7 research outputs found

    In vitro testing for direct immunotoxicity: state of the art

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    Immunotoxicity is defined as the toxicological effects of xenobiotics including pharmaceuticals on the functioning of the immune system and can be induced in either direct or indirect ways. Direct immunotoxicity is caused by the effects of chemicals on the immune system, leading to immunosuppression and subsequently to reduced resistance to infectious diseases or certain forms of nongenotoxic carcinogenicity.In vitro testing has several advantages over in vivo testing, such as detailed mechanistic understanding, species extrapolation (parallelogram approach), and reduction, refinement, and replacement of animal experiments. In vitro testing for direct immunotoxicity can be done in a two-tiered approach, the first tier measuring myelotoxicity. If this type of toxicity is apparent, the compound can be designated immunotoxic. If not, the compound is tested for lymphotoxicity (second tier). Several in vitro assays for lymphotoxicity exist, each comprising specific functions of the immune system (cytokine production, cell proliferation, cytotoxic T-cell activity, natural killer cell activity, antibody production, and dendritic cell maturation). A brief description of each assay is provided. Only one assay, the human whole blood cytokine release assay, has undergone formal prevalidation, while another one, the lymphocyte proliferation assay, is progressing towards that phase.Progress in in vitro testing for direct immunotoxicity includes prevalidation of existing assays and selection of the assay (or combination of assays) that performs best. To avoid inter-species extrapolation, assays should preferably use human cells. Furthermore, the use of whole blood has the advantage of comprising multiple cell types in their natural proportion and environment. The so-called "omics" techniques provide additional mechanistic understanding and hold promise for the characterization of classes of compounds and prediction of specific toxic effects. Technical innovations such as high-content screening and high-throughput analysis will greatly expand the opportunities for in vitro testing

    The status of in vitro toxicity studies in the risk assessment of nanomaterials

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    Nanotechnology applications already on the market or in development promise great benefits for humans as well as the environment. Simultaneously, the pressure to advance the development of fast methods for evaluating the potential risks of increased human exposure to nanomaterials is augmented. One way forward would be to enhance the role of in vitro toxicity studies in risk assessment procedures of nanomaterials. However, to maximize the use of in vitro assays for this purpose, their values and limitations need to be revealed. Even in risk assessment frameworks for regular chemicals, in vitro studies play a minor role. A comparative analysis of published in vitro data with nanomaterials demonstrates that there are a number of issues that need resolving before in vitro studies can play a role in the risk assessment of nanomaterials

    Analysis of effects of Herbabolus on milk quality

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    The Herbabolus is a mix of plant components for cows to improve their health during the transition period. The bolus contains a mixture of herbs including garlic (Garlicin), oregano and yucca. The effects of the bolus on milk quality is investigated. The results are discussed in this report

    Autologous and homologous transplantation of bovine spermatogonial stem cells

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    The aim of this study was to develop a method for spermatogonial stem cell transplantation into the bovine testis. Five-month-old Holstein-Friesian calves were used and half of the calves were hemicastrated to allow autologous transplantation and the other half were used for homologous transplantation. Approximately 20 g of each testis was used for cell isolation. On average 106 cells per gram of testis containing about 70% type A spermatogonia were isolated. The cells were frozen in liquid nitrogen until transplantation. Testes were irradiated locally with 10-14 Gy of X-rays to deplete endogenous spermatogenesis. At 2 months after irradiation, cells (approximately 10 x 10(6) were injected into the rete testis through a long injection needle (18 gauge), using ultrasonography and an ultrasound contrast solution. At 2.5 months after transplantation, calves were castrated and samples of testes were taken for histological examination. After 2.5 months in the irradiated non-transplanted control testes, only 45% of the tubules contained type A spermatogonia. However, after autologous spermatogonial transplantation, >80% of the tubule cross-sections contained type A spermatogonia. In addition, only 20% of the tubules of the control testes contained spermatocytes and, except for a few tubules (5%) with round spermatids, no more advanced germ cells were found. After autologous spermatogonial transplantation, about 60% of the tubules contained spermatocytes; 30% contained spermatids and in about 15% of tubules spermatozoa were found. No improvement in spermatogonial repopulation was found after homologous transplantation. The results of this study demonstrate, for the first time, successful autologous transplantation of bovine spermatogonial stem cells resulting in a complete regeneration of spermatogenesis

    Autologous and homologous transplantation of bovine spermatogonial stem cells

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    The aim of this study was to develop a method for spermatogonial stem cell transplantation into the bovine testis. Five-month-old Holstein-Friesian calves were used and half of the calves were hemicastrated to allow autologous transplantation and the other half were used for homologous transplantation. Approximately 20 g of each testis was used for cell isolation. On average 106 cells per gram of testis containing about 70% type A spermatogonia were isolated. The cells were frozen in liquid nitrogen until transplantation. Testes were irradiated locally with 10-14 Gy of X-rays to deplete endogenous spermatogenesis. At 2 months after irradiation, cells (approximately 10 x 10(6) were injected into the rete testis through a long injection needle (18 gauge), using ultrasonography and an ultrasound contrast solution. At 2.5 months after transplantation, calves were castrated and samples of testes were taken for histological examination. After 2.5 months in the irradiated non-transplanted control testes, only 45% of the tubules contained type A spermatogonia. However, after autologous spermatogonial transplantation, >80% of the tubule cross-sections contained type A spermatogonia. In addition, only 20% of the tubules of the control testes contained spermatocytes and, except for a few tubules (5%) with round spermatids, no more advanced germ cells were found. After autologous spermatogonial transplantation, about 60% of the tubules contained spermatocytes; 30% contained spermatids and in about 15% of tubules spermatozoa were found. No improvement in spermatogonial repopulation was found after homologous transplantation. The results of this study demonstrate, for the first time, successful autologous transplantation of bovine spermatogonial stem cells resulting in a complete regeneration of spermatogenesis

    Ag+ Complexes as Potential Therapeutic Agents in Medicine and Pharmacy

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