623 research outputs found

    The Tilt of the Fundamental Plane of Elliptical Galaxies: I. Dynamical and Structural Effects

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    In this paper we explore several structural and dynamical effects on the projected velocity dispersion as possible causes of the fundamental plane (FP) tilt of elliptical galaxies. Specifically, we determine the size of the systematic trend along the FP in the orbital radial anisotropy, in the dark matter (DM) content and distribution relative to the bright matter, and in the shape of the light profile that would be needed to produce the tilt, under the assumption of a constant stellar mass to light ratio. Spherical, non rotating, two--components models are constructed, where the light profiles resemble the R1/4R^{1/4} law. For the investigated models anisotropy cannot play a major role in causing the tilt, while a systematic increase in the DM content and/or concentration may formally produce it. Also a suitable variation of the shape of the light profile can produce the desired effect, and there may be some observational hints supporting this possibility. However, fine tuning is always required in order to produce the tilt, while preserving the {\it tightness} of the galaxies distribution about the FP.Comment: 12 pages MNRAS-TeX (mn.tex v1.5 incl.), 6 figures (.ps included) uuencoded, gzip'ed tar file, accepted by MNRA

    The origin of the spurious iron spread in the globular cluster NGC 3201

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    NGC 3201 is a globular cluster suspected to have an intrinsic spread in the iron content. We re-analysed a sample of 21 cluster stars observed with UVES-FLAMES at the Very Large Telescope and for which Simmerer et al. found a 0.4 dex wide [Fe/H] distribution with a metal-poor tail. We confirmed that when spectroscopic gravities are adopted, the derived [Fe/H] distribution spans ~0.4 dex. On the other hand, when photometric gravities are used, the metallicity distribution from Fe I lines remains large, while that derived from Fe II lines is narrow and compatible with no iron spread. We demonstrate that the metal-poor component claimed by Simmerer et al. is composed by asymptotic giant branch stars that could be affected by non local thermodynamical equilibrium effects driven by iron overionization. This leads to a decrease of the Fe I abundance, while leaving the Fe II abundance unaltered. A similar finding has been already found in asymptotic giant branch stars of the globular clusters M5 and 47 Tucanae. We conclude that NGC 3201 is a normal cluster, with no evidence of intrinsic iron spread.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ, 7 pages, 4 figure

    No evidence of chemical anomalies in the bimodal turnoff cluster NGC 1806 in the LMC

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    We have studied the chemical composition of NGC 1806, a massive, intermediate-age globular cluster that shows a double main sequence turnoff. We analyzed a sample of high-resolution spectra (secured with FLAMES at the Very Large Telescope) for 8 giant stars, members of the cluster, finding an average iron content of [Fe/H]=--0.60 +- 0.01 dex and no evidence of intrinsic star-to-star variations in the abundances of light elements (Na, O, Mg, Al). Also, the (m_(F814W); m_(F336W)-m_(F814W)) color-magnitude diagram obtained by combining optical and near-UV Hubble Space Telescope photometry exhibits a narrow red giant branch, thus ruling out intrinsic variations of C and N abundances in the cluster. These findings demonstrate that NGC 1806 does not harbor chemically distinct sub-populations, at variance with what was found in old globular clusters. In turn, this indicates that the double main sequence turnoff phenomenon cannot be explained in the context of the self-enrichment processes usually invoked to explain the chemical anomalies observed in old globulars. Other solutions (i.e., stellar rotation, merging between clusters or collisions with giant molecular clouds) should be envisaged to explain this class of globulars.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ Letters; 15 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Another brick in understanding chemical and kinematical properties of BSSs: NGC 6752

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    We used high-resolution spectra acquired with the multifiber facility FLAMES at the Very Large Telescope of the European Southern Observatory to investigate the chemical and kinematical properties of a sample of 22 Blue Straggler Stars (BSSs) and 26 red giant branch stars in the nearby globular cluster NGC 6752. We measured radial and rotational velocities and Fe, O and C abundances. According to radial velocities, metallicity and proper motions we identified 18 BSSs as likely cluster members. We found that all the BSSs rotate slowly (less than 40 km/s), similar to the findings in 47 Tucanae, NGC 6397 and M30. The Fe abundance analysis reveals the presence of 3 BSSs affected by radiative levitation (showing [Fe/H] significantly higher than that measured in "normal" cluster stars), confirming that element transport mechanisms occur in the photosphere of BSSs hotter than 8000 K. Finally, BSS C and O abundances are consistent with those measured in dwarf stars. No C and O depletion ascribable to mass transfer processes has been found on the atmospheres of the studied BSSs (at odds with previous results for 47 Tucanae and M30), suggesting the collisional origin for BSSs in NGC 6752 or that the CO-depletion is a transient phenomenon.Comment: ApJ accepte

    The optical counterpart to the X-ray transient IGR J18245-2452 in the globular cluster M28

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    We report on the identification of the optical counterpart to the recently detected INTEGRAL transient IGR J18245-2452 in the Galactic globular cluster M28. From the analysis of a multi epoch HST dataset we have identified a strongly variable star positionally coincident with the radio and Chandra X-ray sources associated to the INTEGRAL transient. The star has been detected during both a quiescent and an outburst state. In the former case it appears as a faint, unperturbed main sequence star, while in the latter state it is about two magnitudes brighter and slightly bluer than main sequence stars. We also detected Halpha excess during the outburst state, suggestive of active accretion processes by the neutron star.Comment: Accepted for publication by ApJ; 15 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    The central Blue Straggler population in four outer-halo globular clusters

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    Using HST/WFPC2 data, we have performed a comparative study of the Blue Straggler Star (BSS) populations in the central regions of the globular clusters AM 1, Eridanus, Palomar 3, and Palomar 4. Located at distances RGC > 50 kpc from the Galactic Centre, these are (together with Palomar 14 and NGC 2419) the most distant clusters in the Halo. We determine their colour-magnitude diagrams and centres of gravity. The four clusters turn out to have similar ages (10.5-11 Gyr), significantly smaller than those of the inner-Halo globulars, and similar metallicities. By exploiting wide field ground based data, we build the most extended radial density profiles from resolved star counts ever published for these systems. These are well reproduced by isotropic King models of relatively low concentration. BSSs appear to be significantly more centrally segregated than red giants in all globular clusters, in agreement with the estimated core and half-mass relaxation times which are smaller than the cluster ages. Assuming that this is a signature of mass segregation, we conclude that AM 1 and Eridanus are slightly dynamically more evolved than Pal 3 and Pal 4.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, references update