4 research outputs found

    Discrimination of different scoring systems between non-converters and converters.

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    <p>Discrimination of different scoring systems between non-converters and converters.</p

    Correlation coefficients between the six scoring methods based on the 242 assessments.

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    <p>*Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (two-tailed).</p><p>**Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (two-tailed).</p

    Scores of four groups using six scoring systems.

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    <p>Scores of four groups using six scoring systems.</p

    Initial clock-drawing items used in statistical analyses.

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    <p>If the answer is yes →1 point, if no →0 point;</p><p>*All numbers are correct: wrong numbers included cases of number that are missing, repeated, not include in 12-number range, or been substituted with some symbols.</p