1,439 research outputs found

    Testing the Impact of Animating Infographics on Consumer Trust and Attitude When Communicating about Genetic Modification

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    Scientific innovation provides benefits to society but also fosters suspicion and distrust. The unknown of scientific innovations in agriculture has yielded a strained relationship between consumers and farmers, creating little to no public support for solutions to agricultural issues. The relationship between public trust and agricultural innovation is further strained when discussing genetic modification (GM) science and food. Informational graphics are an increasingly popular communication technique that may effectively communicate GM science to consumers. This study examined, through a experimental design using two treatments and a control, if static or animated infographics sharing current societal perceptions of GM science in the U.S. influenced consumers’ trust in science, personal attitudes toward GM, and perceived attitudes of others toward GM science. The animated group had the highest mean trust in science and the control group had the most positive attitude toward GM and the most positive perceived attitudes of others toward GM. The only significant difference was the control group had a more positive perceived attitude than the animated group. The infographics’ lack of impact on respondents’ trust or attitude toward GM science contradicted previous research about respondents’ increased attitude and elaboration of agricultural issues. Food concerns are of continual importance for consumers, and researchers need to help food and fiber scientists and communicators share relevant and research-based information with the public through diverse channels

    Animating science communication: Measuring U.S. consumers’ recall about genetic modification with animated infographics

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    Genetic modification (GM) science is a complex and controversial topic that can instill uncertainty and fear into the minds of the individuals. While science research surrounding GM science in food has indicated no negative impact on the health of humans, consumer perception research has indicated a sense of skepticism and risk surrounding the issue. The Risk Information Seeking and Processing (RISP) model attempts to understand how individuals search for and process information about a subject with some associated level of risk. Infographics are a form of data visualization used to communicate complex ideas. Animation has been shown to garner greater attention from respondents through previous research in other areas of consumer engagement. Utilizing a quasi-experimental study, this research tested the use of a static and animated infographic to measure impact of respondents’ ability to recall key information visually portrayed about GM science. The current study found a statistically significant difference was found between the animated infographic treatment group and the respondents’ recall ability. Several demographic factors were explored to further understand how infographics are processed by respondents. Key findings in the current research suggest intentional implementation of animation may attend respondents’ attention to key details and information associated with complex issues surrounding GM science in food

    Marketing Power Berries: An Importance-Performance Analysis of Blueberry

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    The unique health benefits of blueberries have increased consumers’ demand for this fruit. Although the demand is still low compared to other fruits including apples and grapes, consumers’ growing interest in blueberries has led to a significant increase of blueberry acreage in the U.S., causing the supply to exceed demand. To increase blueberry consumption and sales for the benefits of both consumers’ health and the blueberry industry, this study selected 18 blueberry attributes and used an online survey to examine blueberry purchasers’ perceived importance and satisfaction of these attributes. An importance-performance analysis (IPA) of these attributes was conducted to provide recommendations for future blueberry marketing and research. All examined attributes were at least slightly important to the blueberry purchasers. Among the 18 attributes, price, pesticide free, and all natural should be what producers and marketers concentrate on to create a more desirable blueberry profile. Recommendations include highlighting local blueberries when they are in season and lower priced, being transparent about pesticide use in blueberry production, and educating consumers about pesticide safety. Working with the regulatory agencies to determine if the all-natural definition used to label some meat products is appropriate for fruits and vegetables was also recommended

    Communicating about Undocumented Immigration Issues: Is Your Target Audience Bilingual?

