1,733 research outputs found

    A Survey Course in the Biological Sciences

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    A review of a Survey course in the biological sciences which is being given at Iowa State Teachers College. It is a course extending over a period of twelve weeks, meeting five times a week including two double periods. The following five points are considered: (1) objectives of the course, (2) the major units, (3) methods of presentation, (4) some results obtained, (5) criticism of the course by the students

    The Survey Courses in Science

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    What should be the nature of the beginning courses in science in our colleges? There has been much criticism directed at these courses. The criticism is usually to the effect that they are too technical and are planned to meet the needs of those who are going to be specialists in some field of science whereas relatively few will continue in a particular field of science. The courses are said to be unrelated to everyday life, whereas what is needed are courses that will give an understanding and an appreciation of modern science as it applies to everyday life in a world so largely dominated by science situations. It is difficult for us who are specialists in some field of science to realize that we are not primarily training specialists in a field of science. Such beginning courses should not be planned for those who specialize but for the average student who needs a knowledge of science in his life and in his chosen vocation

    The Status of the Biological Sciences in the High Schools of Iowa

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    In the germination tests of alfalfa seed in the spring of 1930, one seed was discovered with two embryos. They were both normal in all structures, equal in size and behaved normally in germination. Multiple embryo sacs in the ovules of alfalfa are frequent, but it has been supposed that not more than one is able to mature and function. The presence of two embryos is evidence that two embryo sacs may mature and function

    Temperature and Catalase Activity in Germinating Corn

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    Catalase is an enzyme almost universally present in living cells and has the power of breaking hydrogen peroxide into water and molecular oxygen. The various theories as to the significance of catalase in metabolism are conflicting. Catalase has been considered by some as an enzyme directly correlated with respiration, others have failed to find such a correlation

    The Clay Prairie in Butler County, Iowa

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    The Clay Prairie is a small area of 2.64 acres of native prairie belonging to the University of Northern Iowa. It is located in Butler County, 15 miles northeast of Parkersburg, Iowa. A list of the species of the vascular plants found in this area is given, representing 33 families

    The Place of the Green Leaf in the World

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    Why is a leaf? Ask the question of twenty-five of your friends and if five can give the correct answer I will be surprised. The green leaf is the food factory for the world. It is the plant organ that captures the energy of the sun and in the process of photosynthesis builds of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water and stores this energy in potential form. Later, through oxidation processes, this energy is released and does most of the work of the world. The green plant connects the inorganic world with the organic world and our energy is directly secured from the organic

    What about Organic Evolution?

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    One of the great generalizations of science is the theory of organic evolution. It is, however, very commonly misunderstood by the average person. To many, thanks to such deluded individuals as the late Wiliiam Jennings Bryan, it is a very dangerous doctrine and any one who believes in it is an atheist and must reject the teachings of the Bible. I have had college students ask this question. Is it possible for one to believe in evolution and be a Christian? This question arises only from one who has misconceptions as to the real meaning of evolution and perhaps also as to the true meaning of religion. What are some of these misconceptions

    Snakes That Do Not Exist

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    As a boy I was always on the lookout for two kinds of snakes which I never found. These were the so- called hoop snake, and joint snake. According to popular tradition - and the tradition is still with us - the hoop snake was supposed to take his tail into his mouth and go rolling about the country much to the amazement and horror of his human observers

    What Are We Teaching in Biology?

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    This subject in order to be of real value must be an actual study of plants and animals. I have observed in my teaching that pupils, when given recognition characters of trees, may be able to pass a satisfactory examination on these characters, but fail to recognize the trees they describe when they see them in the field. They have simply memorized words that mean nothing to them

    Plant Disease Control

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    In the November issue of the Bulletin some idea of the crop losses due to plant diseases was given. Obviously the farmer should be concerned in preventing these losses if he is to profit most from his labor. The control of plant disease lies in prevention rather than cure. In most cases, the individual plant is not of sufficient value to warrant an attempt to cure it. The exceptions would be in those cases where a valuable individual plant such as a shade tree becomes diseased and it would be desirable to save it