2,555 research outputs found

    Interplay of politics, ideology, and culture in news framing of President Xi's first state visit, The

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    2017 Spring.Includes bibliographical references.In the context of globalization, the media plays a significant role in constructing perceptions of another culture. When constantly expanding understanding of different societies, misperceptions of another culture may also emerge. This is especially true for the current Sino – U.S. relations, as mistrust has been found from both countries in the recent poll. At the time of discouragement and pessimism, Xi Jinping, China's president and the chairman of China's Central Military, arrived in Washington on September 22nd, 2015 and started his first official state visit in the U.S. This study examined media coverage of President Xi's first state visit in order to explore the power dynamics of ideology, politics, and culture between China and the U.S. Conducting comparative media research between U.S. and China breaks through the traditional UK and U.S. basis of communication study, which allowed communication scholars to be aware of non-western journalistic practices and be more sensitive to the global context. A quantitative content analysis with a qualitative assessment of overall frames were used to identify the way The New York Times and the People's Daily framed President Xi's first state visit. Results showed that both The New York Times and the People's Daily chose to highlight and interpret certain aspects of the trip, which led to different general assessments for the visit. There were five frames identified in their coverage, namely the anti-China frame, provocateur frame, recognition frame, great-leader frame and description frame. In addition, the distribution of quoted sources and issue salience were also found to be different in reports of The New York Times and the People's Daily. Possible ideological, cultural and political forces were elaborated upon in order to explain the coverage differences between the two newspapers

    El circuito espacial de producción de gaseosas : análisis del uso del territorio de una empresa local

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    Fil: Di Nucci, Josefina. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos AiresFil: Lan, Diana. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Globalización, hiperconcentración y transnacionalización del comercio alimenticio en Argentina. El territorio usado por las empresas supermercadistas

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    In the Argentinean nutritious trade, a limited number of companies of supermarkets, they control the economic and social life, and the territorial dynamics of the cities; these companies, use the territory following their own logics and they also produce their own territorial divisions of the work. They are presented some considerations then on the main companies of the Great Distribution and the resulting conformation of a hierarchical net of supermarkets, for the year 2006, which it is been of a process of coalitions and acquisitions among companies that it took to the hiperconcentration in the sales on the part of big chains and to the transnacionalization of the sector of supermarkets, processes that have been given especially in the last decade and that they are presented in this work.En le commerce alimentaire argentin, un nombre limité d’entreprises de supermarchés, contrôlent part de la vie économique et sociale, et la dynamique territoriale des villes; ces entreprises, usent le territoire en suivant ses propres logiques et produisent aussi ses propres divisions territoriales du travail. Ils se présentent alors quelques égards sur les principales entreprises de la Grande Distribution et la conséquent production d’un réseau hiérarchique de supermarchés, pour l’an 2006, les comme est résulté d’un procès de fusions et acquisitions entre des entreprises qu’il a porté à l’hiperconcentratión aux ventes par part de grandes chaînes Et à la transnationalisation du secteur de supermarchés, procès qui se sont spécialement donné en le dernier décennie et que se présentent à ce travail.En el comercio alimenticio argentino, un número limitado de empresas supermercadistas, controlan parte de la vida económica y social, y la dinámica territorial de las ciudades; estas empresas, usan el territorio siguiendo sus propias lógicas y producen también sus propias divisiones territoriales del trabajo. Se presentan entonces algunas consideraciones sobre las principales empresas de la Gran Distribución y la resultante conformación de una red jerárquica de supermercados, para el año 2006, las cual es resultado de un proceso de fusiones y adquisiciones entre empresas que llevó a la hiperconcentración en las ventas por parte de grandes cadenas y a la transnacionalización del sector supermercadista, procesos que se han dado especialmente en la última década y que se presentan en este trabajo

    Research Progress and Perspectives on High Voltage, Flame Retardant Electrolytes for Lithium-Ion Batteries

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    © 2017 Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The electrolyte is an indispensable constituent in lithium ion batteries, and its role conducts electricity by means of the transportation of charge carries between the pair of electrodes. Its properties directly affect the energy density, cycle life and safety of the battery. However, there are two major challenges to using carbonate-based electrolytes in recent lithium ion batteries (LIBs) to further increase the energy density of the devices without compromising the safety. One is that carbonate- based electrolytes are not sufficiently stable at the positive electrode, and the other is their relatively high flammability. Therefore, developing high voltage and flame retardant electrolytes for LIBs is highly desired. Herein, we review the recent progress and challenges in new electrolytes, focusing on high-voltage electrolytes, flame retardant electrolytes and highly concentrated electrolytes. Among the reported electrolytes, highly concentrated electrolytes are worth a special attention, showing various unusual functionalities, for example, high oxidative stability, low volatility, high reductive stability, and non-corrosive to Al. These special properties are totally different from that of the conventional 1 mol•L-1 LiPF6/EC-based electrolytes, which are result from solution structures. A discussion is also provided in this review on the prospects of further development of new electrolytes for LIBs