333 research outputs found

    The Representation of Exceptional Persons in Selected Educational Materials

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    A milestone for special education was reached in November. 1975, when the United States Congress passed Public Law 94:142, The Education for All Handicapped Act. Major implications of this document were that disahled children, ages 3-21, now were given an equal opportunity for a free public education; disabled children, would receive that education in the least restrictive environment; due process would be applicable; and the law would be implemented to ensure an education for the disabled ages 3-18 by 1978, and 3-21 by 1980. A result of this law is that disabled children are entering the public school, and a portion of that number are mainstreamed into regular classrooms for at least part of the school day. The integration of the disabled into regular classrooms necessitated healthy attitudes toward disabled that focused on the person rather than on the disability and the acceptance of the disabled as worthwhile productive individuals. Since attitudes may be conveyed through printed materials, it seemed appropriate to examine materials that are. used by teachers and children. A review of the literature indicated that the only studies to date that summarized the image of disabled in educational materials were in children’s literature. This researcher perceived the need for an investigation of the image of the disabled in other materials used by teachers and students. Materials selected for study were professional journals and basal reading series. The following research questions were investigated: (1) Are exceptional persons visible in educational journals? types of information are included? Are biased attitudes reflected? Who is the specific audience, teachers, administrators, or others? (2) Are exceptional persons visible in children\u27s reading text-- books? To what degree? How are they represented? Are they engaged in meaningful activities with others? Are. biased attitudes reflected in either textual or pictorial representation? Does the language used by the author convey negative attitudes? Exceptional persons were defined within the following categories: intellectual disability is subnormal intellectual development that creates deficiencies in academ and social learning; physical disabilities; emotional disable i re es include a breakdown in interpersonal relationships and perceptions o.\u27 reality, unpredictability and instability; speech disorders; sensor 1 . \u3eJ:ilities are impairments of sensory organs including blindness, partially sighted, deafness and hard of hearing. Multiple disabilities will refer to all categories of disabilities. Materials selected were the journals: Teacher, Instructor, Early Years, Language Arts and The Reading Teacher. Textbooks studied were the Impression Series, Houghton-Mifflin; Keys to Reading, Economy; Reading 720, Rainbow Edition, Ginn and Company; Basics in Reading, Scott, Fnresman; and the American Book Reading Program, the American Book C upany. Analysis of the data revealed the following: Exceptional persons were visible, in teacher journals in articles r inly addressed to teachers. Overall, 2,7 percent of the articles in ournals for the years examined were about this group. Of these artic es, 57 percent were about disabilities in general. Most of the articles, 80 percent, covered a range, of ages of exceptional persons. Thirty percent of the articles were about instructional procedures, 18 percent of them were about mainstreaming, 37 percent of them were about such miscellaneous topics as labeling, special education trends, teacher training, and the remaining were about classroom management, information on disabilities and screening procedures. The language of the authors in every instance was not offensive. More stories that included disabled characters in narratives were found in intermediate textbooks than in primary textbooks. Mere exceptional characters appeared in illustrations and skills lessons in primary textbooks than in the narrative. Data on the disabled in textbooks revealed that more disabled males than disabled females were visible. More adults including senior citizens were depicted as disabled characters. Sixty-seven percent of the disabilities were physical in origin. Nearly 70 percent of the disabled characters were Caucasian. Characterization and language were generally positive

    Nonprofit Organizations and the Nevada Economy: An analysis of the employment, economic impact, and scope of the nonprofit sector in Nevada

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    The Nevada nonprofit sector plays an important role in the state’s economy. This research report examines the role of nonprofit organizations in the economy and details regional differences in terms of employment and economic impact in the state

    We dare not say

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    Magister Artium - MAWe Dare Not Say is an anthology of seven interlinked short stories with the general theme of intergenerational trauma among coloured families in Cape Town. The stories are arranged in a montage of internally, variably and externally focalised narratives that span over a century, from 1900 through to 2015, and are fictionalised accounts of real events, categorising them as biographical fiction. Some of the specific topics covered in the stories include incest, molestation, substance abuse, mental illness and humour as a coping mechanism. The body of work is conceived in the context of the twentieth century trauma narrative, the complexities of which run as undercurrents through most of the important English literary works created in South Africa since the 1800s up until John M. Coetzee, but which has often lacked a female perspective, especially women of colour. The stories in this volume aim to depict a group of people, who, through centuries of oppression in the form of serfdom, servitude and segregation, have developed various coping mechanisms to make sense of their own identity in an absurdly cruel social landscape. The stories focus on the inward turning of violence, substance abuse, silence and humour as survival mechanisms after generations of trauma that have been, in a sense, the hallmarks of coloured South Africa. The stories are told using a split narrative method, showing multiple viewpoints of the same story with perspectives ranging from young to old, crossing the gender divide in both time and space. Ultimately, We Dare Not Say, is a depiction of the complexities of lives lived under oppression, and the triumphs and challenges faced in trying to resolve, live through or deny the effects of such oppression on a group and the individuals that make up that group

