205 research outputs found

    Simplifier le verrouillage d'assemblages de composants haute performance à pile d'appel

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    National audienceLa programmation à base de composants facilite grandement l'adaptation d'applications. Cette propriété est très utile en HPC où les applications ont une grande durée de vie et sont très complexes. Toutefois, les modèles à composants existants supportent très mal les applications HPC dont la structure change à l'exécution, comme le raffinement de maillage adaptatif (AMR). L'un des problèmes qui se posent est le verrouillage efficace de sous-assemblages, en particulier lorsque le modèle d'exécution repose sur des piles d'appel. Cet article présente un algorithme capable d'automatiser certaines tâches de verrouillage et évalue cet algorithme sur un assemblage d'AMR

    De l'ordonnancement des applications multi-niveaux

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    8 pagesNational audienceSous l'impulsion des besoins applicatifs, les moyens de calcul sont de plus en plus puissants. Cette évolution se fait notamment grâce à des architectures de plus en plus parallèles. Dans ce contexte, la portabilité des performances des applications HPC très optimisées est problématique. Le présent article est motivé par l'exemple d'une application HPC appelée HLW (High-Level Waste). Nous présentons un modèle de la structure d'HLW indépendant de l'architecture d'exécution. Nous généralisons ensuite ce modèle en introduisant les \emph{applications multi-niveaux} : des applications constituées d'un ensemble de tâches indépendantes ayant une probabilité de déclencher l'apparition d'une nouvelle tâche lorsqu'elles terminent. On s'intéresse ensuite à l'ordonnancement de telles tâches dans le cas où elles sont modelables, suivent la loi d'Amdahl et où l'architecture d'exécution est homogène. Nous proposons ensuite une famille d'algorithmes et évaluons ses performances à travers des simulations. Finalement, on sélectionne l'algorithme ayant les meilleures performances. Cet algorithme constitue une amélioration par rapport à l'ordonnancement par défaut d'HLW à la fois en terme de performance et d'indépendance par rapport aux paramètres de l'architecture

    A Calculus Enabling Reuse and Composition of Component Assembly Specialization Processes

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    Software specialization exists in various forms in the literature ranging from product lines to adaptation of high-performance applications. In particular, specialization of component assemblies has been the focus of extensive research throughout the years and brings about specific challenges such as variant selection and hierarchy. We argue that many (possibly automatic) assembly specialization processes share a common structure. This paper presents a calculus which aims at providing a generic framework to ease reuse and composition of component assembly specialization processes. We show how this calculus can encode various features from the component model literature and discuss the existence of specialization processes in the literature and the usefulness of reusing and composing them

    Northern sea route: an overview of transportation risks, safety, and security

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    The article of record as published may be found at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12198-015-0158-6As global warming takes its toll on Arctic sea ice, a new transportation superhighway emerges across the northern polar region. This new transportation route—the Northern Sea Route and Northwest Passage—brings many challenges and concerns. Significant obstacles preside along this route such as hazards to navigation, minimal or non-existent rescue and recovery services, inconsistent weather reporting, and reduced communication capability. In this paper, we review existing studies on the Northern Sea Route, discuss these risks and challenges, as well as present some of the advantages and opportunities associated with this emerging trade route. We conclude with a short discussion on safety and security implications

    Encourager la réutilisation logicielle pour le calcul scientifique avec des composants logiciels intégrés

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    International audienceComponent-based programming is a programming paradigm that eases software reuse but has yet to be widely adopted in scientific computing. We propose to embed component frameworks inside high-performance languages directly to improve flexibility compared to the literature. We present this approach through the example of a high-performance Bayesian inference applicatio

    Exploring the potential of the suburban commercial building : nurturing our paths and places

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    Thesis (M. Arch.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1992.Includes bibliographical references (p. 65-67).In the advancement of commercial and economic interests, modern society continually litters the earth's landscapes with insensitive buildings. When I speak of the environment I mean not only the landscape in which the building sits, but also the environment of the people within the space. This lack of concern typically found in commercial habitation reflects an attitude of an individually oriented, commodity driven, society. With the changing values of society, we are obligated to review the needs of our "lesser" building types. Through a further evaluation of the potential behind commercial architecture, one might offer suggestions to create and habit these spaces in an educated manner. This thesis explores the potential which lies beyond stereotypical expectations of the traditional suburban commercial building. The exploration dreams of a place for people rather than commodity. A marketplace which suggests human activity in relation to nature, culture and experience. Through the introduction of these issues in relation to the supermarket, I propose an alternative view to shopping in an effort to enhance the experience and identity of the individual.Marnie Lanore Boomer.M.Arch

    The French administration and the European Union

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    U radu se analizira uloga Europske unije u Vladi Republike Francuske, europska dimenzija u nacionalnim javnopravnim tijelima i nadležnost tijela za međuministarsku suradnju. Također se pokušava dati odgovor na pitanje: treba li oformiti ministarstvo za europska pitanja i na koji način? Zaključno se ističe kako je to dobra ideja zbog toga što je funkcija Europe prepoznata i vidljiva.The role of the European Union in the government of the Republic of France is analysed, the European dimension in national public legal bodies and the supervision of those bodies for interministerial cooperation. It attempts to provide an answer to the question of : Do we need to form a Ministry for European issues and in what way? In conclusion, how this is a good idea due to the European function being recognisable and obvious is emphasised