23 research outputs found

    Analisis Pendapatan USAha Kopra di Desa Meli Kecamatan Balaesang Kabupaten Donggala

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    Copra is a derivative product of coconut plants cultivated by the people of Indonesia. This commodityis generally used as raw material for coconut oil. Copra is produced from dried coconut meat by reducingwater contents up to 50%. One kilogram of copra is derived from four large coconuts. This study aimed to determine how much revenue received by the producers of copra in Meli Village Balaesang District Donggala Regency. This research was conducted in Meli Village Balaesang District Donggala Regency from March to May 2016 on the grounds that Meli Village Balaesang District Donggala Regency was one of copra producing regions. The number of respondents was amounted to 30 of the total 60 people who had been conducting copra processing business. Respondent determinationwas done using simple random sampling method. The primary data in this study were obtained by means of direct observations and interviews with selected respondents using questionnaires, while secondary data were obtained from related literatures and institutions. The results of this study showed that the revenue received by the producers of copra in Meli Village Balaesang District Donggala Regencywas amounted to Rp 189.143.855/three months period, with average amounted to Rp 6.304.795,00/three months period

    Analisis Pendapatan dan Kelayakan USAha Cokelat Rapoviaka pada Industri Rapoviaka Simple di Kota Palu

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    This study aims to determine the feasibility of income and a chocolate on an industrial Rapoviaka Rapoviaka Simple in Palu City. During the months of April to June 2016. The location determination and respondents were intentionally (purposive). The number of respondents as many as three people. Collecting data in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data.Analysis of the data used is the analysis of income. Research shows the revenues and the feasibility of such chocolate products rapoviaka good so far.This matter Shown results showed that the income earned in May 2016 amounted to USD 10,785,707.3 for chocolate Rapoviaka. Rapoviaka chocolate produced each month in accordance with the availability of raw materials and demand consumer feasibility analysis shows that chocolate processed products are eligible for cultivated Rapoviaka indicated by the value of R / C of 2.17 means that every single rupiah expenses incurred Rapoviaka Simple industry will gain acceptance Rp 2.17

    Pengaruh Faktor-faktor Produksi terhadap Produksi USAha Industri Kerajinan Tangan Mutiara Ratu di Kota Palu

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh faktor-faktor produksi terhadap produksi USAha industri kerajinan tangan Mutiara Ratu di Kota Palu. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Jl. Makagili, Kelurahan Pantoloan, Kecamatan Tawaeli, Kota Palu. Penelitian ini menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Alat analisis yang dipakai adalah fungsi produksi Cobb-Douglas yang perhitungannya menggunakan persamaan regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa seluruh variabel secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap produksi kerajinan tangan pada USAha industri Mutiara Ratu di Kota Palu. Variabel modal (X1), tenaga kerja (X2) dan bahan baku (X3) berpengaruh nyata/signifikan terhadap produksi kerajinan tangan, sedangkan variabel peralatan (X4) berpengaruh tidak nyata/non signifikan terhadap produksi kerajinan tangan

    Kinerja Keuangan Industri Meubel Rotan Tora-tora di Kota Palu Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah merupakan salah satu daerah penghasil rotan, oleh karena itu industri meubel rotan sangat prospektif untuk dikembangkan di Kota Palu. Salah satu industi yang mengelolah rotan menjadi aneka kerajinan adalah industri meubel rotan Tora-Tora. Industi ini memiliki produksi yang terbilang cukup tinggi. Namun, masih belum dapat menginformasikan dengan baik laporan keuangannya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana perkembangan kondisi kinerja keuangan industri meubel rotan “Tora-Tora” di Kota Palu selama dua tahun terakhir dari tahun 2011 sampai dengan tahun 2012. Penentuan lokasi dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive) dengan pertimbangan bahwa industri meubel rotan ini merupakan salah satu industri penghasil kerajinan rotan terbesar ke tiga. Responden pada penelitian ini adalah pimpinan dan karyawan Meubel Rotan Tora-Tora. Penentuan responden dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive) dengan pertimbangan bahwa pimpinan Perusahaan dan karyawan dapat memberikan informasi tetang mengenai USAhanya serta mengetahui kondisi keuangan dari USAhanya. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini terdiri atas data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis yang digunakan yaitu rasio likuiditas, solvabilitas dan rentabilitas. Hasil analisis rasio keuangan, tingkat likuiditas pada tahun 2011 sebesar 2,01 persen mengalami kenaikan Tahun 2012 menjadi 4,50 persen. Dilihat dari solvabilitas, tingkat solvabilitas pada Tahun 2011 sebesar 2,11 persen mengalami kenaikan pada Tahun 2012 menjadi 49,9 persen. Dilihat dari rentabilitas, tingkat rentabiltas pada tahun 2011 sebesar 0,085 persen mengalami kenaikan pada tahun 2012 menjadi 0,095 persen, nilai rentabilitas tergolong rendah hal ini dikarenakan meningkatnya biaya yang digunakan. Industri meubel rotan Tora-Tora memliki nilai rasio keuangan yang baik pada likuiditas dan solvabilitas akan tetapi memiliki nilai yang tergolong rendah pada rentabilitasnya

    Strategi Pengembangan USAha Abon Daging Sapi pada Industri “Citra Lestari Production”di Kota Palu

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    Abon are foods made from meat that has been shredded or separated fiber, then add seasonings and fried. The purpose of the SME "Citra Lestari Production" in the city of Palu. This study determined the location of a deliberate, determine the respondents in this study is done intentionally (purposive), management and employees as respondents. The result of the calculation of the value of the rating and weighting factors external business development strategies abon SMEs "Citra Lestari Production" obtained by subtraction between multiple opportunities (Opportunities) and threats (Threaths) That the Y axis in the diagram SWOT is 1.19, while the results of the calculation SMEs "Bieber Production" obtained from the reduction of the power factor (strengths) and weakness (weakness) is 2.36 to 1.04 = 1.32 is used as the horizontal axis atausumbu X, X in the diagram SWOT makasumbu was 1.32 position the business for its growth strategy abon SMEs "Citra Lestari Production" is in quadrant I, which in this position a business or industry has a strong position and a chance to develop. SWOT quadrant of the result of the implementation of strategies for SMEs "Citra Lestari Production" that is SO strategy. SO strategy is a strategy that can be used for business / industry has strengths and opportunities that can benefit opportunities

    Analisis Pendapatan Industri Rumah Tangga Penyulingan Minyak Daun Cengkeh di Desa Palau Kecamatan Balaesang Tanjung Kabupaten Donggala

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    Indonesia was a country which located at kebayoran the equator and tropics and two seasons. Variegated plants can grow well, in various areas there were plants which can be used as a source of oil producer volatile is no exception in central Sulawesi that is one producer cloves who leaves are a raw materials making volatile oil. Village Palau who is located in Kecamatan Balaesang Tanjung Donggala is one of the villages there is a oil production volatile leaves cloves. The purpose to be achieved in this study is to find the income from income home industry the distillation of volatile oil of the leaves cloves in the village of Palau. The location of this research ditentuan deliberately and implemented from home industry the distillation of volatile oil of the leaves cloves located in the village of Palau, Tanjung sub-district Balesang, Donggala, central Sulawesi province. The number of respondents in research are always two people namely business owners and employees to your production. An instrument the analysis used is an analysis of income. Based on the results of the data analysis and discussion then obtained a conclusion that is flattened income per month home industry volatile oil of the leaves cloves for five months the production process in the village of Rp. 5.450.654 Palau. The average oil production per month as many as 287.8 Kg