    Ecotourism as a catalyst for promoting local economic development: an evaluation of the developmental impacts of Bulungula Lodge in Nqileni, Eastern Cape

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    Magister Artium (Development Studies) - MA(DVS)Tourism is one of the fastest growing global sectors, with current international tourist arrivals exceeding 935 million, and projected arrivals to exceed 1 billion by 2020. Community-based ecotourism has been suggested as a possible avenue for poverty eradication and local economic development in South Africa's remote rural regions, which are characterised by undeveloped infrastructure, poorly functioning schools and few economic opportunities. This is especially true of the Wild Coast region in the Eastern Cape Province, which is characterised by the contrasting elements of abundant natural resources eminently suitable for tourism development, and abject poverty. The central objective of this qualitative study is to evaluate the developmental impacts of the Bulungula Lodge and related initiatives, in order to assess the extent to which ecotourism can be used as a catalyst for local economic development. This includes the conservation practices employed by the enterprise, as well as its contribution towards conservation knowledge amongst community members. In addition, the study undertook to assess the extent to which the Bulungula Lodge and related initiatives has provided employment, and facilitated local participation in decision making and skills development in order to contribute towards sustainable livelihood outcomes. The findings indicate that Bulungula Lodge and related initiatives contribute positively to the local economy through job creation, skills development and local collaboration. However, Bulungula Lodge is faced with a number of factors which constrain the attainment of development goals, such as an inactive local and provincial government, low human and physical capital stocks and an inability to expand without threatening the sustainability of the natural resource base. In conclusion, the study provides numerous recommendations in order to increase the effectiveness of projects and employment within an environment devoid of government intervention. Among these are strategies for improving an understanding of conservation amongst community members, as well as strategies to improve adult education and the empowerment of women in the decision making process

    Reaction of North American Oats (Avena sativa L.) to Crown Rust

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    Crown rust, caused by the fungus Puccinia coronata, is a severe disease negatively impacting seed quality and yield in oat (Avena sativa). Host genetic resistance is the primary means for controlling this disease. The most extensive oat map contains nearly 2,500 genetic markers, many of which are restriction and amplified fragment length polymorphic (RFLP or AFLP) markers. However, the use of more abundant single nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers combined with diversity arrays technology (DArT) would be more advantageous for marker assisted breeding (MAB) and genome wide selection (GWS) applications due to the availability of high density genotyping technologies. The purpose of using this technology is to improve the competitiveness of oat by producing varieties with durable resistance to crown rust and desirable traits that will benefit oat growers in the U.S. Panels of winter and spring oat were evaluated for resistance to crown rust in four field environments in Texas, Louisiana, Minnesota, and North Dakota during a two-year study in 2010 and 2011. Plants representing 702 elite lines of oat were phenotyped for crown rust resistance and found to have highly diverse responses. The winter oat lines demonstrated the best crown rust resistance and are expected to yield the most QTL to be used in developing durable crown rust resistance. Heritability of crown rust resistance in this study ranged from 0.88 to 0.90 in spring and winter oats, respectively. Crown rust measurements were also found to be repeatable. Repeatability ranged from 0.56 to 0.88 at Castroville, TX in 2011 and 2010, respectively in spring oats and from 0.79 at St. Paul, MN in 2011 to 0.96 at Castroville, TX in 2010 in winter oats. Oat lines contributed by states along the Puccinia pathway in Texas, Louisiana, Minnesota, North Dakota, and Wisconsin on average exhibited the best crown rust resistance as compared to other areas in the country where spring and winter oat are grown. GGE biplot analysis indicated that Castroville, TX was the most representative and most ideal testing location. The above results are expected to increase knowledge of the genetic diversity of the oat germplasm, yield comprehensive genotyping and phenotyping information for North American oat breeding programs, and to promote further use of GWS and MAB for key traits regarding disease resistance in oat. Future work is to conclude the association mapping process by completing genotypic analysis

    Nivel de aplicación de certificaciones internacionales de calidad alimentaria y la relación con su desempeño en las exportaciones de paprika en la ciudad de Arequipa, 2013

