22 research outputs found

    Quantum time transfer for freespace quantum networking

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    Timing requirements for long-range quantum networking are driven by the necessity of synchronizing the arrival of photons, from independent sources, for Bell-state measurements. Thus, characteristics such as repetition rate and pulse duration influence the precision required to enable quantum networking tasks such as teleportation and entanglement swapping. Some solutions have been proposed utilizing classical laser pulses, frequency combs, and bi-photon sources. In this article, we explore the utility of the latter method since it is based upon quantum phenomena, which makes it naturally covert, and potentially quantum secure. Furthermore, it relies on relatively low technology quantum-photon sources and detection equipment, but provides picosecond timing precision even under high loss and high noise channel conditions representative of daytime space-Earth links. Therefore, this method is potentially relevant for daytime space-Earth quantum networking and/or providing high-precision secure timing in GPS denied environments

    Practical Approach to Extending Baselines of Telescopes using Continuous-Variable Quantum Information

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    Interferometric telescopes are instrumental for the imaging of distant astronomical bodies, but optical loss heavily restricts how far telescopes in an array can be placed from one another, leading to a bottleneck in the resolution that can be achieved. An entanglement-assisted approach to this problem has been proposed by Gottesman, Jennewein, and Croke (GJC12) [Physical Review Letters, 109(7):070503, July 2011], as a possible solution to the issue of optical loss if the entangled state can be distributed across long distances by employing a quantum repeater network. In this paper, we propose an alternative entanglement-assisted scheme that interferes a two-mode squeezed vacuum state with the astronomical state and then measures the resulting state by means of homodyne detection. We use a continuous-variable approach and compute the Fisher information with respect to the mutual coherence of the astronomical source. We show that when the Fisher information is observed cumulatively at the rate at which successful measurements can be performed, our proposed scheme does not outperforms the traditional direct detection approach or the entanglement-assisted approach of GJC12.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Spatial multimode structure of atom-generated squeezed light

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    We investigated the spatial distribution of quantum fluctuations in a squeezed vacuum field, generated via polarization self-rotation (PSR) interaction of an ensemble of Rb atoms and a strong near-resonant linearly polarized laser field. We found that the noise suppression is greatly effected by the transverse profile of a spatial mask, placed in both the squeezed field and the local oscillator, as well as its position along the focused beam near the focal point. These observations indicate the spatial multimode structure of the squeezed vacuum field. We have developed a theoretical model that describes the generation of higher-order Laguerre-Gauss modes as a result of PSR light-atom interaction. The prediction of this model is in a good qualitative agreement with the experimental measurements

    Two-Way Quantum Time Transfer: A Method for Daytime Space-Earth Links

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    Remote clock synchronization is crucial for many classical and quantum network applications. Current state-of-the-art remote clock synchronization techniques achieve femtosecond-scale clock stability utilizing frequency combs, which are supplementary to quantum-networking hardware. Demonstrating an alternative, we synchronize two remote clocks across our freespace testbed using a method called two-way quantum time transfer (QTT). In one second we reach picosecond-scale timing precision under very lossy and noisy channel conditions representative of daytime space-Earth links with commercial off-the-shelf quantum-photon sources and detection equipment. This work demonstrates how QTT is potentially relevant for daytime space-Earth quantum networking and/or providing high-precision secure timing in GPS-denied environments.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2211.0073