16,754 research outputs found

    Emergent Time and the M5-Brane

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    We consider the maximal super-Yang-Mills theory in 5 Euclidean dimensions with SO(5) R-symmetry and 16 supersymmetries. We argue that the strong coupling limit of this theory (with a possible UV completion) has an emergent time dimension and gives a description of the 5+1 dimensional Lorentz invariant (2,0) theory of the M5-brane, compactified on a timelike circle with radius R=g^2/4\pi^2 . Our discussion involves issues of quantization of Euclidean theories without time.Comment: 1+40 page

    Ring element dynamic stresses

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    The stresses in the CTRAPRG and CTRIARG ring elements are not calculated for any of the dynamic solutions in the current COSMIC version of NASTRAN. A DMAP alter sequence for Solution 8 and post-processing program, NASTPOST, are presented to calculate these stresses. Test cases are used which describe the method. The stiffness and the consistent versus concentrated mass problems ascribed to this element are reviewed. The DMAP alter sequence introduces Solution 8 displacements to a Solution 1 module to calculate real and imaginary stress components during the execution of Solution 8. The post-processor, NASTPOST, calculates the magnitude/phase stress results. The DMAP sequence was written specifically for level 52 MSC/NASTRAN, but can certainly be used for any COSMIC version with slight modification

    5D Yang-Mills instantons from ABJM Monopoles

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    In the presence of a background supergravity flux, N M2-branes will expand via the Myers effect into M5-branes wrapped on a fuzzy three-sphere. In previous work the fluctuations of the M2-branes were shown to be described by the five-dimensional Yang-Mills gauge theory associated to D4-branes. We show that the ABJM prescription for eleven-dimensional momentum in terms of magnetic flux lifts to an instanton flux of the effective five-dimensional Yang-Mills theory on the sphere, giving an M-theory interpretation for these instantons.Comment: 29 pages, Latex; v2: added references and a comment on the graviphoton coupling in section 5; v3: typos corrected and references adde

    Deconstructing (2,0) proposals

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    C. P. is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-FG02-96ER40959. M. S. S. is supported by an EURYI award of the European Science Foundatio

    Deconstructing graviphoton from mass-deformed ABJM

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    Mass-deformed ABJM theory has a maximally supersymmetric fuzzy two-sphere vacuum solution where the scalar fields are proportional to the TGRVV matrices. We construct these matrices using Schwinger oscillators. This shows that the ABJM gauge group that corresponds to the fuzzy two-sphere geometry is U(N)×U(N−1)U(N)\times U(N-1). We deconstruct the graviphoton term in the D4 brane theory. The normalization of this term is fixed by topological reasons. This gives us the correct normalization of the deconstructed U(1) gauge field and fixes the Yang -Mills coupling constant to the value which corresponds to M5 brane compactified on \mb{R}^ {1,2} \times S^3/{\mb{Z}_k}. The graviphoton term also enable us to show that the zero mode contributions to the partition functions for the D4 and the M5 brane agree.Comment: 26 page

    Electron spin manipulation and resonator readout in a double quantum dot nano-electromechanical system

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    Magnetically coupling a nano-mechanical resonator to a double quantum dot confining two electrons can enable the manipulation of a single electron spin and the readout of the resonator's natural frequency. When the Larmor frequency matches the resonator frequency, the electron spin in one of the dots can be selectively flipped by the magnetised resonator. By simultaneously measuring the charge state of the two-electron double quantum dots, this transition can be detected thus enabling the natural frequency of the mechanical resonator to be determined.Comment: 7 pages, fixed typos, updated figures 4 and
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