9 research outputs found

    Die Nutzung des wissenschaftlichen Publikationssystems : Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt „Open Access in der Berufsbildungsforschung“

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    Das Forschungsprojekt „Open Access in der Berufsbildungsforschung“ (OABBF, Laufzeit: 1/2019–6/2021) des Bundesinstituts für Berufsbildung (BIBB) beschäftigt sich mit der Frage nach den technisch-strukturellen, politisch-normativen und wissenschaftssystem-immanenten Bedingungen für die Akzeptanz, Verbreitung und Nutzung von Open Access in der Berufsbildungsforschung. Vor einem wissenschaftssoziologischen und medientheoretischen Hintergrund wurde die empirische Datenbasis über einen Mixed-Methods-Ansatz generiert. Auf die Explorationsphase im Jahr 2019, die Gruppendiskussionen mit Autor*innen der Berufsbildungsforschung beinhaltete, folgte 2020 eine Onlinebefragung, die sich an rund 5.000 Autor*innen richtete. In diesem Beitrag werden ausgewählte Ergebnisse der Onlinebefragung vorgestellt. Die Ergebnisse skizzieren Einstellungen der Autor*innen zur Verbreitung und zur Nutzung von Publikationen. Außerdem werden Daten zu den Lesegewohnheiten der Befragten vorgestellt sowie zu den Informationsressourcen, die von ihnen im Kontext der eigenen wissenschaftlichen Arbeit genutzt werden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen: Sowohl bei der Verbreitung als auch bei der Nutzung und Recherche von Publikationen ist den Befragten der digitale und dauerhafte Zugriff auf Literatur wichtig. Bei der Nutzung von Literatur sind das Renommee, die Wissenschaftlichkeit und die unmittelbare Verfügbarkeit von Publikationen zudem zentrale Auswahlkriterien der Befragten. Open Access ist hingegen häufig kein Suchkriterium und bleibt für die Befragten tendenziell unsichtbar in ihrem Arbeitsalltag.The research project „Open Access in vocational education and training research“ (OABBF) at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) (running from 1/2019 to 6/2021) explores the technical and structural, policy-oriented and normative conditions as well as conditions inherent in the academic research system for the acceptance, dissemination and use of open access in vocational education and training research. Using a sociology of science and media theory back- ground, the empirical data used for the study was generated through a mixed methods approach. The exploration phase in 2019, which included group discussions with authors in VET research, was followed by an online survey in 2020, sent out to approximately 5,000 authors. This paper presents selected results from the online survey. The results uncover authorsʼ attitudes towards the dissemination and use of publications. In addition, data on the information resources used by the respondents in the context of their own academic work and on their reading habits are presented. The results show that the digital and permanent access to literature is important to the respondents for the dissemination of their own research as well as regarding the use and research of publications. When using literature, the reputation, scientific nature and immediate availability of publications are also central selection criteria for the respondents. Open Access, however, is often not a search criterion and tends to remain invisible to respondents in their everyday work

    Predicting Outcomes of Prostate Cancer Immunotherapy by Personalized Mathematical Models

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    Therapeutic vaccination against disseminated prostate cancer (PCa) is partially effective in some PCa patients. We hypothesized that the efficacy of treatment will be enhanced by individualized vaccination regimens tailored by simple mathematical models.We developed a general mathematical model encompassing the basic interactions of a vaccine, immune system and PCa cells, and validated it by the results of a clinical trial testing an allogeneic PCa whole-cell vaccine. For model validation in the absence of any other pertinent marker, we used the clinically measured changes in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels as a correlate of tumor burden. Up to 26 PSA levels measured per patient were divided into each patient's training set and his validation set. The training set, used for model personalization, contained the patient's initial sequence of PSA levels; the validation set contained his subsequent PSA data points. Personalized models were simulated to predict changes in tumor burden and PSA levels and predictions were compared to the validation set. The model accurately predicted PSA levels over the entire measured period in 12 of the 15 vaccination-responsive patients (the coefficient of determination between the predicted and observed PSA values was R(2) = 0.972). The model could not account for the inconsistent changes in PSA levels in 3 of the 15 responsive patients at the end of treatment. Each validated personalized model was simulated under many hypothetical immunotherapy protocols to suggest alternative vaccination regimens. Personalized regimens predicted to enhance the effects of therapy differed among the patients.Using a few initial measurements, we constructed robust patient-specific models of PCa immunotherapy, which were retrospectively validated by clinical trial results. Our results emphasize the potential value and feasibility of individualized model-suggested immunotherapy protocols

    Open Access in Vocational Education and Training Research

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    The article presents a research project at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training in Germany and reflects the perspective of researchers in the field of vocational education and training (VET). It investigates the technical and structural, policy-related, and normative and inherent academic research conditions exerting an influence on the acceptance, dissemination, and use of Open Access (OA). The research project focuses on the German-speaking countries. VET research represents an interlinking of various related academic research areas, rather than comprising a stand-alone discipline. Therefore, the assumption must be that the results of the project will be at least partially transferable to other fields within the social sciences and the humanities and will thus contribute towards findings with regard to OA across the whole of the latter domain. The background to the project is underpinned by science communication and by media theory. The empirical basis of the study has its foundations in a Sequential Mixed Method Design with a qualitative strand, followed by a quantitative strand. The qualitative exploration via focus groups will lead to hypotheses for the online survey. The online survey will be aimed at academic researchers from various disciplines who share common ground in that they address topics that are related to VET research. The realisation of the research project is planned for 2018–2020

    Begrenzt offen: erste Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts "Open Access in der Berufsbildungsforschung"

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    Open Access verändert auch in der Berufsbildungsforschung die Publikationslandschaft und damit die Wissenschaftskommunikation. Das Forschungsprojekt 'Open Access in der Berufsbildungsforschung' (OABBF) untersucht Bedingungen für die Akzeptanz, Verbreitung und Nutzung des Open-Access-Publikationsmodells. Das Wissenschaftliche Diskussionspapier stellt die Ergebnisse der ersten Projektphase dar, in der strukturierte Gruppendiskussionen mit Autorinnen und Autoren durchgeführt wurden. (Autorenreferat, BIBB-Doku)Open access is changing the publication landscape in Vocational Education and Training research and practices of science communication accordingly. The research project 'Open Access in Vocational Education and Training Research' (OABBF) investigates conditions for the acceptance, dissemination and use of the open access publication model. The Scientific Discussion Paper presents the results of the first phase of the project, in which structured group discussions with authors were conducted. (Authors' abstract, BIBB-Doku