109 research outputs found

    Creation and counting of defects in a temperature quenched Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We study the spontaneous formation of defects in the order parameter of a trapped ultracold bosonic gas while crossing the critical temperature for Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) at different rates. The system has the shape of an elongated ellipsoid, whose transverse width can be varied to explore dimensionality effects. For slow enough temperature quenches we find a power-law scaling of the average defect number with the quench rate, as predicted by the Kibble-Zurek mechanism. A breakdown of such a scaling is found for fast quenches, leading to a saturation of the average defect number. We suggest an explanation for this saturation in terms of the mutual interactions among defects.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    A compact high-flux source of cold sodium atoms

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    We present a compact source of cold sodium atoms suitable for the production of quantum degenerate gases and versatile for a multi-species experiment. The magnetic field produced by permanent magnets allows to simultaneously realize a Zeeman slower and a two-dimensional MOT within an order of magnitude smaller length than standard sodium sources. We achieve an atomic flux exceeding 4x10^9 atoms/s loaded in a MOT, with a most probable longitudinal velocity of 20 m/s, and a brightness larger than 2.5x10^(12) atoms/s/sr. This atomic source allowed us to produce a pure BEC with more than 10^7 atoms and a background pressure limited lifetime of 5 minutes.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Determination of the Newtonian Gravitational Constant Using Atom Interferometry

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    We present a new measurement of the Newtonian gravitational constant G based on cold atom interferometry. Freely falling samples of laser-cooled rubidium atoms are used in a gravity gradiometer to probe the field generated by nearby source masses. In addition to its potential sensitivity, this method is intriguing as gravity is explored by a quantum system. We report a value of G=6.667 10^{-11} m^{3} kg^{-1} s^{-2}, estimating a statistical uncertainty of ±\pm 0.011 10^{-11} m^{3} kg^{-1} s^{-2} and a systematic uncertainty of ±\pm 0.003 10^{-11} m^{3} kg^{-1} s^{-2}. The long-term stability of the instrument and the signal-to-noise ratio demonstrated here open interesting perspectives for pushing the measurement accuracy below the 100 ppm level.Comment: 4 figure

    Observation of Solitonic Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We observe solitonic vortices in an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate after free expansion. Clear signatures of the nature of such defects are the twisted planar density depletion around the vortex line, observed in absorption images, and the double dislocation in the interference pattern obtained through homodyne techniques. Both methods allow us to determine the sign of the quantized circulation. Experimental observations agree with numerical simulations. These solitonic vortices are the decay product of phase defects of the BEC order parameter spontaneously created after a rapid quench across the BEC transition in a cigar-shaped harmonic trap and are shown to have a very long lifetime.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Solitonic Vortices in Bose-Einstein Condensates

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    We analyse, theoretically and experimentally, the nature of solitonic vortices (SV) in an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate. In the experiment, such defects are created via the Kibble-Zurek mechanism, when the temperature of a gas of sodium atoms is quenched across the BEC transition, and are imaged after a free expansion of the condensate. By using the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, we calculate the in-trap density and phase distributions characterizing a SV in the crossover from an elongate quasi-1D to a bulk 3D regime. The simulations show that the free expansion strongly amplifies the key features of a SV and produces a remarkable twist of the solitonic plane due to the quantized vorticity associated with the defect. Good agreement is found between simulations and experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Mass-driven vortex collisions in flat superfluids

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    Quantum vortices are often endowed with an effective inertial mass, due, for example, to massive particles in their cores. Such “massive vortices” display new phenomena beyond the standard picture of superfluid vortex dynamics, where mass is neglected. In this work, we demonstrate that massive vortices are allowed to collide, as opposed to their massless counterparts. We propose a scheme to generate controllable, repeatable, deterministic collisional events in pairs of quantum vortices. We demonstrate two mass-driven fundamental processes: (i) the annihilation of two counter-rotating vortices and (ii) the merging of two corotating vortices, thus pointing out new mechanisms supporting incompressible-to-compressible kinetic-energy conversion, as well as doubly quantized vortex stabilization in flat superfluids

    Dynamical Equilibration Across a Quenched Phase Transition in a Trapped Quantum Gas

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    The formation of an equilibrium quantum state from an uncorrelated thermal one through the dynamical crossing of a phase transition is a central question of non-equilibrium many-body physics. During such crossing, the system breaks its symmetry by establishing numerous uncorrelated regions separated by spontaneously-generated defects, whose emergence obeys a universal scaling law with the quench duration. Much less is known about the ensuing re-equilibrating or "coarse-graining" stage, which is governed by the evolution and interactions of such defects under system-specific and external constraints. In this work we perform a detailed numerical characterization of the entire non-equilibrium process, addressing subtle issues in condensate growth dynamics and demonstrating the quench-induced decoupling of number and coherence growth during the re-equilibration process. Our unique visualizations not only reproduce experimental measurements in the relevant regimes, but also provide valuable information in currently experimentally-inaccessible regimes.Comment: Supplementary Movie Previes: SM-Movie-1: https://youtu.be/3q7-CvuBylg SM-Movie-2: https://youtu.be/-Gymaiv9rC0 SM-Movie-3: https://youtu.be/w-O2SPiw3nE SM-Movie-4: https://youtu.be/P4xGyr4dwK

    Dynamics and interaction of vortex lines in an elongated Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study the real-time dynamics of vortex lines in a large elongated Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) of sodium atoms using a stroboscopic technique. Vortices are spontaneously produced via the Kibble-Zurek mechanism in a quench across the BEC transition and then they slowly precess keeping their orientation perpendicular to the long axis of the trap as expected for solitonic vortices in a highly anisotropic condensate. Good agreement with theoretical predictions is found for the precession period as a function of the orbit amplitude and the number of condensed atoms. In configurations with two or more vortex lines, we see signatures of vortex-vortex interaction in the shape and visibility of the orbits. In addition, when more than two vortices are present, their decay is faster than the thermal decay observed for one or two vortices. The possible role of vortex reconnection processes is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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