7 research outputs found

    Geographical information systems for indication of favorable areas to the sanitary landfill construction in Ouro Preto city (MG).

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    A disposi??o de Res?duos S?lidos Urbanos (RSU) em lugares inadequados, como nos lix?es, al?m de poluir o meio ambiente favorece a prolifera??o de vetores transmissores de doen?as. Apesar do atual sistema de disposi??o de res?duos s?lidos de Ouro Preto, o Aterro do Marzag?o, ter sido projetado e implantado corretamente, atualmente esse aterro controlado funciona semelhante a um lix?o. A fim de acabar com os danos sociais, econ?micos e ambientais causados pela disposi??o incorreta dos res?duos s?lidos, a LEI 12.305/2010 instituiu a Pol?tica Nacional de Res?duos S?lidos (PNRS). Esta lei estabelece dentre algumas san??es a que todos os munic?pios do Brasil devem transformar, at? 2014, seus dep?sitos inadequados de res?duos em aterros sanit?rios ambientalmente sustent?veis. Baseado na Pol?tica Nacional de Res?duos S?lidos e na situa??o atual do sistema de disposi??o de RSU do munic?pio, este trabalho tem como objetivo principal gerar um mapa identificando as ?reas favor?veis ? implanta??o de um novo aterro. Utilizando a an?lise multicrit?rios e o m?todo booleano, foi poss?vel realizar a sele??o e classifica??o de terrenos a partir de t?cnicas de geoprocessamento pautadas em crit?rios geoambientais. O resultado obtido gerou um mapa classificando ?reas como inaptas, restritas, moderadas e favor?veis ? implanta??o de um aterro sanit?rio no munic?pio de Ouro Preto.The disposal of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) in inappropriate places, like in the dumpsites, beyond pollute the environment favor the proliferation of disease-transmitting vectors. Despite the current solid waste disposal system of Ouro Preto, the Controlled Landfill Marzag?o, has been designed and implemented correctly, this landfill presently works like a dumpsite. In order to remove the social, economic and environmental damage caused by improper disposal of solid waste, the Law 12.305/2010 established the National Policy on Solid Waste (NPSW). This law establishes among some sanctions that all municipalities in Brazil should become, by 2014, your inadequate waste deposits in environmentally sustainable landfills. Based on NPSW and the current situation of the MSW system of the city, this work has as main objective to generate a map classifying areas favorable to the implementation of a new landfill. Using the Multicriteria Analysis and the Boolean method, it was possible to select and classify lands as of geographical information systems techniques guided on geo-environmental criteria. The result has generated a map classifying areas as unfit, restricted, moderated and favorable to the implementation of a landfill in Ouro Preto city

    Factors that influence the occurrence and dispersion of iron minerals in sandy sediments of terraces and floodplains of rivers draining the Quadrilatero Ferrifero (MG).

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    Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de estudos sedimentol?gicos realizados ao longo dos cursos de ?gua das bacias hidrogr?ficas dos rios Piracicaba, das Velhas e Doce que drenam as ?reas das minas de ferro do Quadril?tero Ferr?fero. Foram realizadas caracteriza??es sedimentol?gicas e mineral?gicas de amostras coletadas na calha dos cursos de ?gua visando obter a concentra??o de minerais de ferro. Paralelamente, foram analisadas amostras de sedimentos coletados nas v?rzeas e terra?os, com objetivo de obter elementos de compara??o temporal da ocorr?ncia de minerais de ferro em sedimentos aluviais depositados anteriormente ? instala??o das minas na regi?o. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a presen?a de barramentos nos cursos de ?gua interfere na dispers?o dos minerais de ferro. A malha ferrovi?ria utilizada como escoamento da produ??o de ferro ao longo do rio Piracicaba atua como fonte secund?ria de minerais de ferro nas v?rzeas e na calha do rio. Quando comparados ? concentra??o de minerais de ferro nos terra?os, os sedimentos das calhas fluviais mostram substancial aumento da concentra??o, indicando que a a??o antr?pica ? a causadora deste aumento a despeito das a??es mitigadoras que a legisla??o ambiental preconiza.This work presents the results of sedimentological studies conducted along the watercourses of the Piracicaba, Velhas and Doce river basins that drain the iron mining areas of the Quadrilatero Ferr?fero. Sedimentological and mineralogical characterization of sandy sediment samples collected in the channel of the water courses was carried out in order to obtain the concentration of iron minerals. In addition, samples of sediments from the floodplains and terraces were collected and analyzed, with the pourpose of make temporal comparison among sandy iron mineral concentration in alluvial sediments deposited prior to the installation of the mines in the region. The results indicate that the presence of dams in the watercourses interferes with the dispersion of iron minerals. The railroad used in transport of the iron production along the Piracicaba river valley acts as a secondary source of iron minerals in the floodplains and in the river channel. When compared to the concentration of iron minerals in the terraces, the sediments of the river channels show a substantial increase in concentration, indicating that the anthropic action is the main cause of this increase despite mitigating actions regulated by environmental laws

    Morphosedimentary analysis of the Limoeiro Stream (center-northern Minas Gerais State, Brazil) : clues to the eastward tilting of southern Espinhaco range sites.

