1,157 research outputs found

    Atmospheric transmission in the region from 16.75 to 20.95 micrometers

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    Atmospheric transmission analysis from solar spectrum observations covering 16.75 to 20.95 micrometers region on Bigelow Mountain, Arizon

    The Role of Information in Medical Markets: An Analysis of Publicly Reported Outcomes in Cardiac Surgery

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    During the past two decades, several public and private organizations have initiated programs to report publicly on the quality of medical care provided by specific hospitals and physicians. These programs have sparked broad debate among economists and policy makers concerning whether, and to what extent, they have improved or harmed medical productivity. We take advantage of a cross-sectional time series of different hospitals to address two fundamental questions about quality reporting. First, we examine whether report cards affect the distribution of patients across hospitals. Second, we determine whether report cards lead to improved medical quality among hospitals identified as particularly bad or good performers. Our data are from the longest-standing effort to measure and report health care quality the Cardiac Surgery Reporting System (CSRS) in New York State. Using data for 1991 through 1999, we find that CSRS affected both the volume of cases and future quality at hospitals identified as poor performers. Poor performing hospitals lost relatively healthy patients to competing facilities and experienced subsequent improvements in their performance as measured by risk-adjusted mortality.

    The Economic Impacts of the Tobacco Settlement

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    Recent litigation against major tobacco companies culminated in a Master Settlement Agreement' (MSA) under which the participating companies agreed to compensate most states for Medicaid expenses. We outline the terms of the settlement and analyze whether it was a move toward economic efficiency using data from Massachusetts. Medicaid spending will fall, but only a modest amount ($0.1 billion). The efficiency issue turns mainly on the treatment of health benefits from reduced smoking induced by the settlement. We conclude that the settlement was a move towards economic efficiency.

    Mixing of Supersonic Streams

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    The Strutjet approach to Rocket Based Combined Cycle (RBCC) propulsion depends upon fuel-rich flows from the rocket nozzles and turbine exhaust products mixing with the ingested air for successful operation in the ramjet and scramjet modes. It is desirable to delay this mixing process in the air-augmented mode of operation present during low speed flight. A model of the Strutjet device has been built and is undergoing test to investigate the mixing of the streams as a function of distance from the Strutjet exit plane during simulated low speed flight conditions. Cold flow testing of a 1/6 scale Strutjet model is underway and nearing completion. Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) diagnostic methods are being employed to observe the mixing of the turbine exhaust gas with the gases from both the primary rockets and the ingested air simulating low speed, air augmented operation of the RBCC. The ratio of the pressure in the turbine exhaust duct to that in the rocket nozzle wall at the point of their intersection is the independent variable in these experiments. Tests were accomplished at values of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 for this parameter. Qualitative results illustrate the development of the mixing zone from the exit plane of the model to a distance of about 10 rocket nozzle exit diameters downstream. These data show the mixing to be confined in the vertical plane for all cases, The lateral expansion is more pronounced at a pressure ratio of 1.0 and suggests that mixing with the ingested flow would be likely beginning at a distance of 7 nozzle exit diameters downstream of the nozzle exit plane

    An experimental and computational investigation of structure and magnetism in pyrite Co1x_{1-x}Fex_xS2_2: Chemical bonding and half-metallicity

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    Bulk samples of the pyrite chalcogenide solid solutions Co1x_{1-x}Fex_xS2_2 0 <= x <= 0.5, have been prepared and their crystal structures and magnetic properties studied by X-ray diffraction and SQUID magnetization measurements. Across the solution series, the distance between sulfur atoms in the persulfide (S22_2^{2-}) unit remains nearly constant. First principles electronic structure calculations using experimental crystal structures as inputs point to the importance of this constant S-S distance, in helping antibonding S-S levels pin the Fermi energy. In contrast hypothetical rock-salt CoS is not a good half metal, despite being nearly isostructural and isoelectronic. We use our understanding of the Co1x_{1-x}Fex_xS2_2 system to make some prescriptions for new ferromagnetic half-metals.Comment: 8 pages including 9 figure

    Past and future interannual variability in Arctic sea ice in coupled climate models

