619 research outputs found
Direct Telemetry Access
Fine-grained network telemetry is becoming a modern datacenter standard and is the basis of essential applications such as congestion control, load balancing, and advanced troubleshooting. As network size increases and telemetry gets more fine-grained, there is a tremendous growth in the amount of data needed to be reported from switches to collectors to enable network-wide view. As a consequence, it is progressively hard to scale data collection systems.We introduce Direct Telemetry Access (DTA), a solution optimized for aggregating and moving hundreds of millions of reports per second from switches into queryable data structures in collectors' memory. DTA is lightweight and it is able to greatly reduce overheads at collectors. DTA is built on top of RDMA, and we propose novel and expressive reporting primitives to allow easy integration with existing state-of-the-art telemetry mechanisms such as INT or Marple.We show that DTA significantly improves telemetry collection rates. For example, when used with INT, it can collect and aggregate over 400M reports per second with a single server, improving over the Atomic MultiLog by up to 16x
Ontogeny of ependymoglial cells lining the third ventricle in mice.
During hypothalamic development, the germinative neuroepithelium gives birth to diverse neural cells that regulate numerous physiological functions in adulthood.
Here, we studied the ontogeny of ependymal cells in the mouse mediobasal hypothalamus using the BrdU approach and publicly available single-cell RNAseq datasets.
We observed that while typical ependymal cells are mainly produced at E13, tanycyte birth depends on time and subtypes and lasts up to P8. Typical ependymocytes and β tanycytes are the first to arise at the top and bottom of the dorsoventral axis around E13, whereas α tanycytes emerge later in development, generating an outside-in dorsoventral gradient along the third ventricle. Additionally, α tanycyte generation displayed a rostral-to-caudal pattern. Finally, tanycytes mature progressively until they reach transcriptional maturity between P4 and P14.
Altogether, this data shows that ependyma generation differs in time and distribution, highlighting the heterogeneity of the third ventricle
Etude de la faisabilité d'un composite à matrice cimentaire renforcé de fibres de jute
Le domaine de la construction doit jouer un rôle important dans la résolution des problèmes environnementaux lies au recyclage et l'exploitation de la biomasse. Dans la catégorie des matériaux cimentaires, différents types de déchets et coproduits issus de l'agriculture ont déjà été utilises, soit sous forme de particules, en remplacement total ou partiel des granulats minéraux, soit sous forme de fibres pour renforcement. Dans cette, étude nous nous sommes intéresses au potentiel d'utilisation des fibres de jute comme éléments de renfort pour mortiers. La fibre de jute a été utilisée en substitution partielle du sable à différents taux, le mortier de référence étant sans fibres. Un protocole d'essais expérimentaux à été mène pour étudier les composites a l'état frais et a l'état durci. La compatibilité chimique des fibres de jute avec le ciment à été évaluée a l'aide des tests d'hydratation qui consistent a enregistrer l'élévation de température au cœur du composite lors des réactions exothermiques des composants du ciment avec l'eau de gâchage. Les résultats révèlent un faible indice d'inhibition confirmant la compatibilité de la fibre avec le ciment. Les essais mécaniques montrent une baisse des performances avec l'augmentation du taux de fibres, mais un gain substantiel en poids.Mots clés: Composite cimentaire - Mortier de fibres - Fibres de jute - Compatibilité chimique. Construction field has to play an important role in resolving environmental problems related to recycling and exploitation of the biomass. In the category of cementitious materials, various types of wastes and byproducts derived from agriculture have already been used, either as particles, in total or partial replacement of mineral aggregates, or as fibers for reinforcement. In this study we were interested at the potential use of jute fibers as reinforcing elements for mortars. The jute fiber was used in partial replacement of sand at different rates; the control mortar was without fibers. A Memorandum of experimental tests was conducted in order to study the composite in fresh and hardened state. The chemical compatibility of jute fibers with cement was evaluated using tests of hydration which consist in recording the temperature rise in the heart of the composite during the exothermic reactions between the components of the cement and the mix water. The results of these tests revealed very low index of inhibition confirming the compatibility of the jute fiber with cement. The mechanical tests showed a decrease in performances according to the increase of fiber and a substantial gain weight.Keywords: Cementitious composite - Fiber mortars - Jute fibers - Chemical compatibility
microRNA-205-5p is a modulator of insulin sensitivity that inhibits FOXO function.
Hepatic insulin resistance is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes and obesity. Insulin receptor signaling through AKT and FOXO has important metabolic effects that have traditionally been ascribed to regulation of gene expression. However, whether all the metabolic effects of FOXO arise from its regulation of protein-encoding mRNAs is unknown.
To address this question, we obtained expression profiles of FOXO-regulated murine hepatic microRNAs (miRNAs) during fasting and refeeding using mice lacking Foxo1, 3a, and 4 in liver (L-Foxo1,3a, 4).
Out of 439 miRNA analyzed, 175 were differentially expressed in Foxo knockouts. Their functions were associated with insulin, Wnt, Mapk signaling, and aging. Among them, we report a striking increase of miR-205-5p expression in L-Foxo1,3a,4 knockouts, as well as in obese mice. We show that miR-205-5p gain-of-function increases AKT phosphorylation and decreases SHIP2 in primary hepatocytes, resulting in FOXO inhibition. This results in decreased hepatocyte glucose production. Consistent with these observations, miR-205-5p gain-of-function in mice lowered glucose levels and improved pyruvate tolerance.
These findings reveal a homeostatic miRNA loop regulating insulin signaling, with potential implications for in vivo glucose metabolism
How simple can a model of an empty viral capsid be? Charge distributions in viral capsids
We investigate and quantify salient features of the charge distributions on
viral capsids. Our analysis combines the experimentally determined capsid
geometry with simple models for ionization of amino acids, thus yielding the
detailed description of spatial distribution for positive and negative charge
across the capsid wall. The obtained data is processed in order to extract the
mean radii of distributions, surface charge densities and dipole moment
densities. The results are evaluated and examined in light of previously
proposed models of capsid charge distributions, which are shown to have to some
extent limited value when applied to real viruses.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in Journal of
Biological Physic
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