3 research outputs found
Pengaruh Kohesivitas dan Kepuasan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Tenaga Kependidikan di Institut Pertanian Bogor
ABSTRACTIt is generally believed that there is a positive relationship among the following three variables, which are cohesiveness, job satisfaction, and job performance. Good job performance of a group of workers needs good coorperation among the group members. Good cooperation can be viewed as the outcome of group cohesiveness. In addition, good job performance needs good job satisfaction. Furthermore, it is also commonly believed that group cohesiveness is positively related with job satisfaction. The objective of this study is to empirically test the phenomenon by conducting a survey on 102 respondents who are administrative staff in Bogor Agricultural University. A quantitative model namely Structural Equation Model (SEM) was utilized. It is concluded that cohesiveness positively effects job satisfaction as well as well as job performance. However, it is found that there is no statistically significant effect of job satisfaction on job performance.ABSTRAKUmumnya dipercayai bahwa ada hubungan positif antara tiga variabel berikut, yakni kohesivitas kelompok, kepuasan kerja, dan kinerja. Kinerja kelompok membutuhkan kerja sama di antara para anggota kelompok. Kerja sama yang baik dapat dipandang sebagai buah dari kohesivitas. Tambahan pula, kinerja yang baik membutuhkan kepuasan kerja yang baik pula. Lebih lanjut, lazimnya dipercayai bahwa kohesivitas berhubungan dengan kepuasan kerja. Studi ini secara empiris menguji fenomena tersebut dengan menggunakan survei terhadap 102 responden yang adalah tenaga kependidikan di Institut Pertanian Bogor. Model kuantitatif menggunakan Structural Equation Model (SEM). Ditunjukkan bahwa kohesivitas berpengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan kerja maupun terhadap kinerja. Namun ditemukan bahwa tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari kepuasan kerja pada kinerja
Pengaruh kohesivitas dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja tenaga kependidikan di institut pertanian bogor
It is generally believed that there is a positive relationship among the following three variables, which are cohesiveness, job satisfaction, and job performance. Good job performance of a group of workers needs good coorperation among the group members. Good cooperation can be viewed as the outcome of group cohesiveness. In addition, good job performance needs good job satisfaction. Furthermore, it is also commonly believed that group cohesiveness is positively related with job satisfaction. The objectives of this research are (1) to analyze the cohesiveness of administrative staff in Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), (2) to analyze the job satisfaction of administrative staff in IPB, (3) to analyze the job performance of administrative staff in IPB, (4) to analyze the influence of cohesiveness toward job satisfaction and job performance of administrative staff in IPB, and (4) to analyze the influence of job satisfaction toward job performance of administrative staff in IPB. The research was conducted at fifteen departments in four faculties at IPB. The four faculties are the Faculty of Human Ecology, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Management, and Faculty of Agricultural Technology. Data were collected by survey method using questionnaire. The questionnaires was designed to record the data about cohesiveness, job satisfaction, and job performance of administrative staff. Interviews were conducted with several senior staff in Directorate of Human Resources and administrative staff in several faculties in IPB. Sampling technique used in this research was probability sampling namely simple random sampling method. The sample consists of 102 respondents of administrative staff. A quantitative model namely Structural Equation Model (SEM) was utilized. Cohesiveness is influenced by group integration task, group integration social, and individual attractions to the group task with high to moderate categories indicating that administrative staff have high cohesiveness whereas individual attraction to the group social falls into moderate to high categories which means they are quite satisfied with every administrative staff in their group. In general each dimension of job satisfaction has a moderate level of job satisfaction but for payment satisfaction and promotion satisfaction it is in the medium to low category which means the administrative staff have not been satisfied with the payment and promotion policy in IPB. The level of supervision satisfaction, coworker satisfaction, and satisfaction of job entry are in the medium to high category which means the administrative staff are quite satisfied with the motivation, guidance from superiors, satisfied with their colleagues, and satisfied with the challenge of their work. There are six dimensions with the level of performance of administrative staff with high to moderate categories of productivity, initiative or creativity, accuracy or tidiness, speed of work or efficiency, cooperation, and discipline. This indicates that the leader judge their performance well. The dimensions of
