848 research outputs found

    Exploring Peer Collaborative Writing in EFL Secondary Mixed-age Classrooms

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    Based on the beliefs (assertions) that students benefit socially and cognitively from interacting with peers of different ages, mixed-age (M-A) classrooms have attracted much attention from educators, education policymakers, and researchers. Nevertheless, research into the role and impact of age grouping in second (L2) and foreign language (FL) learning is rather scarce. Moreover, a growing body of research has shown that by linking oral and written modes, collaborative writing (CW) aids language learning. However, the majority of studies have investigated adult and young adult students, and very few were conducted with secondary and high school students. Based on our knowledge, no study has explored CW in M-A secondary school classrooms. With these research gaps in mind, and drawing predominantly on documentary analysis of student written work, the present study examined CW of 28 students of English as a foreign language (EFL) aged 12 to 15 old learners who jointly wrote a comic. The findings point to limitations of M-A peer interaction suggesting that there is a threshold for the younger learners in terms of benefiting from CW with their older partners. Similarly, the findings suggest that the extent to which OS benefit is rather limited

    Biomecànica de l’arquitectura muscular i potència mecànica de salt en joves

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    Objectiu: Analitzar les relacions i diferències en potència mecànica en salt i l’arquitectura de la musculatura extensora de les extremitats inferiors en subjectes joves segons el sexe i el nivell d’activitat física. Metodologia: S’han realitzat 3 estudis: 2 de metodològics i 1 d’aplicat. Al Primer es van comparar 2 mètodes d’avaluació de la potència de curta durada basats en salt i en pedaleig. Al Segon es va comparar el mesurament de la potència en salt mitjançant un mètode directe davant d’alguns d’indirectes. Al Tercer es va analitzar la potència de salt i l’arquitectura de la musculatura extensora d’extremitats inferiors en una població d’homes i de dones distribuïts cada un en 3 subgrups amb diferent condició física. Hi van participar 244 subjectes: 9 universitaris; 161 homes aspirants a una Facultat de Ciències de l’Esport; 12 jugadores de voleibol de la Selecció Espanyola; 12 dones i 7 homes jugadors de voleibol de Primera Divisió Nacional; 10 dones i 10 homes de Ciències de l’Esport; 12 dones i 11 homes universitaris sedentaris. Resultats i discussió:  A l’Estudi 1 les potències obtingudes amb tots dos mètodes correlacionaven entre si, però amb el salt es van obtenir valors gairebé 3 vegades superiors. A l’Estudi 2 la punta de potència amb equacions correlacionava amb l’obtingut amb plataforma de forces. No obstant això, totes les equacions han subestimat la potència respecte a la plataforma. A l’Estudi 3, la variable d’arquitectura que millor ha correlacionat amb el salt ha estat el gruix muscular del vast lateral (VL). La població d’homes ha mostrat potències més grans en salt, majors gruixos i longituds de fascicles en VL, i angles de penniació en VL i gastrocnemi lateral (GL) que no pas la de dones. Les dones han mostrat majors longituds de fascicles en GL i gastrocnemi medial (GM) que no pas els homes. Entre subgrups de diferent sexe els d’homes han mostrat més capacitat de salt que els respectius de dones. Entre els subgrups del mateix sexe s’han trobat diferències en potència de salt, però no en arquitectura muscular. Homes i dones semblen presentar diferències de partida en algunes variables d’arquitectura, que els podrien condicionar diferències en el rendiment físic en algunes activitats. Les majors potències dels homes sobre les dones al costat de les diferències en gruix i longitud de fascicles del VL entre els dos i les correlacions trobades fan pensar que l’arquitectura d’aquest ventre condiciona la potència de salt i explica el major rendiment dels homes davant les dones en el salt, però no explicaria les diferències entre subgrups del mateix sexe. Conclusions: Les diferents arquitectures dels subjectes explicarien les diferències en la capacitat de salt entre homes i dones, però no les diferències entre subgrups del mateix sexe. El VL és el ventre que major implicació ha mostrat amb la potència en salt

    EEMI - An Electronic Health Record for Pediatricians: Adoption Barriers, Services and Use in Mexico

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    The use of paper health records and handwritten prescriptions are prone to preset errors of misunderstanding instructions or interpretations that derive in affecting patients’ health. Electronic Health Records (EHR) systems are useful tools that among other functions can assists physicians’ tasks such as finding recommended medicines (and their contraindications) and dosage for a given diagnosis, filling prescriptions and support data sharing with other systems. By using an EHR many errors can be avoided. This paper presents EEMI (Expediente Electrónico Médico Infantil), a Children EHR focused on assisting pediatricians in their daily office practice. EEMI functionality keeps the relationships among diagnosis, treatment, and medications. EEMI also calculates dosages and automatically creates prescriptions which can be personalized by the physician. The system also validates patient allergies to avoid prescription of any pharmaceutical with alerts. EEMI was developed based on the experience of pediatricians in the Monterrey metropolitan area. This paper also presents the current use of EHRs in Mexico, the Mexican Norm (NOM-024-SSA3-2010), standards for the development of electronic medical records and its relationships with other standards for data exchange and data representation in the health area. This system is currently in production. It uses novel technologies such as cloud computing and software services

    Različiti oblici rasterećenja pravosuđa u Republici Hrvatskoj- trebaju li Hrvatskoj Rechtspflegeri?