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    The morphosedimentary evolution of a sector of the southern Espinhaco range (northern Minas Gerais State, Brazil) and its regional neotectonic setting are presented herein. The studied site is a stream at base level flowing along the western border of the range. Its identification was accomplished by using remote sensing techniques including the analysis of 3D slope models generated with shuttle radar topography mission images. The main geomorphological features of the identified site were surveyed in a 1:500 scale. In addition, seven stratigraphic logs are described. A regional geologic compilation and facies diagrams were used as a basis for the integration of the geomorphological and stratigraphic data, which produced some conclusions about the recent tectonic reactivations at the eastern border of Sao Francisco Craton. The results point to a local eastward tilting of the Espinhaco range. This fact is in accordance with previous findings in neighboring areas and results in the asymmetric evolution of the fluvial valley, as well as the regional relief

    Environmental analysis of Castelo river watershed (ES), with emphasis on the flood problem.

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    O munic?pio de Castelo, situado no sul do estado do Esp?rito Santo, se desenvolveu na plan?cie de inunda??o do rio Castelo, em seu baixo curso. Esta condi??o coloca a zona urbana do munic?pio em situa??o de risco, em rela??o ?s inunda??es. Por esta raz?o, o presente trabalho analisa e discute as raz?es para a ocorr?ncia dos fen?menos de inunda??o, com base na an?lise dos diversos usos dos solos e suas taxas de declividade, com o objetivo de compreender os poss?veis efeitos dessas vari?veis. A identifica??o das poss?veis causas da ocorr?ncia de inunda??es nas ?reas antropicamente ocupadas teve como base os mapas gerados pelo SIG (Sistema de Informa??es Geogr?ficas), os par?metros morfom?tricos e os lineamentos morfoestruturais que foram essenciais para o entendimento da din?mica da bacia. Investiga??es como esta podem auxiliar ?s prefeituras dos munic?pios envolvidos uma vez que criticam certos procedimentos metodol?gicos comuns ? problem?tica das inunda??es, sugerindo abordagens em escala de maior detalhe, evitando o mau uso do espa?o f?sico futuramente.The city of Castelo, located in the southern Esp?rito Santo state, has grown in the floodplain of the downstream Castelo River. Due to the flat morphological condition, the urban area is in a continuous risk of flood the reasons to the occurrence of flood phenomena are analysed herein, based on the distinction of several soil uses classes and their respective slopes, which provided the understanding of the possible effects of these parameters over the nature of floods. GIS techniques were used to provide some thematic maps which allowed the identification of probably causes of flood in anthropically occupied areas., the analysis of morphometrics parameters and morphostructural lineaments were also essential to the understanding of the flood dynamics. This work shows that simple GIS methodological procedures, supported by field trips, represent a valuable approaches in order to guide the future use of urban spaces

    Detrital zircons of the Itacolomi group in its type area, Quadril?tero Ferr?fero, Minas Gerais, Brazil : ages, provenance and tectonic significance.