responsibility are in the medium to high category, it means that the leaders see that the responsibilities of their subordinates are good enough. The cohesiveness of administrative staff is influenced mostly by the group integration task with a weight of 0.94. The satisfaction of the supervision has the greatest influence on the work satisfaction of the administrative staff with a weight of 0.78. The performance of administrative staff is influenced by the cooperation with a weight of 0.92. It is concluded that cohesiveness positively effects job satisfaction as well as job performance. However, it is found that there is no statistically significant effect of job satisfaction on job performance. The managerial implications that need to be done by IPB are (1) the leaders of the organization can maintain and improve cohesiveness by creating gatherings and group work. With the work of this group the administrative staff can know each other and participate not only in social relations but also for their task groups in each department, (2) to improve job satisfaction, organizational leader can strengthen the cohesiveness by encouraging activities that can make members of the organization know each other better and engage in group activities, (3) the leader of the organization can facilitate communication forums of administrative staff. This forum can be established to accommodate the aspirations, communication, and interaction of administrative staff, (4) to improve job satisfaction reevaluating the remuneration system and incentive system for administrative staff is needed, (5) to improve job satisfaction and job performance of administrative staff, the leader of organizations can provide public recognition, reward, and training, and (6) the leader of organizations can use the list of employment (DUK) to increase job satisfaction and performance
Pengaruh kohesivitas dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja tenaga kependidikan di institut pertanian bogor
It is generally believed that there is a positive relationship among the following three variables, which are cohesiveness, job satisfaction, and job performance. Good job performance of a group of workers needs good coorperation among the group members. Good cooperation can be viewed as the outcome of group cohesiveness. In addition, good job performance needs good job satisfaction. Furthermore, it is also commonly believed that group cohesiveness is positively related with job satisfaction. The objectives of this research are (1) to analyze the cohesiveness of administrative staff in Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), (2) to analyze the job satisfaction of administrative staff in IPB, (3) to analyze the job performance of administrative staff in IPB, (4) to analyze the influence of cohesiveness toward job satisfaction and job performance of administrative staff in IPB, and (4) to analyze the influence of job satisfaction toward job performance of administrative staff in IPB. The research was conducted at fifteen departments in four faculties at IPB. The four faculties are the Faculty of Human Ecology, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Economics and Management, and Faculty of Agricultural Technology. Data were collected by survey method using questionnaire. The questionnaires was designed to record the data about cohesiveness, job satisfaction, and job performance of administrative staff. Interviews were conducted with several senior staff in Directorate of Human Resources and administrative staff in several faculties in IPB. Sampling technique used in this research was probability sampling namely simple random sampling method. The sample consists of 102 respondents of administrative staff. A quantitative model namely Structural Equation Model (SEM) was utilized. Cohesiveness is influenced by group integration task, group integration social, and individual attractions to the group task with high to moderate categories indicating that administrative staff have high cohesiveness whereas individual attraction to the group social falls into moderate to high categories which means they are quite satisfied with every administrative staff in their group. In general each dimension of job satisfaction has a moderate level of job satisfaction but for payment satisfaction and promotion satisfaction it is in the medium to low category which means the administrative staff have not been satisfied with the payment and promotion policy in IPB. The level of supervision satisfaction, coworker satisfaction, and satisfaction of job entry are in the medium to high category which means the administrative staff are quite satisfied with the motivation, guidance from superiors, satisfied with their colleagues, and satisfied with the challenge of their work. There are six dimensions with the level of performance of administrative staff with high to moderate categories of productivity, initiative or creativity, accuracy or tidiness, speed of work or efficiency, cooperation, and discipline. This indicates that the leader judge their performance well. The dimensions of
responsibility are in the medium to high category, it means that the leaders see that the responsibilities of their subordinates are good enough. The cohesiveness of administrative staff is influenced mostly by the group integration task with a weight of 0.94. The satisfaction of the supervision has the greatest influence on the work satisfaction of the administrative staff with a weight of 0.78. The performance of administrative staff is influenced by the cooperation with a weight of 0.92. It is concluded that cohesiveness positively effects job satisfaction as well as job performance. However, it is found that there is no statistically significant effect of job satisfaction on job performance. The managerial implications that need to be done by IPB are (1) the leaders of the organization can maintain and improve cohesiveness by creating gatherings and group work. With the work of this group the administrative staff can know each other and participate not only in social relations but also for their task groups in each department, (2) to improve job satisfaction, organizational leader can strengthen the cohesiveness by encouraging activities that can make members of the organization know each other better and engage in group activities, (3) the leader of the organization can facilitate communication forums of administrative staff. This forum can be established to accommodate the aspirations, communication, and interaction of administrative staff, (4) to improve job satisfaction reevaluating the remuneration system and incentive system for administrative staff is needed, (5) to improve job satisfaction and job performance of administrative staff, the leader of organizations can provide public recognition, reward, and training, and (6) the leader of organizations can use the list of employment (DUK) to increase job satisfaction and performance