667 research outputs found

    Workload control concepts in job shops: a critical assessment

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    The paper considers a (static) portfolio system that satisfies adding-up contraints and the gross substitution theorem. The paper shows the relationship of the two conditions to the weak dominant diagonal property of the matrix of interest rate elasticities. This enables to investigate the impact of simultaneous changes in interest rates on the asset demands.

    Discrete Symmetries of Off-Shell Electromagnetism

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    We discuss the discrete symmetries of the Stueckelberg-Schrodinger relativistic quantum theory and its associated 5D local gauge theory, a dynamical description of particle/antiparticle interactions, with monotonically increasing Poincare-invariant parameter. In this framework, worldlines are traced out through the parameterized evolution of spacetime events, advancing or retreating with respect to the laboratory clock, with negative energy trajectories appearing as antiparticles when the observer describes the evolution using the laboratory clock. The associated gauge theory describes local interactions between events (correlated by the invariant parameter) mediated by five off-shell gauge fields. These gauge fields are shown to transform tensorially under under space and time reflections, unlike the standard Maxwell fields, and the interacting quantum theory therefore remains manifestly Lorentz covariant. Charge conjugation symmetry in the quantum theory is achieved by simultaneous reflection of the sense of evolution and the fifth scalar field. Applying this procedure to the classical gauge theory leads to a purely classical manifestation of charge conjugation, placing the CPT symmetries on the same footing in the classical and quantum domains. In the resulting picture, interactions do not distinguish between particle and antiparticle trajectories -- charge conjugation merely describes the interpretation of observed negative energy trajectories according to the laboratory clock.Comment: 26 page

    Workload control concepts in job shops:a critical assessment

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    The paper considers a (static) portfolio system that satisfies adding-up contraints and the gross substitution theorem. The paper shows the relationship of the two conditions to the weak dominant diagonal property of the matrix of interest rate elasticities. This enables to investigate the impact of simultaneous changes in interest rates on the asset demands

    Job shop control:in search of the key to delivery improvements

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    The last major performance breakthroughs in job shop control stem from the 1980s and 1990s. We generate a new search direction for designing job shop control policies, providing a key to delivery improvements. Based on a common characteristic shared by the most effective job shop control policies, we posit that control should have a specific focus during high load periods. A probability analysis reveals that substantial periods of high load are common, and even occur under assumptions of stationarity and moderate utilization. Subsequent simulations show nearly all tardy deliveries can be attributed to high load periods; and that the success of the best control policies can be explained by their ability to switch focus specifically during these periods, from reducing the dispersion of lateness to speeding up the average throughput time. Building on this, we demonstrate that for example small capacity adjustments targeted at handling high load periods can improve the percentage tardy and other delivery-related performance measures to a much greater extent than the best existing policies. Sensitivity analysis confirms the robustness of this approach and identifies a performance frontier reflecting the trade-off between capacity resources used and delivery performance realized. We conclude that a paradigm shift in job shop research is required: instead of developing single policies for application under all conditions, new policies are needed that respond differently to temporary high load periods. The new paradigm can be used as a design principle for realizing improvements across a range of planning and control decisions relevant to job shop

    Load oriented order release (LOOR) revisited:bringing it back to the state of the art

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    In the workload control literature, the Load-Oriented Order Release (LOOR) approach has been neglected since its robustness was questioned at the end of the 1990s. This paper revisits LOOR and evaluates whether its performance can be improved in two ways. First, an intermediate pull release mechanism is added to avoid starvation between periodic release events. This mechanism was recently shown to be effective at improving the performance of a state-of-the-art release method known as LUMS COR. Second, an integer linear programming model is used to manage the trade-off between the timing and load balancing functions of order release. The two refinements are assessed using simulations of different shop configurations, which allow us to evaluate robustness. Results demonstrate that the refinements contribute to improving the performance of LOOR such that it can even outperform LUMS COR. Perhaps counter-intuitively, putting more emphasis on load balancing than on the urgency of individual orders is shown to lead to a lower percentage of tardy orders. Overall, the improvements mean that concerns about LOOR’s robustness are no longer valid – it now appears suitable for a wide range of shops found in practice

    On the integration of due date setting and order release control

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    This paper calls for a paradigm shift in the production control literature away from assuming due date setting and order release are two independent decision levels. When order release is controlled, jobs do not enter the shop floor directly but are retained in a pre-shop pool and released to meet certain performance targets. This makes the setting of accurate planned release dates - the point at which jobs transition from the pool to the shop floor - a key consideration when setting due dates. We develop a new approach to estimating planned release dates to be embedded in the Workload Control (WLC) concept. Our approach is unique as it anticipates the release decision as part of the due date setting procedure. This makes a second independent release decision superfluous and avoids a major cause of tardiness - deviations between (i) the planned release date used when calculating the delivery time allowance and (ii) the actual, realised release date. Simulation is used to compare the performance of WLC using two decision levels with the new single-level approach where the release decision is anticipated when setting the due date. Performance improvements are shown to be robust to uncertainty in processing time estimates.</p

    Order review and release in make-to-order flow shops:analysis and design of new methods

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    Increased customization has strengthened the importance of make-to-order companies. The advent of lean management and the introduction of smart and flexible technologies has enabled many of these companies to create flow shop routings. Order review and release (ORR) research, which originally focused on job shops, has started paying attention to flow shops. However, the results have not provided clarity on the best ORR method for flow shops. This study aims at developing such a method by applying a modular design approach. It identifies the relevant elements of ORR methods for flow shops, combines them into new methods and evaluates them in a simulation study. The simulation results demonstrate that performance in pure flow shops can be strongly improved by applying the right combination of workload measures, load balancing, and order dispatching. Specifically, the results show that (1) classical workload measures are still as effective as novel measures that have been suggested for flow shops, (2) balancing workloads explicitly through optimization at the order release stage strongly improves performance, and (3) shortest processing time dispatching is highly effective in flow shops as it avoids starvation of stations. In-depth analyses have been executed to unravel the reasons of performance improvements. As such, the article provides clarity on the improvement potential that is available for ORR in flow shops, while the new modular methods provide a first step in exploiting this potential

    Short oestrous cycles in sheep during anoestrus involve defects in progesterone biosynthesis and luteal neovascularisation

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    Anoestrous ewes can be induced to ovulate by the socio-sexual, 'ram effect'. However, in some ewes the induced ovulation is followed by an abnormally short luteal phase causing a so called, "short cycle". The defect responsible for this luteal dysfunction has not been identified. In this experiment we investigated ovarian and uterine factors implicated in male-induced short cycles in anoestrus ewes using a combined endocrine and molecular strategy. Prior to ovulation, we were able to detect a moderate loss of thecal expression of steroid acute regulatory protein (STAR) in ewes that had not received progesterone priming (which prevents short cycles). At and following ovulation we were able to identify significant loss of expression of genes coding key proteins involved in the biosynthesis of progesterone (STAR, CYP11A1, HSD3B) as well as genes coding proteins critical for vascular development during early luteal development (VEGFA, VEGFR2) suggesting dysfunction in at least two pathways critical for normal luteal function. Furthermore, these changes were associated with a significant reduction of progesterone production and luteal weight. Additionally, we cast doubt on the proposed uterine-mediated effect of prostaglandin F2α as a cause of short cycles by demonstrating both the dysregulation of luteal expression of the PGF receptor, which mediates the luteal effects of PGF2α, and by finding no significant changes in the circulating concentrations of PGFM, the principal metabolite of PGF2α in ewes with short cycles. This study is the first of its kind to examine concurrently, the endocrine and molecular events in the follicular and early luteal stages of the short cycle
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