17 research outputs found

    Nest-site competition between bumblebees (Bombidae), social wasps (Vespidae) and cavity-nesting birds in Britain and the Western Palearctic

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    Capsule: There is no evidence of widespread significant nest-site competition in Britain or the Western Palearctic between cavity-nesting birds and bumblebees or social wasps. Aims: To investigate competition between cavity-nesting birds and bumblebees and wasps, particularly the range-expanding Tree Bumblebee, Saxon Wasp and European Hornet in Britain, and review evidence throughout the Western Palearctic. Methods: We compared field data from English and Polish studies of tits and woodpeckers breeding in nest-boxes and/or tree holes to assess nest-site competition with bumblebees and wasps. We reviewed the literature quantifying nest-site competition between birds and these insects in the Western Palearctic. Results: Bumblebees and wasps are capable of usurping small passerines from nests. In England, these insects commandeered a mean annual 4.1% of tit nests initiated in nest-boxes; occurrence of hornets showed a long-term increase, but not other wasps or bumblebees. Across the Western Palearctic, insect occupation of nest-boxes was generally low, and was lower in England than in Poland. No insects were discovered in tree cavities, including those created by woodpeckers (Picidae). Conclusion: Nest-site competition between cavity-nesting birds and bumblebees and wasps appears to be a ‘nest-box phenomenon’, which may occasionally interfere with nest-box studies, but appears negligible in natural nest-sites

    Economic situation and expectations of the rural population and farmers in Poland in 2010

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    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań gospodarstw domowych wiejskich i gospodarstw domowych rolników dotyczących wybranych uwarunkowań samooceny ich sytuacji materialnej. W tym celu przeprowadzono analizę porównawczą relacji między samooceną a dochodami i wybranymi charakterystykami sytuacji społeczno-ekonomicznej gospodarstw domowych na wsi i w miastach oraz gospodarstw domowych rolników i gospodarstw należących do pozostałych klas społeczno-ekonomicznych. Analiza ekonometryczna wykazała, że istnieje silna zależność oceny własnej sytuacji ekonomicznej gospodarstw od uzyskiwanych dochodów. Na podkreślenie zasługuje istotnie niższy niż w pozostałych badanych grupach odsetek gospodarstw domowych rolników akceptujących swoją sytuację, gdy uzyskują oni takie same dochody. Wynika to zapewne ze ścisłego połączenia funkcji konsumpcyjnej i produkcyjnej w tej grupie gospodarstw domowych i tym samym z większych potrzeb finansowych. W badaniach zastosowano metody analizy statystycznej i modelowanie ekonometryczne. W artykule wykorzystano dane źródłowe z badań panelowych budżetów gospodarstw domowych w Polsce w 2010 roku prowadzonych przez GUS.Presented in this article are the results of the studies on selected determinants of self – assessment of the economic situation of rural and farmers’ households. A comparative analysis was carried out between self – assessment, incomes and selected characteristics of socio-economic situation of the rural and farmers’ households and households belonging to other socio-economic classes. The econometric analysis shows that there is a strong dependence of households’ assessment own economic situation on earned income. It should be emphasized that the percentage of farmers’ households which accept their own situation is significantly lower than in other types of households with the same income. This probably results from the close connection of consumption and production functions in that class of households and thus their greater financial needs. In the study statistical analysis and econometrical methods were used. Data coming from household budget panels studies of the Polish Central Statistical Office from 2010 were used

    Polymer nanoreactors shown to produce and release antibiotics locally

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    We designed and prepared nanoreactors based on a poly(2-methyloxazoline)-block-poly(dimethylsiloxane)-block-poly(2-methyloxazoline (PMOXA-b-PDMS-b-PMOXA) amphiphilic triblock copolymer encapsulating the enzyme penicillin acylase for local and controlled production of antibiotics

    Battling Bacteria with Free and Surface-Immobilized Polymeric Nanostructures

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    With the discovery of antibiotics, bacterial infections and previously fatal diseases suddenly became curable. During the golden era of antibiotics, new classes of antibiotics were discovered. However, antibiotic-resistant bacteria rapidly evolved while fewer new antimicrobial drugs were discovered and marketed. Today, a growing number of infections are becoming harder to treat as the bacterial resistance is spreading and antibiotics become less effective. Evidently, there is an urgent demand for new strategies that efficiently battle pathogenic bacteria. Among emerging technologies, those involving polymeric nanostructures, especially polymersomes, offer many features that make them attractive candidates for battling infections. Polymersomes can be designed to be biocompatible and respond to various environmental signals. They are more robust than liposomes and can host hydrophobic and hydrophilic antimicrobial compounds, which can be released and act locally. Last but not least, they are biodegradable. Moreover, platforms comprising polymeric nanostructures can be designed as sensors for diagnosing infections. Many of these approaches require the immobilization of the antimicrobial nanostructures on a surface whereby the activity is localized to a specific region. Several recent examples of polymeric nanostructures with antimicrobial activity, both free in solution or immobilized on surfaces, are highlighted and discussed in this chapter