with possible differences only regarding natural theology.KEY WORDS: Physic, Christianity, theology

    What is the Main Reason that Physics and Theology Do Not Really Match? What Can Be Done to Amend that Situation?

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    Abstract: The first main point is that Physics and Christian Theology are moving in opposite epistemological climates, when they are speaking about the same common object. Here both terms are important: opposite – which is nothing special – and epistemological climate – which is very special. Epistemological questions are considered difficult and normally bypassed. The second main point is that a possible amendment of that situation consists in trying to get a control of the cognitive losses of Physics

    On Overcoming the Alleged Alienation between Christianity and Physics

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    The difference of mindsets is considered the main cause of alienation between Christianity and Physics: trust in high cognitive value of ordinary experience and language (Christianity) versus estimated low cognitive value (Physics). The Catholic tradition encourages to trust into a high cognitive value of ordinary experience and language. As samples are presented a certain ambivalence intrinsic to the method of Physics and a logical mistake that has led to the concept of particle-wave dualism

    Warum ist es nicht so einfach für einen heutigen Physiker, durch und durch Christ zu sein?

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    Eine kurze Beschreibung des Verhältnisses von Physik, Philosophie und Theologie lautet: Die Physik vernachlässigt oder umgeht den natürlichen Realismus, Ursprung allen Philosophierens. Der natürliche Realismus wird wiederum durch die jüdisch-christliche Offenbarung gestützt. Daher vernachlässigt oder umgeht die Physik die Theologie. Diese Beziehung zwischen Physik und Theologie wird häufig als Hintergrund für die Ausübung eines starken Drucks auf die Theologie verwendet. Die Verteidigung der Theologie sollte damit beginnen, auf bestimmte Mängel der Physik hinzuweisen und eine philosophische Kontrolle dieser Mängel zu formulieren. mit wird die Physik statt der Theologie zur "Baustelle". Nur eine „kontrollierte“ Physik ist ein adäquater Gesprächspartner für die Theologie. Der Autor dieses Artikels ist katholisch, * 1947, Dr. rer.nat. (Theoretische Physik), seit 1981 katholischer Priester, im Bistum Helsinki tätig. Nichtsdestoweniger sind die hier vorgetragenen Überlegungen im Großen und Ganzen auch für orthodoxe und lutherische Christen akzeptabel, vielleicht mit einer Einschränkung hinsichtlich der natürlichen Theologie

    What can Thomistic philosophy of nature contribute to physics?

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    To date it is unknown why mathematics is working in physics. Only the fact that it does work is well known. Physics is thus viewed as consisting of two bodies of knowledge – experience and mathematics which are only interlocked, but not organically united. This article searches for such an organic union. In more detail: experimental physics is ultimately based on elementary particles, which Thomistic philosophy of nature can account for by hylomorphism. Therefore, experimental ehysics and Thomistic philosophy of nature share comparable views of their common object. On the other hand, theoretical physics applies mathematical formulae to natural processes. Thanks to their success in describing such processes, these formulae are called ‘laws of nature’. But these laws do not refer to any particular individual material thing the behaviour of which they are supposed to describe, and the reason for their success is unknown. Contemporary theoretical Physics and Thomistic philosophy of nature are far away from each other. In order to find the organic union referred above, this paper proposes a basic idea for obtaining physico-mathematical theories from experience. For this purpose, it analyses experiments and particularly measurements as intermediators between the material world and physico-mathematical theories. It turns out that the object of theoretical physics is experienced reality, but only after two severe modifications. The above-mentioned programme starts from the unmodified experience and has as its philosophical core the thomistic version of hylomorphism and the principle ‘agere sequitur esse’. It is innovative and can be expected to yield more insight into the relationship between physics and mathematics than the division of speculative sciences in metaphysics, mathematics and others proposed by Aquinas in his Expositio super Librum Boethii de Trinitate.Šiandieną nežinome, kodėl fizikoje galime remtis matematika. Gerai žinomas tik tas faktas, kad ja remtis galime. Fiziką sudaro dvi žinių sritys – empirika ir matematika, kurios susijusios, bet nėra organiškai suaugusios. Šiame straipsnyje, pasitelkiant dvi kertines tomistinės gamtos filosofijos koncepcijas – hilomorfizmą ir agere sequitur esse principą, nurodomos priežastyss, kodėl tokių organinių sąsajų verta ieškoti. Eksperimentinė fizika iš esmės yra grindžiama elementariųjų dalelių egzistavimo koncepcija. Tomistinė gamtos filosofija savo tyrimus pradeda nuo tų pačių labai individualių materialių elementų bei jų hilomorfinės struktūros, kuri nurodo materialių elementų priklausomybę tam tikroms rūšims arba jų aglomeracijoms. Tad ir eksperimentinė fizika, ir tomistinė gamtos filosofija turi vieną požiūrį į jų tiriamą bendrą objektą. Kita vertus, teorinė fizika gamtos procesams aiškinti taiko matematinius dėsnius, todėl šie dėsniai pavadinti gamtos dėsniais. Šis taikymas lydimas išbandymų bei klaidų, jis gali būti daugiau ar mažiau sėkmingas, bet visada lieka hipotetiškas. Be to, dėsniai niekada nesiejami su atskiru individualiu materialiu elementu, kurio elgseną jie turėtų apibrėžti. Siekiant įžvelgti teorinės fizikos ir tomistinės gamtos filosofijos ryšį, šiame straipsnyje aptariami eksperimentai ir specialūs matavimai, tarpininkaujantys tarp materialaus pasaulio ir fizikinių-matematinių teorijų. Aiškėja, kad šis ryšis implikuoja dvi griežtas patirties modifikacijas: siekiant gauti rezultatus, eksperimentai atliekami baigtiniame laiko intervale, o jų rezultatai vienareikšmiškai priskiriami eksperimento objektui. Norint šių modifikacijų išvengti, vertėtų jų išvis atsisakyti. Šiame straipsnyje siūloma praktinė programa, kaip fizikines-matematines teorijas atskirti nuo patirtinių duomenų. Programos filosofinė esmė kyla iš tomistinės hilomorfizmo sampratos ir iš agere sequitur esse principo. Pirminės (grynos) fizikinių-matematinių teorijų formos atkūrimą siūloma pradėti nuo įvardintų dviejų elementų derinimo pasekmių įvertinimo. Daroma išvada, kad agere sequitur esse principas užtikrina metafizikos ir matematikos atskirtį