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    The diminishing Arctic sea ice pack has been widely studied, but previous research has mostly focused on time-mean changes in sea ice rather than on short-term variations that also have important physical and societal consequences. In this study we test the hypothesis that future interannual Arctic sea ice area variability will increase by utilizing 40 independent simulations from the Community Earth System Model's Large Ensemble (CESM-LE) for the 1920–2100 period and augment this with simulations from 12 models participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). Both CESM-LE and CMIP5 models project that ice area variability will indeed grow substantially but not monotonically in every month. There is also a strong seasonal dependence in the magnitude and timing of future variability increases that is robust among CESM ensemble members. The variability generally correlates with the average ice retreat rate, before there is an eventual disappearance in both terms as the ice pack becomes seasonal in summer and autumn by late century. The peak in variability correlates best with the total area of ice between 0.2 and 0.6&thinsp;m monthly thickness, indicating that substantial future thinning of the ice pack is required before variability maximizes. Within this range, the most favorable thickness for high areal variability depends on the season, especially whether ice growth or ice retreat processes dominate. Our findings suggest that thermodynamic melting (top, bottom, lateral) and growth (frazil, congelation) processes are more important than dynamical mechanisms, namely ice export and ridging, in controlling ice area variability.</p

    Biological Responses of Lumbriculus variegatus Exposed to Fluoranthene-Spiked Sediment

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    Lumbriculus variegatus was used as a bioassay organism to examine the impact of the sediment-associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) fluoranthene on behavior, reproduction, and toxicokinetics. The number of worms increased between the beginning and end of the experiment at 59 μg g −1 fluoranthene, but at the next higher treatment (108 μg g −1 ) the number of worms found was lower and not different from the control. Worms exposed to 95 μg g −1 also exhibited increased reproduction when fed a yeast-cerophyl-trout chow mixture. On a total biomass basis, only the 95 μg g −1 exposure with food exhibited a statistically significant increase over the nonfed control. Evaluation of reproduction at the two highest treatments was compromised by a brief aeration failure 2 days before the end of the experiment. The behavioral responses were followed as changes in biological burial rate (sediment reworking rate) of a 137 Cs-labeled marker layer. The biological burial rate increased toward a plateau as the concentration increased from the control (3.9 μg g −1 dry weight total PAH) to 355 μg g −1 dry weight fluoranthene in sediment. The aeration failure had minimal impact on the determination of reworking rate because all the data for the rate determination were collected prior to the aeration failure. Uptake and elimination rates declined with increasing treatment concentration across the range of fluoranthene concentrations, 59–355 μg g −1 dry weight sediment. The disconnect between the increasing biological burial rates and the decreasing toxicokinetics rates with increasing exposure concentration demonstrates that the toxicokinetic processes are dominated by uptake and elimination to interstitial water. The bioaccumulation factor (concentration in the organisms on a wet weight basis divided by the concentration in sediment on a dry weight basis) ranged from 0.92 to 1.88 on day 10 and declined to a range of 0.52 to 0.99 on day 28 with the lowest value at the highest dose.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42373/1/244-42-3-292_20420292.pd

    A Perspective on the Toxicity of Low Concentrations of Petroleum-Derived Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons to Early Life Stages of Herring and Salmon

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    This article presents a critical review of two groups of studies that reported adverse effects to salmon and herring eggs and fry from exposure to 1 μg/L or less of aqueous total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (TPAH), as weathered oil, and a more toxic aqueous extract of “very weathered oil.” Exposure media were prepared by continuously flowing water up through vertical columns containing gravel oiled at different concentrations of Prudhoe Bay crude oil. Uncontrolled variables associated with the use of the oiled gravel columns included time- and treatment-dependent variations in the PAH concentration and composition in the exposure water, unexplored toxicity from other oil constituents/degradation products, potential toxicity from bacterial and fungal activity, oil droplets as a potential contaminant source, inherent differences between control and exposed embryo populations, and water flow rate differences. Based on a review of the evidence from published project reports, peer-reviewed publications, chemistry data in a public database, and unpublished reports and laboratory records, the reviewed studies did not establish consistent dose (concentration) response or causality and thus do not demonstrate that dissolved PAH alone from the weathered oil resulted in the claimed effects on fish embryos at low μg/L TPAH concentrations. Accordingly, these studies should not be relied on for management decision-making, when assessing the risk of very low–level PAH exposures to early life stages of fish