320 research outputs found

    Rheological properties of sheared vesicle and cell suspensions

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    Numerical simulations of vesicle suspensions are performed in two dimensions to study their dynamical and rheological properties. An hybrid method is adopted, which combines a mesoscopic approach for the solvent with a curvature-elasticity model for the membrane. Shear flow is induced by two counter-sliding parallel walls, which generate a linear flow profile. The flow behavior is studied for various vesicle concentrations and viscosity ratios between the internal and the external fluid. Both the intrinsic viscosity and the thickness of depletion layers near the walls are found to increase with increasing viscosity ratio.Comment: To be published in the DynaCaps 2014 Conference Proceedings (Procedia IUTAM

    Dynamics and Rheology of Vesicle Suspensions in Wall-Bounded Shear Flow

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    The dynamics and rheology of suspensions of fluid vesicles or red blood cells is investigated by a combination of molecular dynamics and mesoscale hydrodynamics simulations in two dimensions. The vesicle suspension is confined between two no-slip walls, which are driven externally to generate a shear flow with shear rate γ˙\dot\gamma. The flow behavior is studied as a function of γ˙\dot\gamma, the volume fraction of vesicles, and the viscosity contrast between inside and outside fluids. Results are obtained for the encounter and interactions of two vesicles, the intrinsic viscosity of the suspension, and the cell-free layer near the walls.Comment: In press in EP

    Phase-ordering dynamics of binary mixtures with field-dependent mobility in shear flow

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    The effect of shear flow on the phase-ordering dynamics of a binary mixture with field-dependent mobility is investigated. The problem is addressed in the context of the time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau equation with an external velocity term, studied in self-consistent approximation. Assuming a scaling ansatz for the structure factor, the asymptotic behavior of the observables in the scaling regime can be analytically calculated. All the observables show log-time periodic oscillations which we interpret as due to a cyclical mechanism of stretching and break-up of domains. These oscillations are dumped as consequence of the vanishing of the mobility in the bulk phase.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, EPJ styl

    A lattice Boltzmann study of phase separation in liquid-vapor systems with gravity

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    Phase separation of a two-dimensional van der Waals fluid subject to a gravitational force is studied by numerical simulations based on lattice Boltzmann methods (LBM) implemented with a finite difference scheme. A growth exponent α=1\alpha=1 is measured in the direction of the external force.Comment: To appear in Communications in Computational Physics (CiCP

    Hybrid lattice Boltzmann model for binary fluid mixtures

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    A hybrid lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) for binary mixtures based on the free-energy approach is proposed. Non-ideal terms of the pressure tensor are included as a body force in the LBM kinetic equations, used to simulate the continuity and Navier-Stokes equations. The convection-diffusion equation is studied by finite difference methods. Differential operators are discretized in order to reduce the magnitude of spurious velocities. The algorithm has been shown to be stable and reproducing the correct equilibrium behavior in simple test configurations and to be Galilean invariant. Spurious velocities can be reduced of about an order of magnitude with respect to standard discretization procedure.Comment: Final version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Self-attractive semiflexible polymers under an external force field

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    The dynamical response of a tethered semiflexible polymer with self-attractive interactions and subjected to an external force field is numerically investigated by varying stiffness and self-interaction strength. The chain is confined in two spatial dimensions and placed in contact with a heat bath described by the Brownian multiparticle collision method. For strong self-attraction the equilibrium conformations range from compact structures to double-stranded chains, and to rods when increasing the stiffness. Under the external field at small rigidities, the initial close-packed chain is continuously unwound by the force before being completely elongated. For double-stranded conformations the transition from the folded state to the open one is sharp being steeper for larger stiffnesses. The discontinuity in the transition appears in the force-extension relation as well as in the probability distribution function of the gyration radius. The relative deformation with respect to the equilibrium case along the direction normal to the force is found to decay as the inverse of the applied force.Comment: Accepted for publication in Polymer

    Lattice Boltzmann study of chemically-driven self-propelled droplets

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    We numerically study the behavior of self-propelled liquid droplets whose motion is triggered by a Marangoni-like flow. This latter is generated by variations of surfactant concentration which affect the droplet surface tension promoting its motion. In the present paper a model for droplets with a third amphiphilic component is adopted. The dynamics is described by Navier-Stokes and convection-diffusion equations, solved by lattice Boltzmann method coupled with finite-difference schemes. We focus on two cases. First the study of self-propulsion of an isolated droplet is carried on and, then, the interaction of two self-propelled droplets is investigated. In both cases, when the surfactant migrates towards the interface, a quadrupolar vortex of the velocity field forms inside the droplet and causes the motion. A weaker dipolar field emerges instead when the surfactant is mainly diluted in the bulk. The dynamics of two interacting droplets is more complex and strongly depends on their reciprocal distance. If, in a head-on collision, droplets are close enough, the velocity field initially attracts them until a motionless steady state is achieved. If the droplets are vertically shifted, the hydrodynamic field leads to an initial reciprocal attraction followed by a scattering along opposite directions. This hydrodynamic interaction acts on a separation of some droplet radii otherwise it becomes negligible and droplets motion is only driven by Marangoni effect. Finally, if one of the droplets is passive, this latter is generally advected by the fluid flow generated by the active one.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. In press on EPJ