    On an Amendment of the Morality of a Physicist's Professional Actions. A New element of Inculturation of Christianity into a Scientific-Technological Civilization

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    Physicists are bound, by the established methods and standards of Physics, to think and act within an epistemological framework that is deeply influenced by I. Kant. The epistemological climate they find themselves in is opposed to the epistemological climate of Natural Realism and, thus, to the epistemological climate of Christian revelation, when it speaks about our world. This contrast damages the internal harmony of each physicist’s mental world to a degree that depends on his overall mindset as well as on his professional work. This situation is ongoing since the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century, so that the earlier civilization imbued with a realist and Christian spirit is superseded, by and large, by a scientific-technological civilization. The historical development of Physics has brought about the situation that the professional work of physicists produces, with its doubtless successes and contributions to progress, immediately together with its morally good object two enchained morally bad effects. The first bad effect is the co-existence, in a physicist’s mind, of two opposite epistemological climates, which damages the internal harmony of his mental world. That immediately entails a second bad effect, insofar a physicist who wants to be professionally competitive finds himself obliged to follow the methods and standards of physics as they happen to be now. In that way, he contributes to the lack of harmony in his own mental world and his grain of sand to perpetuate the spirit of those methods and standards. The situation is worse for a physicist who is a Christian and wants to do his professional work for the glory of God (cf. 1 Cor 10:31). In both cases, a physicist is denying in practice, by his professional work, what he is convinced of in theory, namely of Natural Realism and, additionally in the case of a Christian, that Christian revelation speaks of our world in the spirit of Natural Realism. All that is not unknown, but nevertheless is practically passed by in the academic discourse. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to call attention to this topic and then to suggest some ways of examining more specifically the contrast of the epistemological climates. As Physics is partly shaped by experimental interventions, its historical development is also partly contingent. This is why it is possible to achieve a better harmony of the epistemological climates of Physics and Natural Realism. The article suggests some ideas in that respect, too. If these ideas turn out to be fruitful, they would contribute to the inculturation of Christianity in our scientific-technological civilization. In other words, it would be a flanking aid for the New Evangelization


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    The religious attitude of many physicists is atheist or agnostic. In the present article, it is argued that this attitude is favoured by the present shape of the natural science called Physics. The first reason is that the modern concept of nature is alienated from that of creation. The second is that, according to the dominating view, nature is epistemologically silent about itself. Additionally, the view of the axiomatic and thence hypothetical-deductive character of modern Mathematics and the conjectural character of its applications to the material world make impossible an organic connection between mathematical objects and material things. There exists only a practical knowledge of the successful use of Mathematics in Physics. This peculiar epistemological climate in Physics has become more and more alienated from the intellectual climate generated by ordinary experience and its evidence, which in turn is confirmed by Christian revelation. It is this peculiar intellectual atmosphere in which a physicist carries out his professional actions. Their moral assessment is done with the help of two distinctions: the first between the views of Physics as providing a physicalist world-view or as a field of professional activity like others. The second distinction is between the two effects of a professional action of a physicist: every such action tends to its immediate object, and every such action, by upkeeping the existing professional standards, contributes eo ipso to perpetuate the present intellectual climate in Physics. While such actions may be still morally acceptable, the situation is precarious. Therefore it is convenient to have Physics reformed from within. Such an internal reform should be experience-based and thus start from the very outset from the epistemological climate generated by ordinary experience, which is in harmony with the epistemological climate generated by Christian revelation. This reason on moral grounds is the third motive for attempting an internal reform of Physics. The first one concerns the removal of the ignorance about the link of mathematical objects to material things. It is simply due to the necessity of having a sound selfunderstanding of Physics. This in turn is closely related to the “apologetic” motive of removing the disharmony between the epistemological climates referred to above. Surprisingly, some current views of the relationship between Theology and Physics (I. G. Barbour, M. Heller, Th. F. Torrance) do not envisage any need for an internal reform of Physics. Instead they promote an increased influence of Physics upon Theology

