4 research outputs found

    Hyapproval : final handbook for approval of hydrogen refuelling stations

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    HyApproval is an EC co-financed Specific Targeted Research Project (STREP) to develop a Handbook facilitating the approval of Hydrogen Refuelling Stations (HRS). The project, started in October 2005, will be performed over 24 months by a balanced partnership including 25 partners from industry, SMEs and institutes which ensure the critical mass and required know how for obtaining the identified project goals. Most partners have extensive expertise from HRS projects. Key partners from China/ Japan/ USA provide an additional liaison to international regulations, codes & standards activities. HyApproval is the first and only project of its kind. The project goals are to finalise the HRS technical guideline started under EIHP2 (European Integrated Hydrogen Project) and to contribute to the international standard under development at ISO TC197 and in first line to provide a Handbook, which assists companies and organisations in the implementation and operation of HRS. The Handbook will be based on best practices reflecting the existing technical know-how and regulatory environment, but also includes the flexibility to allow new technologies and design to be introduced at a later stage. In order to meet these goals, best practises will be developed from project experience (CUTE, Hy- Fleet:CUTE, ECTOS, EIHP1&2, HySafe, ZERO REGIO, CEP) and partner activities. In 5 EU countries (F/D/I/E/NL) and in China, Japan and the USA the HyApproval process will include a Handbook review by country authorities to pursue "broad agreement" and to define "approval routes". After finalising the Handbook process the developed requirements and procedures to get "Approval in Principle" shall be sufficiently advanced to seek approval in any European country without major modifications. Not only infrastructure companies, HRS operators/ owners and local authorities but also the EC will profit from the Handbook that is deemed to contribute to the safe implementation of a hydrogen infrastructure. HyApproval comprises 7 workpackages including 'HRS Definitions & Requirements', 'Handbook Compilation', 'Infrastructure & Deployment', 'Safety', 'Dissemination & Public Awareness', 'Vehicle Requirements' and 'Project Management'. HyApproval can assist in building alliances between industry, governments, authorities, research and SMEs in order to establish best practises mechanisms and to take the approval in principle further to a recognised and established approval procedure. It can furthermore serve as a future platform for the exchange of all HRS approval and implementation relevant issues in Europe and internationally. The results of HyApproval will be communicated in widespread dissemination activities including various national and international workshops and publications. The project complies with EU's R&D and energy policies, which aims at the introduction of 5% hydrogen as motor fuel by 2020. Copyright © (2006) by AFHYPAC

    Auszug der GEO-Studie: Wasserstofferzeugung in offshore Windparks ''Killer-Kriterien'', grobe Auslegung und Kostenabschaetzung Studie im Auftrag von GEO Gesellschaft fuer Energie und Oekologie mbH. Endbericht

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    Gegenstand dieser Betrachtung ist die Ueberlegung, einen offshore Windpark nicht elektrisch an das Festlands-Stromnetz anzubinden, sondern statt dessen am Windpark Wasserstoff zu produzieren, an Land zu transportieren und zu vermarkten. Dadurch entfaellt die hohe Investition der elektrischen Anbindung an das Festlandsnetz. Auf der anderen Seite muessen die Wasserstoff-Produktionsanlagen offshore installiert werden, der Wasserstoff muss an Land transportiert werden, und an Land steht Wasserstoff, nicht Strom, zur Verfuegung. Zielsetzung der Studie ist es, festzustellen, ob es grundsaetzliche konzeptionelle, technische oder wirtschaftliche ''Killer-Kriterien'' gibt, die dieses Konzept prinzipiell nicht realisierbar erscheinen lassen. Zu diesem Zweck werden eine Grobauslegung und eine grobe Kostenkalkulation durchgefuehrt.The project investigated the possibility of producing hydrogen in an offshore wind park, transporting the hydrogen to the shore, and marketing it there. This will save the cost of network connection. On the other hand, offshore hydrogen production plants must be constructed, hydrogen must be transported, and the product is hydrogen, not power. The study attempted to find out whether there are conceptional, technical or economic 'killer criteria' preventing the feasibility of this concept. For this purpose, a design sketch and a rough cost calculation were carried out.SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman