19,137 research outputs found

    Bose-Einstein condensation of trapped atoms with dipole interactions

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    The path integral Monte Carlo method is used to simulate dilute trapped Bose gases and to investigate the equilibrium properties at finite temperatures. The quantum particles have a long-range dipole-dipole interaction and a short-range s-wave interaction. Using an anisotropic pseudopotential for the long-range dipolar interaction and a hard-sphere potential for the short-range s-wave interaction, we calculate the energetics and structural properties as a function of temperature and the number of particles. Also, in order to determine the effects of dipole-dipole forces and the influence of the trapping field on the dipolar condensate, we use two cylindrically symmetric harmonic confinements (a cigar-shaped trap and a disk-shaped trap). We find that the net effect of dipole-dipole interactions is governed by the trapping geometry. For a cigar-shaped trap, the net contribution of dipolar interactions is attractive and the shrinking of the density profiles is observed. For a disk-shaped trap, the net effect of long-range dipolar forces is repulsive and the density profiles expand

    Comment on "Off-diagonal Long-range Order in Bose Liquids: Irrotational Flow and Quantization of Circulation"

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    In the context of an application to superfluidity, it is elaborated how to do quantum mechanics of a system with a rotational velocity. Especially, in both the laboratory frame and the non-inertial co-rotating frame, the canonical momentum, which corresponds to the quantum mechanical momentum operator, contains a part due to the rotational velocity.Comment: 2 page, comment on cond-mat/010435

    Scaling of v2v_2 in heavy ion collisions

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    We interpret the scaling of the corrected elliptic flow parameter w.r.t. the corrected multiplicity, observed to hold in heavy ion collisions for a wide variety of energies and system sizes. We use dimensional analysis and power-counting arguments to place constraints on the changes of initial conditions in systems with different center of mass energy s\sqrt{s}. Specifically, we show that a large class of changes in the (initial) equation of state, mean free path, and longitudinal geometry over the observed s\sqrt{s} are likely to spoil the scaling in v2v_2 observed experimentally. We therefore argue that the system produced at most Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) and Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) energies is fundamentally the same as far as the soft and approximately thermalized degrees of freedom are considered. The ``sQGP'' (Strongly interacting Quark-Gluon Plasma) phase, if it is there, is therefore not exclusive to RHIC. We suggest, as a goal for further low-energy heavy ion experiments, to search for a ``transition'' s\sqrt{s} where the observed scaling breaks.Comment: Accepted for publication by Phys. Rev. C Based on presentation in mini-symposium on QGP collective properties, Frankfurt. Discussion expanded, results adde

    Bose-Einstein Condensation Temperature of a Homogeneous Weakly Interacting Bose Gas : PIMC study

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    Using a finite-temperature Path Integral Monte Carlo simulation (PIMC) method and finite-size scaling, we have investigated the interaction-induced shift of the phase transition temperature for Bose-Einstein condensation of homogeneous weakly interacting Bose gases in three dimensions, which is given by a proposed analytical expression Tc=Tc0{1+c1an1/3+[c2ln(an1/3)+c2]a2n2/3+O(a3n)}T_{c} = T_{c}^{0}\{1 + c_{1}an^{1/3}+[c'_{2}\ln(an^{1/3})+c''_{2}]a^{2}n^{2/3} +O(a^{3}n)\}, where Tc0T_{c}^{0} is the critical temperature for an ideal gas, aa is the s-wave scattering length, and nn is the number density. We have used smaller number densities and more time slices than in the previous PIMC simulations [Gruter {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 79}, 3549 (1997)] in order to understand the difference in the value of the coefficient c1c_{1} between their results and the (apparently) other reliable results in the literature. Our results show that {(TcTc0)/Tc0}/(an1/3)\{(T_{c}-T_{c}^{0})/T_{c}^{0}\}/(an^{1/3}) depends strongly on the interaction strength an1/3an^{1/3} while the previous PIMC results are considerably flatter and smaller than our results. We obtain c1c_{1} = 1.32 ±\pm 0.14, in agreement with results from recent Monte Carlo methods of three-dimensional O(2) scalar ϕ4\phi^{4} field theory and variational perturbation theory

    3+1D hydrodynamic simulation of relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We present MUSIC, an implementation of the Kurganov-Tadmor algorithm for relativistic 3+1 dimensional fluid dynamics in heavy-ion collision scenarios. This Riemann-solver-free, second-order, high-resolution scheme is characterized by a very small numerical viscosity and its ability to treat shocks and discontinuities very well. We also incorporate a sophisticated algorithm for the determination of the freeze-out surface using a three dimensional triangulation of the hyper-surface. Implementing a recent lattice based equation of state, we compute p_T-spectra and pseudorapidity distributions for Au+Au collisions at root s = 200 GeV and present results for the anisotropic flow coefficients v_2 and v_4 as a function of both p_T and pseudorapidity. We were able to determine v_4 with high numerical precision, finding that it does not strongly depend on the choice of initial condition or equation of state.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, version accepted for publication in PRC, references added, minor typos corrected, more detailed discussion of freeze-out routine adde

    A heuristic approach to the weakly interacting Bose gas

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    Some thermodynamic properties of weakly interacting Bose systems are derived from dimensional and heuristic arguments and thermodynamic relations, without resorting to statistical mechanics

    Graphene nanoribbons subject to gentle bends

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    Since graphene nanoribbons are thin and flimsy, they need support. Support gives firm ground for applications, and adhesion holds ribbons flat, although not necessarily straight: ribbons with high aspect ratio are prone to bend. The effects of bending on ribbons' electronic properties, however, are unknown. Therefore, this article examines the electromechanics of planar and gently bent graphene nanoribbons. Simulations with density-functional tight-binding and revised periodic boundary conditions show that gentle bends in armchair ribbons can cause significant widening or narrowing of energy gaps. Moreover, in zigzag ribbons sizeable energy gaps can be opened due to axial symmetry breaking, even without magnetism. These results infer that, in the electronic measurements of supported ribbons, such bends must be heeded.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Weakly nonlinear stability analysis of MHD channel flow using an efficient numerical approach

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    We analyze weakly nonlinear stability of a flow of viscous conducting liquid driven by pressure gradient in the channel between two parallel walls subject to a transverse magnetic field. Using a non-standard numerical approach, we compute the linear growth rate correction and the first Landau coefficient, which in a sufficiently strong magnetic field vary with the Hartmann number as μ1(0.814i19.8)×103Ha\mu_{1}\sim(0.814-\mathrm{i}19.8)\times10^{-3}\textit{Ha} and μ2(2.73i1.50)×105Ha4\mu_{2}\sim(2.73-\mathrm{i}1.50)\times10^{-5}\textit{Ha}^{-4}. These coefficients describe a subcritical transverse velocity perturbation with the equilibrium amplitude A2=[μ1]/[μ2](RecRe)29.8Ha5(RecRe)|A|^{2}=\Re[\mu_{1}]/\Re[\mu_{2}](\textit{Re}_{c}-\textit{Re})\sim29.8\textit{Ha}^{5}(\textit{Re}_{c}-\textit{Re}) which exists at Reynolds numbers below the linear stability threshold Rec4.83×104Ha.\textit{Re}_{c}\sim 4.83\times10^{4}\textit{Ha}. We find that the flow remains subcritically unstable regardless of the magnetic field strength. Our method for computing Landau coefficients differs from the standard one by the application of the solvability condition to the discretized rather than continuous problem. This allows us to bypass both the solution of the adjoint problem and the subsequent evaluation of the integrals defining the inner products, which results in a significant simplification of the method.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, revised version (to appear in Phys Fluids