218 research outputs found

    New Directions-a Ministerial Review in Review

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    The Ministerial review, "Building on a Strong Foundation for the 21st Century: New Directions" attempts to solidify certain recommendations from the December 1997 "Not Just Numbers" report of the Legislative Review Advisory Group. The present review does not qualify as a "white paper" as its guidelines are suggestive and incomplete, rather than being convertible into an integrated set of legislative proposals in a parliamentary bill. Its guidelines stress the need for greater and more transparent accountability of immigration regulations and administration. This emphasis is evident both for immigration and refu- gee policy, the latter to be distinguished by creation of a special Protection Agency. Protection, a term undefined in the document, is twinned with control of abuse as administrative preoccupations. Overall, the guidelines stress administrative vigilance over humanitarian objectives to which Canada is committed as signatory to many international instruments.Le rapport ministériel intitulé "De solides assises pour le 21e siècle: Nouvelles orientations" s'efforce d'affermir certaines des recommandations du rapport. Au-delà des chiffres de décembre 1997 émanant du Groupe Consultatif sur la révision de la législation. Ce rapport ne mérite pas la désignation de «livre blanc» car ses directives sont suggestives, incomplètes, et difficilement convertibles en un corps de législation pouvant s'intégrer dans un projet de loi parlementaire. Ses directives mettent en relief le besoin d'une responsabilisation plus netteet plus transparente des règlements d'immigration et de leur administration. Cette mise en relief est évidente dans le cas de l'immigration et des politiques en matière de réfugiés, ces dernières se voyant distinguées par le projet de création d'une agence spéciale de protection. Cette protection - le terme n'est pas défini dans le document - est jumelée à l'idée du contrôle des abus comme préoccupation administrative. En gros, les directives valorisent la vigilance administrative au détriment des objectifs humanitaires qui sont normalement la vocation du Canada en sa qualité de signataire d'un grand nombre d'ententes internationale


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    Governmental Restrictions on Iranian Aliens During the Hostage Crisis

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    A bridge\u27s link

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    The Portuguese in Angola, 1836-1891: a study in expansion and administration.

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityRelying chiefly upon official correspondence between the Government-General in Portuguese West Africa,or Angola, and the Overseas Ministry in Lisbon as well as works of the period, this study outlines Portuguese activity and policy in 19th century Angola. For the first time, key policy statements from these unpublished documents have been translated into English and analyzed. A hitherto little known phase of Portuguese activity has been brought to light. Portuguese activity in Angola can be divided into three major periods. In the first period, from the publication of the 1836 decree abolishing the slave-trade from Angola, to 1861, and the end of one phase of expansion, considerable military and commercial expansion occurred along the coasts and east to the Cuango river. Consequently, even before the scramble for Africa, Portuguese control in Angola doubled and spread as a military power resting largely upon African auxiliaries. That expansion, however, caused revolts among independent African tribes. Next from 1861 to 1877, and the arrival of the first Portuguese national exploration expedition, came an era of withdrawal from frontier posts, while increasing agriculture offset a progressive weakening of Portuguese power in the interior. The third period, from 1877 to 1891, and the treaty of partition, saw military and missionary expansion onto the plateaus. [TRUNCATED
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