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    Due to the large number of undocumented immigrants working in the agricultural and natural resources industry, and recent discussions regarding immigration reform in the United States, agricultural communicators need to understand public opinion of undocumented immigrants and the factors that influence public opinion surrounding immigration issues in order to provide effective information to target audiences. Immigration has often been associated with linguistic diversity since the majority of immigrants speak a language other than English. To understand how linguistic differences impact public opinion, and how to communicate with audiences expressing diverse linguistic preferences, this study used an online survey design to examine the differences in attitudes toward immigration issues and information channel preferences between individuals who are bilingual and those who are not bilingual. Results from 503 Florida residents, representative of the population, indicated that non-bilingual respondents had a significantly more negative attitude toward immigration issues than bilingual respondents. In addition, bilingual respondents preferred to receive information through a website significantly more than non-bilingual respondents. The results imply agricultural communicators should recognize their target audiences’ language ability and create messages about immigration specifically for bilingual and non-bilingual audiences. Bilingual websites should be created to disseminate immigration messages to engage bilingual audiences

    Setting the Agenda: Exploring Florida Residents\u27 Perceptions of Water Quality and Quantity Issues

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    Water quantity and quality are among the top issues currently facing Florida. To understand residents’ perceptions of these issues as well as understand how agenda-setting may be used to influence residents’ behaviors and opinions surrounding water issues, this study explored Florida residents’ opinions of water. Agenda-setting served as the conceptual framework to aid in understanding where water quality and quantity emerge on the public’s agenda. Responses were obtained from 469 Florida residents via an online survey. The results showed respondents believed water quality had not changed, with the exception of the quality of bays, which they believed was getting worse. Water quality was found to be an issue of high importance among respondents, especially in regard to the quality of drinking water. Respondents believed water quantity was highly important; however, more importance was associated with water quality issues. The results of this study identified the current disconnect that exists among residents concerning water issues. This study also established the salience of water issues on the public’s agenda and how Florida residents could be better informed. A statewide communication campaign focused on both water quality and quantity issues was recommended to decrease the disconnect that currently exists between residents’ perceptions and the reality of water issues. This campaign should utilize the technology-based outlets to stay informed with the public’s agenda to personalize communication efforts. These efforts would increase the public’s interest concerning water issues by reducing redundant information and diluting important issues

    Using Critical Thinking Styles to Inform Food Safety Behavior Communication Campaigns

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    Consumers have struggled with maintaining consistent food safety behaviors over the years, which has been affected partly by their limited food safety knowledge. Researchers in this study set to determine Florida residents’ food safety behaviors while also assessing their critical thinking styles. The social cognitive theory and the University of Florida critical thinking styles (UFCTI) inventory served as the guiding framework. The UFCTI has emerged as an effective tool in measuring how an individual’s critical thinking is expressed, performed, or done. Online survey responses were collected from 510 Florida residents and data were analyzed using non-probability and weighting measures. The majority of respondents washed their fresh fruits and vegetables before eating and washed their hands before food preparation. However, respondents were not as likely to disinfect their countertops before food preparation. Respondents exhibited infrequent food label reading behaviors, as well. When receiving food related information, seekers of information preferred printed fact sheets, bulletins or brochures, and demonstration or displays. Whereas, engagers preferred websites. Recommendations included developing communication efforts focused on personalized messages and targeted mediums centered around each critical thinking style. Food safety communication should emphasize the importance and risks of not reading food labels and cleaning countertops. Future research should determine how each critical thinking style uses the mediums where no significant difference was established. Research efforts should focus on expanding the UFCTI and assessing the contributions the social cognitive theory can add

    The Critical Target Audience: Communicating Water Conservation Behaviors to Critical Thinking Styles

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    Although water covers approximately 70% of the planet, only a fraction is fresh water, and even less is used as a major source of drinking water. With the continuous increase in the amount of water used in modern standards of living, the quantity of water available is decreasing. The public is beginning to understand water needs to be conserved and they must play a role in water conservation. While previous literature examined how the majority of messages were catered toward the cost-effectiveness of conserving water, this study proposed how using a specific audience attribute could affect behaviors. The purpose of the study was to determine if critical thinking style can be used in the development of future communication strategies to improve water conservation behaviors. The findings of this study provided evidence of a relationship between critical thinking style and the level of engagement in water conservation behaviors. Recommendations suggested targeting the two constructs of critical thinking style, information seekers and engagers, in two different ways. Since the seekers prefer to gather information by seeking the sources themselves, communicators should focus on developing quality information about water conservation and placing it in easily accessible communications channels for the information seeker. On the other hand, a different communications approach should be taken with the engagers, who prefer to learn through their environment. Communicators should focus on communicating to the engager through the environment in word-of-mouth situations using traditional means such as opinion leaders as well as social media