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    U radu se prezentiraju različiti oblici rasterećenja hrvatskog pravosuđa - sudski savjetnici, javni bilježnici i zemljišnoknjižni referenti. Prikazuje se njihov povijesni razvoj i aktualno stanje u skladu s najnovijim zakonskim izmjenama i reformskim nastojanjima. Iznose se prednosti i nedostaci odabranih modela i upozorava na potrebu sustavnog pristupa u rješavanju prijenosa zadaća sudbenosti osobama koje nisu suci. Ozbiljna kritika upućuje se prijenosu zadaća sporne sudbenosti nesucima, osobito s obzirom na moguće rezultate kojima je takvo postupanje u komparativnim sustavima rezultiralo. Prezentiraju se osnovne značajke instituta Rechtspfleger u njemačkom i austrijskom pravu i ističu njegove prednosti. Predlažu se određene izmjene u rasterećenju pravosuđa u Hrvatskoj de lege ferenda

    Dynamic Limits on Planar Libration-Orbit Coupling Around an Oblate Primary

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    This paper explores the dynamic properties of the planar system of an ellipsoidal satellite in an equatorial orbit about an oblate primary. In particular, we investigate the conditions for which the satellite is bound in librational motion or when the satellite will circulate with respect to the primary. We find the existence of stable equilibrium points about which the satellite can librate, and explore both the linearized and non-linear dynamics around these points. Absolute bounds are placed on the phase space of the libration-orbit coupling through the use of zero-velocity curves that exist in the system. These zero-velocity curves are used to derive a sufficient condition for when the satellite's libration is bound to less than 90 degrees. When this condition is not satisfied so that circulation of the satellite is possible, the initial conditions at zero libration angle are determined which lead to circulation of the satellite. Exact analytical conditions for circulation and the maximum libration angle are derived for the case of a small satellite in orbits of any eccentricity.Comment: Submitted to Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    Internações por diabetes mellitus nas Regiões e Unidades Federativas do Brasil: tendência temporal entre 2011 e 2019.

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    Objetivo: Analisar a tendência temporal das internações ocorridas no Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), nas Regiões e Unidades Federativas no Brasil, com o diagnóstico principal de diabetes mellitus (DM), entre 2011 e 2019. Método: Estudo ecológico com análise de séries temporais dos dados secundários provenientes do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), referentes a população brasileira. Foram incluídas os residentes no Brasil que foram internados por DM (CID10 - E10 ao E14). A tendência temporal foi analisada por regressão linear generalizada de Prais-Winstern, com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: De 2011 a 2019, foram registradas 1.239.574 de internações por motivo de Diabetes mellitus no Brasil, representando 1,2% do número de internações por todas as afecções de saúde (103.051.010) para o período no país. A Taxa de Internações (TI) por DM no SUS foi de 6,77/10 mil habitantes com tendência decrescente (IC95%=6,44-7,10; valor p=0,01; r²=0,97; CoefB= -0,13). A TI por Região (Gráfico 1) foi maior nas Regiões Nordeste (TI=7,97; valor p=0,01; r²=0,64; CoefB= -0,15) e Sul (TI=7,60; valor p=0,01; r²=0,76; CoefB= -0,41). A tendência da TI apresentou-se decrescente para a maioria das Regiões, sendo estacionária na Região Norte (valor p=0,80). A TI por Unidade Federativa (UF), nos estados do Piauí e Maranhão, na Região Nordeste, e Rondônia e Roraima, na Região Norte foram acima de 10,00/10mil habitantes, com tendência crescente no Maranhão (TI=11,83; valor pConclusão: A tendência temporal foi decrescente, com diferenças segundo Região/UF

    Prognostic role of serum cytokeratin 19 fragments in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: association of marker changes after two chemotherapy cycles with different measures of clinical response and survival

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    Prognostic implication of serum cytokeratin 19 fragments (CYFRA 21-1) was explored in 60 advanced NSCLC patients, whereas in 45 patients assessable for serological response a â©ľ35% CYFRA 21-1 decline after two chemotherapy cycles was strongly associated with non-progression (NP), defined as a sum of objective response (OR)+stable disease (P<0.0001) and survival (P=0.0002). Association of OR with survival was not significant. In multivariate survival analysis, â©ľ35% marker decline and radiological NP status were found as major determinants of prolonged survival with RR: 0.37 (P=0.01) and 0.63 (P=0.01), respectively. In advanced NSCLC patients, NP reflects therapeutic efficacy better than traditional OR. CYFRA 21-1 â©ľ35% decline seems to be a reliable surrogate marker of treatment efficacy in terms of survival
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