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    En la actualidad las autoridades sanitarias de cada país, consideran como prioridad establecer políticas de inocuidad en los alimentos, mediante la aplicación de sistemas que minimicen los riesgos de contaminación con el fin de disminuir el número de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos. La agricultura debe proveer los alimentos en la cantidad y la calidad necesarias para una vida sana; no obstante, el tema de la seguridad alimentaria implica no sólo mayor producción y productividad sino también una clara conciencia en los consumidores sobre como alimentarse mejor. La insuficiencia de alimentos en cantidad y calidad asociados con malos hábitos alimenticios repercute sobre la calidad de vida del habitante peruano, es por ello que los trabajos en materia de seguridad alimentaria tienen aún mucho por delante; sin embargo en temas internacionales se a podido notar que cada vez estos países imponen barreras pararancelarias como exigencias por cada tipo de producto que ingrese a su mercado. Siendo una de estas formas, la aplicación de sistemas de aseguramiento de calidad dentro de las cuales podemos llamar como certificaciones internacionales de calidad alimentaria a las Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas, Buenas Practicas de Manufactura, Buenas Prácticas de Higiene y sistema HACCP. El sector agrícola en el Perú, tiene mucha relevancia y por ende también se considera que contribuye a nuestro país, todos los involucrados en este tema son consientes de los desafíos que se les presentan según el producto que exportan. En este contexto, el Perú es un país exportador de Páprika, alimento por el cual existe una creciente demanda que se orienta a los mercados de Estados Unidos y Europa. A nivel mundial los países controlan la calidad de los alimentos, el método más aceptado para determinar analíticamente la calidad de Páprika es el fijado por la América Spice Assodstios Asta- que establece los grados ASTA que están basados del color de la muestra

    Evaluation of an Intimate Partner Violence Curriculum in a Pediatric Hospital

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    OBJECTIVE. Intimate partner violence harms victims as well as families and communities. Many barriers account for limited intimate partner violence screening by nurses. The purpose of this study was to measure how participation in a curriculum about screening parents for intimate partner violence, at a pediatric hospital, affects a nurse\u27s knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and self-efficacy for intimate partner violence screening. METHODS. In this interventional, longitudinal study, data were collected before participation in an intimate partner violence screening curriculum, after participation, and 3 months later. The measurement tool was adapted from Maiuro\u27s (2000) Self-efficacy for Screening for Intimate Partner Violence Questionnaire. RESULTS. Sixty-eight pediatric nurses completed all aspects of the study. At baseline, 18 (27%) nurses self-reported seeing a parent with an injury, and of those only 7 (39%) followed up with intimate partner violence screening. Factor analysis was performed on the baseline Self-efficacy for Screening for Intimate Partner Violence Questionnaire by using varimax rotation. Five factors were identified: conflict, fear of offending parent, self-confidence, appropriateness, and attitude. Only fear of offending parent was significantly different from times 1 to 3, indicating that nurses were less fearful after the training. Cronbach\u27s α value for the total questionnaire at baseline was .85. Nurses reported significant improvement (baseline to 3-month follow-up) in several self-efficacy items. CONCLUSIONS. Participation in a 30-minute curriculum on intimate partner violence screening was associated with improvements in self-efficacy and significantly lower fear of offending parents 3 months after training. Nurses also showed improvement in the perception of resources available for nurses to manage intimate partner violence. Thirty-minute hospital-based curriculums that include victim testimonial video and practice role-playing to simulate parent interactions are recommended

    3C. 3-Ketosteroid receptors (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    Steroid hormone receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Nuclear Hormone Receptors [65, 193]) are nuclear hormone receptors of the NR3 class, with endogenous agonists that may be divided into 3-hydroxysteroids (estrone and 17β-estradiol) and 3-ketosteroids (dihydrotestosterone [DHT], aldosterone, cortisol, corticosterone, progesterone and testosterone)

    3C. 3-Ketosteroid receptors in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    Steroid hormone receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Nuclear Hormone Receptors [75, 218, 3]) are nuclear hormone receptors of the NR3 class, with endogenous agonists that may be divided into 3-hydroxysteroids (estrone and 17β-estradiol) and 3-ketosteroids (dihydrotestosterone [DHT], aldosterone, cortisol, corticosterone, progesterone and testosterone). For rodent GR and MR, the physiological ligand is corticosterone rather than cortisol

    3C. 3-Ketosteroid receptors in GtoPdb v.2021.3

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    Steroid hormone receptors (nomenclature as agreed by the NC-IUPHAR Subcommittee on Nuclear Hormone Receptors [74, 215, 3]) are nuclear hormone receptors of the NR3 class, with endogenous agonists that may be divided into 3-hydroxysteroids (estrone and 17β-estradiol) and 3-ketosteroids (dihydrotestosterone [DHT], aldosterone, cortisol, corticosterone, progesterone and testosterone). For rodent GR and MR, the physiological ligand is corticosterone rather than cortisol