    Does Physics Need a Second Scientific Revolution? – Christianity Encourages Tackling a Foundational Problem of Physics

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    Abstract. This article identifies an inbuilt defect of modern Physics. It consists in not providing enough connection between the two bodies of knowledge that make up Physics: observations of and experiments with material things, on the one hand, and mathematical theories, on the other. More specifically, the defect consists in that mathematical structures are applied to experiences of the material world, as if they were only in the mind of the physicist. Nevertheless, the success of mathematical Physics suggests that these mathematical structures are somehow related to the material realities they are applied to. Due to the inbuilt defect, mathematical theories in Physics have to undergo a procedure of approval or disapproval by experiments. However, even if approved, the hypothetical character of such a theory cannot be removed. A theory never becomes definitive. The roots of the said defect lie in the scientific revolution during the 16th and 17th centuries. This article makes three of them explicit: (i) the dominant view that Nature and human cognitive capacities do not fit together, (ii) most present day ways of understanding Mathematics do not involve the material world, and (iii) the scientific revolution has essentially brought, for Physics, its mathematization. It is proposed that Thomistic hylomorphism is a suitable tool to show how those mathematical structures that are used in Physics have their root in material things themselves. The “application” of mathematical structures to experiences of the material world thus has an objective foundation. The belonging of mathematical structures to material things is based on that the hylomorphic structure unites organically the singularity of a material thing and its belonging to a species. Christianity does not endorse any particular solution of that problem. However, Christianity contributes to a solution insofar it supports strongly the genuine intelligibility of our world. The spirit of Christianity thus supports the view of science as a sort of realist knowledge

    Why is it not so easy for a present-day physicist to be genuinely a Christian?

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    A short description of the relationship between Physics, Philosophy and Theology is: Physics neglects or passes by Natural Realism, which is the origin of Philosophy. In turn, Natural Realism is backed up by Judeo-Christian revelation. Therefore, Physics neglects or passes by Theology. That relationship between Physics and Theology is widely used as a background for exercising an intense pressure on Theology. The defence of Theology should begin by pointing out certain shortcomings of Physics and formulating a philosophical control of these shortcomings. This is tantamount to turning Physics instead of Theology into a “site under construction”. Only a “controlled” Physics and Theology are adequate discussion partners. The author of this article is a Catholic. However, the ideas expressed are, by and large, acceptable for Orthodox and Lutheran Christians as well, with possible differences only regarding natural theology

    Does Physics Need a Second Scientific Revolution? – Christianity Encourages Tackling a Foundational Problem of Physics

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    Abstract. This article identifies an inbuilt defect of modern Physics. It consists in not providing enough connection between the two bodies of knowledge that make up Physics: observations of and experiments with material things, on the one hand, and mathematical theories, on the other. More specifically, the defect consists in that mathematical structures are applied to experiences of the material world, as if they were only in the mind of the physicist. Nevertheless, the success of mathematical Physics suggests that these mathematical structures are somehow related to the material realities they are applied to. Due to the inbuilt defect, mathematical theories in Physics have to undergo a procedure of approval or disapproval by experiments. However, even if approved, the hypothetical character of such a theory cannot be removed. A theory never becomes definitive. The roots of the said defect lie in the scientific revolution during the 16th and 17th centuries. This article makes three of them explicit: (i) the dominant view that Nature and human cognitive capacities do not fit together, (ii) most present day ways of understanding Mathematics do not involve the material world, and (iii) the scientific revolution has essentially brought, for Physics, its mathematization. It is proposed that Thomistic hylomorphism is a suitable tool to show how those mathematical structures that are used in Physics have their root in material things themselves. The “application” of mathematical structures to experiences of the material world thus has an objective foundation. The belonging of mathematical structures to material things is based on that the hylomorphic structure unites organically the singularity of a material thing and its belonging to a species. Christianity does not endorse any particular solution of that problem. However, Christianity contributes to a solution insofar it supports strongly the genuine intelligibility of our world. The spirit of Christianity thus supports the view of science as a sort of realist knowledge