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    O Grupo Itacolomi em sua localidade tipo, a serra hom?nima, situada na por??o sudeste do Quadril?tero Ferr?fero, Minas Gerais, caracteriza-se por uma sucess?o de meta-arenitos, metaconglomerados e filitos. Nessa e demais ocorr?ncias, o grupo ? interpretado como uma associa??o de dep?sitos fluviais e de leques aluviais, acumulados em bacias intermontanas p?s-orog?nicas. As suas ocorr?ncias na localidade tipo d?o-se na forma de um bloco basal aut?ctone que jaz em discord?ncia sobre rochas do Supergrupo Minas, e outro superior al?ctone, lan?ado sobre o primeiro por uma falha de empurr?o. O bloco aut?ctone corresponde ? por??o ?ntegra e internamente menos deformada do grupo e ? constitu?do de um pacote de aproximadamente 400 m de meta-arenitos e metaconglomerados. No bloco al?ctone, exposto no Pico do Itacolomi, meta-arenitos finos a m?dios com espessura de aproximadamente 145 m encontram-se, em geral, mais intensamente deformados. Os espectros de idades dos gr?os de detr?ticos de zirc?o obtidos nos blocos aut?ctone e al?ctone s?o ligeiramente diferentes. Os do primeiro s?o claramente unimodais, com picos em 2167, 2197 e 2203 Ma. Os do segundo s?o bimodais, com picos principais em 2156 e 2201 Ma. Eles indicam que as fontes principais do grupo devem ter sido, principalmente, os granitoides paleoproterozoicos do Cintur?o Mineiro e do Complexo Mantiqueira, expostos respectivamente a sudoeste e leste da Serra do Itacolomi. A idade m?xima de sedimenta??o do grupo pode ser estimada em 2129?11 Ma. Esses resultados, juntamente com outros dispon?veis na literatura, indicam que o Grupo Itacolomi foi depositado em bacia de antepa?s do or?geno paleoproterozoico que abarca o Quadril?tero Ferr?fero e ?reas adjacentes.The Itacolomi Group in its type area, the homonymous ridge located in the southeastern portion of Quadril?tero Ferr?fero mineral province in State Minas Gerais, is made up of a succession of metasandstones, metaconglomerates and phyllites, interpreted as fluvial to alluvial fan deposits accumulated in post-orogenic intermontane basins. In the type locality, the group is exposed in the form of a basal autochthonous package that unconformably overlies the 2.6-2.1 Ga Minas Supergroup, and an allochthonous block bounded by thrust faults. The c. 400m-thick autochthonous succession is weakly deformed and composed of metasandstones and metaconglomerates. Exposed in the Itacolomi Peak, the 145 m-thick finegrained metasandstones of the thrust sheet are intensively deformed. The detrital zircon age spectra obtained from these packages are slightly different. The spectra of the basal autochthonous package are clearly unimodal with age peaks at 2167, 2197 and 2203 Ma, whereas the age distributions of the upper thrust sheet are bimodal with peaks at 2156 and 2201 Ma. They indicated that the group was sourced essentially by the Paleoproterozoic arc-related granitoids of the Mineiro belt and Mantiqueira Complex, exposed respectively to the southwest and east of the Itacolomi ridge. The maximum deposition age of the group can be estimated at 2129 ? 11 Ma. These results confirm the post-orogenic nature of the Itacolomi succession, which accumulated in a back-arc/foreland setting in respect to the Paleoproterozoic orogen exposed in the Quadril?tero Ferr?fero and adjacent areas

    Paleomorphology of the northwestern of the Quadril?tero Ferr?fero (central Brazil) : stratigraphic and geochronological evidence of a pleistocene alluvial fan system.

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    This paper presents data on the fragments of ancient sedimentary deposits placed around the Piedade and Casa Branca streams, important right bank tributaries of the Paraopeba River. From these data, it was possible to establish a picture regarding the paleomorphology and paleodrainage of the area. The methodological steps adopted consisted of the definition of sedimentary facies, as well as the establishment of their sedimentary provenance (U/Pb method in detrital zircons) and deposition age (OSL in quartz). Through the facies analyses, it was possible to show channel facies (Gt) associated with debris flows (Gmm) and sieve deposits (Gh). In the sedimentary provenance stage, spectra of ages congruent with those found in literature for the Moeda and Cau? Formations were identified, suggesting that the Moeda mountain range is a source area. We also analyzed data on the sediments of the current bed, which indicate the same provenance, showing that the current courses constitute an embedded analog of the paleochannels. The data herein obtained corroborate the hypothesis that the eastern periphery of the Bonfim Complex was dominated by a system of alluvial fans between 9.5 ? 1 and 15.5 ? 1.6 ka before present, whose remnants are preserved on the current hilltops and mid slopes of the basement landscape

    Morpho-sedimentary characterization of the 2009 sediment flow event effects in S?o Vicente Village, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim ? ES.

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    Durante o ver?o de 2009 a regi?o Sul do Esp?rito Santo foi assolada por fl uxos de sedimentos ao longo de suas vertentes mais ?ngremes. A vila de S?o Vicente, distrito de Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, se destacou neste contexto, tendo sido palco de deslizamentos de encostas e sistem?tica remobiliza??o de dep?sitos pr?-existentes, cujo efeito foi o soterramento parcial do distrito por um corpo sedimentar de propor??es quilom?tricas. O presente trabalho defi ne tecnicamente os limites espaciais da corrida e tamb?m classifi ca a entidade morfossedimentar gerada. Para tanto, lan?a-se m?o de t?cnicas cartogr?fi cas e estratigr?fi cas, as quais s?o integradas e confrontadas ao contexto geol?gico regional bem como a modelos an?logos presentes na literatura especializada. Com a realiza??o do estudo pretende-se fornecer as bases para o estabelecimento de crit?rios adequados de uso e ocupa??o na regi?o, bem como para estudos mais aprofundados do fen?meno, envolvendo t?cnicas de alcance tridimensional como as geof?sicas.Several sediment fl ows were observed in the steeper hill slopes of southern Esp?rito Santo State during 2009 summer. Throughout this event a kilometric sediment body partially buried the village of S?o Vicente, municipality of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim. Landslides and the relocation of ancient sediment deposits started the process. The technical defi nition of the mass fl ow physical limits as well as the morpho-sedimentary classifi cation of the sediment body is presented herein. In order to achieve these goals, cartographic and stratigraphic techniques were applied and the regional geological setting oriented integrated analysis of the results. All of the data was compared with analog models found in the literature. This analysis can act as a guide for further tridimensional investigations, e.g. with a geophysical approach, and for more rational land use strategies