18 research outputs found

    Modern problems of professional ethics in the engineers preparation context

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    The given article encompasses problems of professsional ethics role in the technical specialists preparing process. The attention is concentrated on an urgency and practical significance of this problem in modern conditions of development of the society undergoing transformational democratic conversions. In article the special role of education in engineers professsional ethics standards creation is considered. The psychological and pedagogical conditions which promote to educate of civilizing business ethics rates in modern conditions are analyzed

    Популяризація науки серед іноземних студентів технічних вишів України – один з актуальних напрямів сучасної освіти

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    The pedagogical conditions of the model form of a modern technical specialist, endowed with professional ethics knowledge through the introduction of a science popularization program are determined. The formation necessity process of the professionally oriented worldview for international students on their future scientific and technical activity is substantiated, by using interactive pedagogical technologies of science popularization in the framework of educational activity; distance course introduction of science popularization; the integration of the educational disciplines’ content and non-academic activities in a technical university with the purpose of learning environment creation, aimed at education of a modern technical specialist. Methodical recommendations on their implementation are given.Визначено педагогічні умови формування моделі сучасного технічного фахівця, озброєного знаннями професійної етики, за допомогою впровадження програми з популяризації науки. Обґрунтовано необхідність процесу формування професійно-спрямованого світогляду іноземних студентів на майбутню науково-технічну діяльність, за допомогою застосування інтерактивної педагогічної технології з популяризації науки в межах навчальної діяльності та упровадження дистанційного курсу; інтеграція змісту навчальних дисциплін і позанавчальних заходів у технічному університеті з метою створення навчального середовища, спрямованого на виховання сучасного технічного фахівця. Подано методичні рекомендації щодо їх реалізації


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    The educational text-book contains theoretical material and problems according to mathematical chapters “Algebra and Analyses”, included in the program for pre-university training of international students. The tasks for independent studying are illustrated in the examples. Designed for students and teachers of all kinds of pre-university training


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    The educational text-book contains theoretical material and problems according to mathematical chapters “Algebra and Analyses”, included in the program for pre-university training of international students. The tasks for independent studying are illustrated in the examples. Designed for students and teachers of all kinds of pre-university training

    Popularization of Science among International Students in Ukraine

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    The purpose of the article is to identify and substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the forming a model of a modern technical specialist with a high level of professional skills, and skills of transforming scientific data, incomprehensible to the ordinary people into interesting and understandable information that will promote greater attraction from young people to scientific problems. The necessity of forming a professionally oriented world outlook for international students in their future scientific and technical activity by using interactive pedagogical technologies of science’s popularization such as: distance courses of science popularization; integration of the academic subjects and extracurricular activities in a technical university with creating a learning environment aimed to a modern technical specialist forming, is substantiated

    Learner's English-Turkish mathematical dictionary

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    This dictionary contains terminological units on main sections of Mathematics included in the program of pre-university training for international students. Basic mathematical terms are illustrated using examples and figures. Learner’s dictionary is intended for both international students studying Mathematics in English according to the pre-university training program, and for those studying Mathematics at the main faculties of universities. The dictionary can also be useful to mathematicians, methodologists, researchers, and translators

    Ceramics with adjustable dielectric properties based on the system SrO – TiO₂ – SiO₂

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    This work presents the results of optimization of the compositions area of radio-absorbing ceramic. As a result of laboratory samples test, dependences "composition – property" was obtained, the choice of the most technologically advanced composition area and sintering temperature for manufacturing the radio-absorbing ceramic was substantiated. The optimal composition of the Sr- titanate ceramics is characterized by the following properties: water absorption (W = 1,3 %), dielectric permeability (ε = 115), density (ρ =4,35·10³ kg/m³)

    The family of learner’s bilingual mathematical dictionaries

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