7 research outputs found

    O passado e o presente das unidades de conservação do Maranhão, Brasil

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    Entende-se as Unidades de Conservação - UC como o mais importante instrumento estratégico direcionado a proteção do patrimônio ambiental e sociocultural. Sob essa perspectiva, infere-se ao estudo o objetivo de analisar o nível de efetividade das unidades de conservação do Maranhão, se baseando nas características de uso e cobertura da terra. A partir de uma visão sistêmica que visa o desenvolvimento de avaliações ambientais interligadas a conservação e ao planejamento, o estudo analisa a dinâmica espacial a partir das métricas de paisagem referentes a área, forma, densidade e tamanho, em 11 UCs e suas respectivas zonas de amortecimento. Observa-se que cerca de 60% das UCs apresentaram aumento da fragmentação da cobertura florestal, bem como ampliação do índice de forma, tamanho número dos fragmentos, tanto em escala intra-UC quanto na área de entorno. Ressalta-se que essas tranformações foram diretamente influenciadas pelos grandes agentes sociais, atingindo diretamente o nível de efetividade das UCs do Estado

    Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of protect areas : concepts, applications and limitations

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    Nas últimas duas décadas surgiram metodologias e procedimentos técnicos, que visam avaliar o nível de efetividade das áreas protegidas, com o intuito de identificar a real capacidade dessas áreas em planejar e implementar políticas públicas, relacionadas a temática socioeconômica e ambiental. Nesse contexto o presente estudo, surge com a finalidade de analisar as metodologias (WWF (1999), Padovan (2003), Ervin (2003), Stolton et al. (2007), Marinelli (2011) e ICMBIO/WWF (2017), aplicadas e adaptadas à realidade brasileira, considerando estrutura metodológica, aplicação, vantagens e limitações. Dessa forma, intenciona-se avançar nas discussões metodológicas propostas e analisar o seu nível de contribuição para com o planejamento e gestão dessas áreas protegidas.Over the last two decades, technical methodologies and procedures have emerged to assess the effectiveness of protected areas in order to identify the real capacity of these areas to plan and implement public policies related to socioeconomic and environmental issues. In this context, the present study arose with the purpose of analyzing the methodologies (Padovan, 2003), Ervin (2003), Stolton et al. (2007), Marinelli (2011) and ICMBIO / WWF (2017) applied and adapted to the Brazilian reality, considering methodological structure, application, advantages and limitations. Thus, it is intended to advance in the proposed methodological discussions and to analyze their level of contribution to the planning and management of these protected areas

    Évaluation de l’efficacité des aires protégées : concepts, methodes et défis

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    A criação das áreas protegidas é considerada como a principal estratégia para preservação e conservação do patrimônio natural e cultural do planeta (Diegues, 2000). Entretanto, Hockings et al. (2006) afirmam que, para alcançar tais objetivos, faz-se necessário efetivar e avançar com o gerenciamento e a administração dessas áreas protegidas. Nesse cenário surgem metodologias e procedimentos técnicos que visam subsidiar o planejamento e a tomada de decisão, ganhando cada vez mais espaço na implementação e na efetivação de políticas públicas, relacionadas à temática socioeconômica e ambiental. Desse modo, o presente estudo analisa as complexidades e os desafios de se implementar áreas protegidas, bem como se busca debater sobre as principais formas e definições conceituais da efetividade das APs e diferentes abordagens sobre a temática. Visa-se dessa forma avançar nas discussões metodológicas de avaliação do nível de efetividade e vulnerabilidade socioambiental desses territórios protegidos, de modo que seja possível analisar a inter-relação das variáveis de forma agregada e transversal.The creation of protected areas is considered as the main strategy for preservation and conservation of the natural and cultural heritage of the planet (Diegues, 2000). However, Hockings et al. (2006) state that in order to achieve these objectives, it is necessary to carry out and advance the management and administration of these protected areas. In this scenario, there are technical methodologies and procedures that aim to subsidize planning and decision making, gaining more and more space in the implementation and implementation of public policies related to socioeconomic and environmental issues. Thus, the present study analyzes the complexities and challenges of implementing protected areas, as well as discusses the main forms and conceptual definitions of the effectiveness of PAs and different approaches on the theme. It is intended to advance in the methodological discussions to assess the level of effectiveness and social and environmental vulnerability of these protected territories, so that it is possible to analyze the interrelationship of variables in an aggregated and transversal way.La création d’aires protégées est considérée comme la principale stratégie de préservation et de conservation du patrimoine naturel et culturel de la planète (Diegues, 2000). Cependant, Hockings et al. (2006) indiquent que pour atteindre ces objectifs, il est nécessaire de mener à bien la gestion et l’administration de ces aires protégées. Dans ce scénario, des méthodologies et des procédures techniques visent à subventionner la planification et la prise de décision, en donnant de plus en plus de place à la mise en oeuvre et à la mise en oeuvre des politiques publiques relatives aux questions socioéconomiques et environnementales. Ainsi, la présente étude analyse les complexités et les défis de la mise en oeuvre des aires protégées, ainsi que les principales formes et définitions conceptuelles de l’efficacité des AP et les différentes approches sur le thème. Il est prévu d’avancer dans les discussions méthodologiques pour évaluer le niveau d’efficacité et la vulnérabilité sociale et environnementale de ces territoires protégés, afin qu’il soit possible d’analyser la corrélation des variables de manière agrégée et transversale

