6,477 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic and magnetic properties of the layered triangular magnet NaNiO2

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    We report muon-spin rotation, heat capacity, magnetization, and ac magnetic susceptibility measurements of the layered spin-1/2 antiferromagnet NaNiO2. These show the onset of long-range magnetic order below T_N = 19.5K. Rapid muon depolarization persisting to about 5K above T_N is consistent with the presence of short-range magnetic order. The temperature and frequency dependence of the ac susceptibility suggests that magnetic clusters persist above 25K in the paramagnetic state and that their volume fraction decreases with increasing temperature. A frequency dependent peak in the ac magnetic susceptibility at T_sf = 3K is observed, consistent with a slowing of spin fluctuations at this temperature. A partial magnetic phase diagram is deduced.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Anomalous temperature evolution of the internal magnetic field distribution in the charge-ordered triangular antiferromagnet AgNiO2

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    Zero-field muon-spin relaxation measurements of the frustrated triangular quantum magnet AgNiO2 are consistent with a model of charge disproportionation that has been advanced to explain the structural and magnetic properties of this compound. Below an ordering temperature of T_N=19.9(2) K we observe six distinct muon precession frequencies, due to the magnetic order, which can be accounted for with a model describing the probable muon sites. The precession frequencies show an unusual temperature evolution which is suggestive of the separate evolution of two opposing magnetic sublattices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Two-dimensional magnetism in the pnictide superconductor parent material SrFeAsF probed by muon-spin relaxation

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    We report muon-spin relaxation measurements on SrFeAsF, which is the parent compound of a newly discovered iron-arsenic-fluoride based series of superconducting materials. We find that this material has very similar magnetic properties to LaFeAsO, such as separated magnetic and structural transitions (TN = 120 K, Ts = 175 K), contrasting with SrFe2As2 where they are coincident. The muon oscillation frequencies fall away very sharply at TN, which suggests that the magnetic exchange between the layers is weaker than in comparable oxypnictide compounds. This is consistent with our specific heat measurements, which find that the entropy change S = 0.05 J/mol/K largely occurs at the structural transition and there is no anomaly at TN.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    How to Test for Diagonalizability: The Discretized PT-Invariant Square-Well Potential

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    Given a non-hermitean matrix M, the structure of its minimal polynomial encodes whether M is diagonalizable or not. This note will explain how to determine the minimal polynomial of a matrix without going through its characteristic polynomial. The approach is applied to a quantum mechanical particle moving in a square well under the influence of a piece-wise constant PT-symmetric potential. Upon discretizing the configuration space, the system is decribed by a matrix of dimension three. It turns out not to be diagonalizable for a critical strength of the interaction, also indicated by the transition of two real into a pair of complex energy eigenvalues. The systems develops a three-fold degenerate eigenvalue, and two of the three eigenfunctions disappear at this exceptional point, giving a difference between the algebraic and geometric multiplicity of the eigenvalue equal to two.Comment: 5 page

    Magnetic order in the quasi-one-dimensional spin 1/2 chain, copper pyrazine dinitrate

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    We present the first evidence of magnetic order in the quasi-one-dimensional spin 1/2 molecular chain compound, copper pyrazine dinitrate Cu(C4H4N2)(NO3)2}. Zero field muon-spin relaxation measurements made at dilution refrigerator temperatures show oscillations in the measured asymmetry, characteristic of a quasistatic magnetic field at the muon sites. Our measurements provide convincing evidence for long range magnetic order below a temperature T_N=107(1) mK. This leads to an estimate of the interchain coupling constant of |J'|/k_B=0.046 K and to a ratio |J'/J| = 4.4 x 10^-3.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Spin freezing and dynamics in Ca_{3}Co_{2-x}Mn_{x}O_{6} (x ~ 0.95) investigated with implanted muons: disorder in the anisotropic next-nearest neighbor Ising model

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    We present a muon-spin relaxation investigation of the Ising chain magnet Ca_{3}Co_{2-x}Mn_{x}O_{6} (x~0.95). We find dynamic spin fluctuations persisting down to the lowest measured temperature of 1.6 K. The previously observed transition at around T ~18 K is interpreted as a subtle change in dynamics for a minority of the spins coupling to the muon that we interpret as spins locking into clusters. The dynamics of this fraction of spins freeze below a temperature T_{SF}~8 K, while a majority of spins continue to fluctuate. An explanation of the low temperature behavior is suggested in terms of the predictions of the anisotropic next-nearest-neighbor Ising model.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Muon-spin relaxation and heat capacity measurements on the magnetoelectric and multiferroic pyroxenes LiFeSi2O6 and NaFeSi2O6

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    The results of muon-spin relaxation and heat capacity measurements on two pyroxene compounds LiFeSi2O6 and NaFeSi2O6 demonstrate that despite their underlying structural similarity the magnetic ordering is considerably different. In LiFeSi2O6 a single muon precession frequency is observed below TN, consistent with a single peak at TN in the heat capacity and a commensurate magnetic structure. In applied magnetic fields the heat capacity peak splits in two. In contrast, for natural NaFeSi2O6, where multiferroicity has been observed in zero-magnetic-field, a rapid Gaussian depolarization is observed showing that the magnetic structure is more complex. Synthetic NaFeSi2O6 shows a single muon precession frequency but with a far larger damping rate than in the lithium compound. Heat capacity measurements reproduce the phase diagrams previously derived from other techniques and demonstrate that the magnetic entropy is mostly associated with the build up of correlations in the quasi-one-dimensional Fe3+ chains

    The phase transition in the localized ferromagnet EuO probed by muSR

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    We report results of muon spin rotation measurements performed on the ferromagnetic semiconductor EuO, which is one of the best approximations to a localized ferromagnet. We argue that implanted muons are sensitive to the internal field primarily through a combination of hyperfine and Lorentz fields. The temperature dependences of the internal field and the relaxation rate have been measured and are compared with previous theoretical predictions.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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