41 research outputs found

    Irreducible complexity of iterated symmetric bimodal maps

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    We introduce a tree structure for the iterates of symmetric bimodal maps and identify a subset which we prove to be isomorphic to the family of unimodal maps. This subset is used as a second factor for a \ast -product that we define in the space of bimodal kneading sequences. Finally, we give some properties for this product and study the *-product induced on the associated Markov shifts

    Ä-product of Markov matrices.

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    In this paper we introduce a Ä-operation over Markov transition matrices, in the context of subshift of finite type, reproducing symbolic properties of the iterates of the critical point on a one-parameter family of unimodal maps. To the *-product between kneading sequences we associate a Ä-product between the corresponding Markov matrices