543 research outputs found

    Model Checking Lower Bounds for Simple Graphs

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    A well-known result by Frick and Grohe shows that deciding FO logic on trees involves a parameter dependence that is a tower of exponentials. Though this lower bound is tight for Courcelle's theorem, it has been evaded by a series of recent meta-theorems for other graph classes. Here we provide some additional non-elementary lower bound results, which are in some senses stronger. Our goal is to explain common traits in these recent meta-theorems and identify barriers to further progress. More specifically, first, we show that on the class of threshold graphs, and therefore also on any union and complement-closed class, there is no model-checking algorithm with elementary parameter dependence even for FO logic. Second, we show that there is no model-checking algorithm with elementary parameter dependence for MSO logic even restricted to paths (or equivalently to unary strings), unless E=NE. As a corollary, we resolve an open problem on the complexity of MSO model-checking on graphs of bounded max-leaf number. Finally, we look at MSO on the class of colored trees of depth d. We show that, assuming the ETH, for every fixed d>=1 at least d+1 levels of exponentiation are necessary for this problem, thus showing that the (d+1)-fold exponential algorithm recently given by Gajarsk\`{y} and Hlin\u{e}n\`{y} is essentially optimal

    Defective Coloring on Classes of Perfect Graphs

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    In Defective Coloring we are given a graph GG and two integers χd\chi_d, Δ∗\Delta^* and are asked if we can χd\chi_d-color GG so that the maximum degree induced by any color class is at most Δ∗\Delta^*. We show that this natural generalization of Coloring is much harder on several basic graph classes. In particular, we show that it is NP-hard on split graphs, even when one of the two parameters χd\chi_d, Δ∗\Delta^* is set to the smallest possible fixed value that does not trivialize the problem (χd=2\chi_d = 2 or Δ∗=1\Delta^* = 1). Together with a simple treewidth-based DP algorithm this completely determines the complexity of the problem also on chordal graphs. We then consider the case of cographs and show that, somewhat surprisingly, Defective Coloring turns out to be one of the few natural problems which are NP-hard on this class. We complement this negative result by showing that Defective Coloring is in P for cographs if either χd\chi_d or Δ∗\Delta^* is fixed; that it is in P for trivially perfect graphs; and that it admits a sub-exponential time algorithm for cographs when both χd\chi_d and Δ∗\Delta^* are unbounded

    New Inapproximability Bounds for TSP

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    In this paper, we study the approximability of the metric Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and prove new explicit inapproximability bounds for that problem. The best up to now known hardness of approximation bounds were 185/184 for the symmetric case (due to Lampis) and 117/116 for the asymmetric case (due to Papadimitriou and Vempala). We construct here two new bounded occurrence CSP reductions which improve these bounds to 123/122 and 75/74, respectively. The latter bound is the first improvement in more than a decade for the case of the asymmetric TSP. One of our main tools, which may be of independent interest, is a new construction of a bounded degree wheel amplifier used in the proof of our results

    Minimum Stable Cut and Treewidth

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    A stable or locally-optimal cut of a graph is a cut whose weight cannot be increased by changing the side of a single vertex. Equivalently, a cut is stable if all vertices have the (weighted) majority of their neighbors on the other side. Finding a stable cut is a prototypical PLS-complete problem that has been studied in the context of local search and of algorithmic game theory. In this paper we study Min Stable Cut, the problem of finding a stable cut of minimum weight, which is closely related to the Price of Anarchy of the Max Cut game. Since this problem is NP-hard, we study its complexity on graphs of low treewidth, low degree, or both. We begin by showing that the problem remains weakly NP-hard on severely restricted trees, so bounding treewidth alone cannot make it tractable. We match this hardness with a pseudo-polynomial DP algorithm solving the problem in time (?? W)^{O(tw)}n^{O(1)}, where tw is the treewidth, ? the maximum degree, and W the maximum weight. On the other hand, bounding ? is also not enough, as the problem is NP-hard for unweighted graphs of bounded degree. We therefore parameterize Min Stable Cut by both tw and ? and obtain an FPT algorithm running in time 2^{O(?tw)}(n+log W)^{O(1)}. Our main result for the weighted problem is to provide a reduction showing that both aforementioned algorithms are essentially optimal, even if we replace treewidth by pathwidth: if there exists an algorithm running in (nW)^{o(pw)} or 2^{o(?pw)}(n+log W)^{O(1)}, then the ETH is false. Complementing this, we show that we can, however, obtain an FPT approximation scheme parameterized by treewidth, if we consider almost-stable solutions, that is, solutions where no single vertex can unilaterally increase the weight of its incident cut edges by more than a factor of (1+?). Motivated by these mostly negative results, we consider Unweighted Min Stable Cut. Here our results already imply a much faster exact algorithm running in time ?^{O(tw)}n^{O(1)}. We show that this is also probably essentially optimal: an algorithm running in n^{o(pw)} would contradict the ETH

    Determining a Slater Winner Is Complete for Parallel Access to NP

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    We consider the complexity of deciding the winner of an election under the Slater rule. In this setting we are given a tournament T = (V,A), where the vertices of V represent candidates and the direction of each arc indicates which of the two endpoints is preferable for the majority of voters. The Slater score of a vertex v ? V is defined as the minimum number of arcs that need to be reversed so that T becomes acyclic and v becomes the winner. We say that v is a Slater winner in T if v has minimum Slater score in T. Deciding if a vertex is a Slater winner in a tournament has long been known to be NP-hard. However, the best known complexity upper bound for this problem is the class ??^p, which corresponds to polynomial-time Turing machines with parallel access to an NP oracle. In this paper we close this gap by showing that the problem is ??^p-complete, and that this hardness applies to instances constructible by aggregating the preferences of 7 voters

    First Order Logic on Pathwidth Revisited Again

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    Finer Tight Bounds for Coloring on Clique-Width

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    We revisit the complexity of the classical k-Coloring problem parameterized by clique-width. This is a very well-studied problem that becomes highly intractable when the number of colors k is large. However, much less is known on its complexity for small, concrete values of k. In this paper, we completely determine the complexity of k-Coloring parameterized by clique-width for any fixed k, under the SETH. Specifically, we show that for all k >= 3,epsilon>0, k-Coloring cannot be solved in time O^*((2^k-2-epsilon)^{cw}), and give an algorithm running in time O^*((2^k-2)^{cw}). Thus, if the SETH is true, 2^k-2 is the "correct" base of the exponent for every k. Along the way, we also consider the complexity of k-Coloring parameterized by the related parameter modular treewidth (mtw). In this case we show that the "correct" running time, under the SETH, is O^*({k choose floor[k/2]}^{mtw}). If we base our results on a weaker assumption (the ETH), they imply that k-Coloring cannot be solved in time n^{o(cw)}, even on instances with O(log n) colors
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