    Public Opinions of Farmer-Oriented Environmentally Friendly Extension Programs: A Case of Best Management Practices

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    Public concern about environmental protection has been developing for decades. However, a knowledge gap exists between farmers and consumers regarding the implementation of environmental protection practices through the use of Best Management Practices (BMPs). Extension can bridge this knowledge gap by developing effective educational programs about BMP use. This study sought to identify consumers’ perceptions of BMPs and preferred communication channels to facilitate the development of farmer-oriented Extension programs which assist with direct communication between farmers and consumers. Residents in seven Florida counties (N = 700) were surveyed for this descriptive study. Respondents were asked about their perceptions, beliefs, trust, and attitudes related to BMPs, as well as preferred communication channels for farming practices. The findings indicated the respondents either agreed or were undecided if farmers practice BMPs properly, and the majority perceived farmers’ engagement in BMPs as important. Over 60% of the respondents believed farmers practicing BMPs care about the environment and would trust and purchase products from BMPpracticing farmers. The respondents indicated their preferred information sources were mass media and communicating directly with farmers at farmers’ markets and local festivals. Therefore, Extension educators should develop educational programs for farmers emphasizing the need to communicate with consumers using consumers

    Understanding Consumer Intent to Buy Local Food: Adding Consumer Past Experience and Moral Obligation Toward Buying Local Blueberries in Florida Within the Theory of Planned Behavior

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    Buying local food has become an increasingly popular way for consumers to engage with those who grow their food; however, research has shown a specific audience tends to buy local food due to individual-specific barriers. To better understand what motivates consumers to buy local food the Theory of Planned Behavior was used as a way to potentially predict consumers’ behavior toward buying locally grown blueberries. Also, the variables of past experience and self-identity/moral obligation toward buying local food were introduced to the model since both variables may increase the predictability of the Theory of Planned Behavior model in certain food-related behaviors. This study used an online survey completed by 1,122 respondents, from a sample frame of all consumers in Florida. The study used a non-probability sample of an opt-in panel, and weighting procedures were applied to the data to account for coverage errors associated with using a non-probability sample. The interaction of consumers’ past experience and self-identity/moral obligation was found to help explain consumers’ intention to buy locally grown blueberries when added to the Theory of Planned Behavior. The Theory of Planned Behavior was shown to predict consumers’ intention to buy locally grown blueberries; however, their intent was better explained with the inclusion of the variables of past experience and self-identity/moral obligation toward buying local blueberries. Recommendations for future research and application include future research into other variables that may impact buying behavior and inclusion of these variables in future communication efforts focused on consumers buying and engaging with local food

    Guiding Diffusion among Local Food Clientele: Recommendations for Extension Programming

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    The demand for local food has risen dramatically over the last decade, and many states have created brands to promote products grown within that state. However, the effect of state brands on consumer perceptions remains unknown. Extension agents serve as change agents and a bridge between science and the public to purvey information for adoption decisions. This study sought to determine if differences existed between consumers’ perceptions of food labeled local and food labeled Fresh from Florida to inform Extension programming. Florida residents (N = 530) were surveyed utilizing a between-subjects experimental design. Respondents were asked questions about their attitudes, trust and transparency, and information preferences toward food labeled Fresh from Florida or local food, depending on the experimental treatment they received. Results of this study indicated that consumers shared similar perceptions of local and Fresh from Florida food, except for the belief that Fresh from Florida comes from larger farms, Fresh from Florida labeling is more trustworthy, and there is a greater desire to see a definition of Fresh from Florida food. When Extension agents develop programming on economic viability, information on local food and state brands should be included to help producers market their products and increase revenues
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