    Evaluation of effectiveness in conservation units : a case study in the state of Maranhão, Brazil

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    As áreas protegidas possuem grande importância na manutenção do ambiente saudável para as pessoas e a natureza. Eles são essenciais para a conservação da biodiversidade e vital para as culturas e meios de subsistência das comunidades tradicionais (UNEP; WCMC; IUCN, 2018). Nesse contexto, o presente estudo propõe a avaliação da efetividade de unidades de conservação do Maranhão, Brasil, a partir do IFUC- Índice de Efetividade das Unidades de Conservação. Busca-se dessa forma, apresentar novas perspectiva para a otimização da avaliação do nível de efetividade das áreas protegidas em escala regional. Os procedimentos técnicos aplicados foram divididos em 3 etapas: 1) Revisão bibliográfica e coleta de indicadores primários e secundários; 2) Qualificação e sintetização das variáveis com base no método de Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) e 3) Modelagem do IFUC. Entre os resultados alcançados, observou-se que conforme o método proposto 18% das UCs em análise apresentaram nível satisfatório, 46% grau medianamente satisfatório, enquanto 9% pouco satisfatório e 27% nível de efetividade insatisfatório. A avaliação da efetividade das UCs do Maranhão, demonstrou como as diferentes características e fenômenos ambientais, culturais, econômicos, sociais e políticos interagem e influenciam a dinâmica da paisagem local.Protected areas are of great importance in maintaining a healthy environment for people and nature. They are essential for the conservation of biodiversity and vital for the cultures and livelihoods of traditional communities (UNEP; WCMC; IUCN, 2018). In this context, the present study proposes the evaluation of the effectiveness of conservation units in Maranhão, Brazil, based on the IFUC- Index of Effectiveness of Conservation Units. In this way, it seeks to present new perspectives for the optimization of the assessment of the level of effectiveness of protected areas on a regional scale. The technical procedures applied were divided into 3 stages: 1) Literature review and collection of primary and secondary indicators; 2) Qualification and synthesis of variables based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and 3) IFUC modeling. Among the results achieved, it was observed that, according to the proposed method, 18% of the UCs under analysis had a satisfactory level, 46% were moderately satisfactory, while 9% were unsatisfactory and 27% were unsatisfactory. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the UCs in Maranhão, demonstrated how the different characteristics and environmental, cultural, economic, social and political phenomena interact and influence the dynamics of the local landscape

    Dinâmica Socioeconômica das Unidades de Conservação do Maranhão

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    The present study aims to analyze the social and economic dynamics of the Conservation Units of the State of Maranhão, based on the development of the Social Development Index (IDS). With the purpose of evaluating in a synthetic way the social and economic dynamic of the PAs of the state aligned with the objectives of the protected area, as well as if the UC makes possible the improvement in the quality of life of the population. Based on multidisciplinary methodological parameters capable of correlating conditioning factors that influence the level of effectiveness of PAs, the proposed methodology was applied in 11 PAs of Maranhão. The research was divided into three stages: 1) Bibliographic review and collection of primary and secondary indicators; 2) Qualification and synthesis of variables based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and 3) Spatial analysis and regionalization of conservation units using the geostatistical method of Kriging. Thus, it was possible to identify that among the PAs under analysis, 27% had an unsatisfactory level, while 46% had an unsatisfactory degree, 18% had a medium level and 9% had a satisfactory level. In this scenario, it is identified that the non-effectiveness of these areas makes it impossible to optimize land use planning on a regional scale, in addition to generating income, employment and increasing quality of life

    Dinâmica Socioeconômica das Unidades de Conservação do Maranhão

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    The present study aims to analyze the social and economic dynamics of the Conservation Units of the State of Maranhão, based on the development of the Social Development Index (IDS). With the purpose of evaluating in a synthetic way the social and economic dynamic of the PAs of the state aligned with the objectives of the protected area, as well as if the UC makes possible the improvement in the quality of life of the population. Based on multidisciplinary methodological parameters capable of correlating conditioning factors that influence the level of effectiveness of PAs, the proposed methodology was applied in 11 PAs of Maranhão. The research was divided into three stages: 1) Bibliographic review and collection of primary and secondary indicators; 2) Qualification and synthesis of variables based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and 3) Spatial analysis and regionalization of conservation units using the geostatistical method of Kriging. Thus, it was possible to identify that among the PAs under analysis, 27% had an unsatisfactory level, while 46% had an unsatisfactory degree, 18% had a medium level and 9% had a satisfactory level. In this scenario, it is identified that the non-effectiveness of these areas makes it impossible to optimize land use planning on a regional scale, in addition to generating income, employment and increasing quality of life