40 research outputs found

    Language of Lullabies: The Russification and De-Russification of the Baltic States

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    This article argues that the laws for promotion of the national languages are a legitimate means for the Baltic states to establish their cultural independence from Russia and the former Soviet Union

    Kings with too many names : an Elamite onomastical imbroglio

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    This paper concentrates on the Elamite royal names Humpan-imena and Humpan-umena and some related names. It will thereby make use of both Elamite and Akkadian sources and will try to establish order in the actual chaotic way modern scholars refer to the kings behind these names

    Crossing Borders… Perilous Journeys for Elamite Diplomats and Messengers

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    Although some reports on foreign policy exist for Ancient Near Eastern states in the first millennium BC, studies illuminating on the diplomatic behaviour between an early Iranian state and the Mesopotamian empires are scarce. Nevertheless, the Elamite texts and Akkadian royal correspondence (8th-6th century BC) does give regular hints on the efforts of the Elamite diplomats and messengers to optimize the international relations between Elam on the one hand and the Babylonian and Assyrian rulers on the other. This paper will therefore explore the role of the Elamite officials in the international diplomatic relations of the Neo-Elamite kings with the neighboring states Assyria and Babylonia

    Identification of the sedimentary palaeo-environments in order to reconstruct the geographic history of Lower Khuzestan, SW-Iran

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    The southern part of the Mesopotamian plain was of immense importance toward the development of our modern civilisation. Since long archaeologists and historians have conducted research on ancient writings and archaeological findings in this lowland area. Unfortunately little work has been done on the evolution of the palaeo-environment along the Iranian side. Shifting rivers, changing coastlines as well as climate fluctuations are, among others, important factors which have had and have an impact on the production of the natural sustenance and thus ancient, historical and modern settlements. This study focuses on the palaeo-environmental reconstruction of Lower-Khuzestan in southwest Iran throughout the Holocene. The study of the sedimentary and mineralogical properties of the sediments up to 12m beneath the surface, in combination with radiocarbon dating make the reconstruction of the geographic history of Lower Khuzestan during the Holocene possible

    Eighteenth-Century English Phonology Database

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    The Eighteenth-Century English Phonology Database (ECEP) is an online database designed for the study of eighteenth-century English phonology, which will allow users to investigate the social, regional and lexical distribution of phonological variants in eighteenth-century English