200 research outputs found

    Risks of smallholder exclusion from upgrading food chains

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    Large agri-industries fuel the upgrading of certain food chains. This chapter presents the risks of smallholders not benefitting from this upgrading. The first risk is that upgrading does not spread to all food value chains, generating territorial inequalities. The second is that the most endowed smallholders are included while the poorest are excluded. The third risk is that those smallholders who are included tend to be in a weak bargaining position against large agri-industries. As a result, most smallholders do not get higher incomes from upgrading food chains

    Food consumption, urbanisation and rural transformation: the trade dimensions

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    Growing urban demand for food – which now constitutes about 60–70 per cent of food consumption in Asia and more than half in Africa – is met largely by trade. This paper reviews evidence for what this trade means for rural areas, and for successful rural economic transformation. It also reviews trade and other policy options for generating a stronger 'win' between urban consumption and rural transformation. (Résumé d'auteur

    Urbanisation, changing tastes and rural transformation in West Africa

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    Between 1950 and 2000, the total population of West Africa increased fourfold, with almost one third now living in urban centres. Alongside growing urbanisation, many countries in the region increasingly rely on food imports for certain staples. These imports mix with local and regional foods to create a complex food system in terms of how and where food is purchased and consumed. Indeed, imported food may actually be integrated within traditional meals. At a workshop in Dakar, Senegal, participants reviewed current knowledge on these trends and how they affect low-income groups. They agreed that informal actors such as small-scale food processors and producers must develop greater capacity to meet evolving consumer demands, as well as health and safety standards. Decision makers must recognise informal actors as key players in food systems; for their part, informal actors must develop skills to engage more effectively in policy dialogue. (Résumé d'auteur


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    La fiche 'arachide' présente la production et les superficies mondiales, les rendements, la consommation mondiale, les échanges internationaux, les prix mondiaux, les principaux operateurs et les perspectives du commerce mondia


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    La fiche 'soja' présente la production et les superficies mondiales, les rendements, la consommation mondiale, les échanges internationaux, les prix mondiaux, les principaux operateurs et les perspectives du commerce mondia


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    La fiche 'sucre' présente la production et les superficies mondiales, les rendements, la consommation mondiale, les échanges internationaux, les prix mondiaux, les principaux operateurs et les perspectives du commerce mondia


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