31 research outputs found

    Focal mechanisms in the southern Aegean from temporary seismic networks – implications for the regional stress field and ongoing deformation processes

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    The lateral variation of the stress field in the southern Aegean plate and the subducting Hellenic slab is determined from recordings of seismicity obtained with the CYCNET and EGELADOS networks in the years from 2002 to 2007. First motions from 7000 well-located microearthquakes were analysed to produce 540 well-constrained focal mechanisms. They were complemented by another 140 derived by waveform matching of records from larger events. Most of these earthquakes fall into 16 distinct spatial clusters distributed over the southern Aegean region. For each cluster, a stress inversion could be carried out yielding consistent estimates of the stress field and its spatial variation. At crustal levels, the stress field is generally dominated by a steeply dipping compressional principal stress direction except in places where coupling of the subducting slab and overlying plate come into play. Tensional principal stresses are generally subhorizontal. Just behind the forearc, the crust is under arc-parallel tension whereas in the volcanic areas around Kos, Columbo and Astypalea tensional and intermediate stresses are nearly degenerate. Further west and north, in the Santorini–Amorgos graben and in the area of the islands of Mykonos, Andros and Tinos, tensional stresses are significant and point around the NW–SE direction. Very similar stress fields are observed in western Turkey with the tensional axis rotated to NNE–SSW. Intermediate-depth earthquakes below 100 km in the Nisyros region indicate that the Hellenic slab experiences slab-parallel tension at these depths. The direction of tension is close to east–west and thus deviates from the local NW-oriented slab dip presumably owing to the segmentation of the slab. Beneath the Cretan sea, at shallower levels, the slab is under NW–SE compression. Tensional principal stresses in the crust exhibit very good alignment with extensional strain rate principal axes derived from GPS velocities except in volcanic areas, where both appear to be unrelated, and in the forearc where compressional principal stresses are very well aligned with compressional principal strain rates. This finding indicates that, except for volcanic areas, microseismic activity in the southern Aegean is not controlled by small-scale local stresses but rather reflects the regional stress field. The lateral and depth variations of the stress field reflect the various agents that influence tectonics in the Aegean: subduction of the Hellenic slab, incipient collision with continental African lithosphere, roll back of the slab in the southeast, segmentation of the slab, arc volcanism and extension of the Aegean crust

    Etude expérimentale d'un arc impulsionnel entre des contacts Ag et Ag-C

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    Impact of species and antibiotic therapy of enterococcal peritonitis on 30-day mortality in critical care - An analysis of the OUTCOMEREA database

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    Introduction: Enterococcus species are associated with an increased morbidity in intraabdominal infections (IAI). However, their impact on mortality remains uncertain. Moreover, the influence on outcome of the appropriate or inappropriate status of initial antimicrobial therapy (IAT) is subjected to debate, except in septic shock. The aim of our study was to evaluate whether an IAT that did not cover Enterococcus spp. was associated with 30-day mortality in ICU patients presenting with IAI growing with Enterococcus spp. Material and methods: Retrospective analysis of French database OutcomeRea from 1997 to 2016. We included all patients with IAI with a peritoneal sample growing with Enterococcus. Primary endpoint was 30-day mortality. Results: Of the 1017 patients with IAI, 76 (8%) patients were included. Thirty-day mortality in patients with inadequate IAT against Enterococcus was higher (7/18 (39%) vs 10/58 (17%), p = 0.05); however, the incidence of postoperative complications was similar. Presence of Enterococcus spp. other than E. faecalis alone was associated with a significantly higher mortality, even greater when IAT was inadequate. Main risk factors for having an Enterococcus other than E. faecalis alone were as follows: SAPS score on day 0, ICU-acquired IAI, and antimicrobial therapy within 3 months prior to IAI especially with third-generation cephalosporins. Univariate analysis found a higher hazard ratio of death with an Enterococcus other than E. faecalis alone that had an inadequate IAT (HR = 4.4 [1.3-15.3], p = 0.019) versus an adequate IAT (HR = 3.1 [1.0-10.0], p = 0.053). However, after adjusting for confounders (i.e., SAPS II and septic shock at IAI diagnosis, ICU-acquired peritonitis, and adequacy of IAT for other germs), the impact of the adequacy of IAT was no longer significant in multivariate analysis. Septic shock at diagnosis and ICU-acquired IAI were prognostic factors. Conclusion: An IAT which does not cover Enterococcus is associated with an increased 30-day mortality in ICU patients presenting with an IAI growing with Enterococcus, especially when it is not an E. faecalis alone. It seems reasonable to use an IAT active against Enterococcus in severe postoperative ICU-acquired IAI, especially when a third-generation cephalosporin has been used within 3 months. © 2019 The Author(s)

    Effect of marble powder on the properties of self-compacting sand concrete

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    Self-compacting sand concrete (SCSC) can be regarded as a flowing sand concrete, containing as principal aggregate natural sand, which can be cast without compaction or vibration. Due to the finesses of aggregates in SCSC, it requires a high amount of fine materials than other types of concretes. This paper studies the effect of marble powder content (MP) on the properties of the sand concrete (SCSC) at fresh and hardened states. The properties of the fresh prepared mixes tested are the mini-slump flow, the V-funnel flow time and viscosity. At the hardened state, the parameter which has been determined is the 28-day compressive strength. The obtained test results show that the increase of MP content in SCSC, from 150 kg/m3 to 350 kg/m3, improves the properties at fresh state by decreasing v-funnel flow time (from 5s to 1.5s) and increasing the mini-cone slump (from 28cm to 34cm). With the use of 250 kg/m3 of MP we can reach the highest initial viscosity while retaining good fluidity at high rotational speeds, compared to the MP contents of 150 kg/m3 and 350 kg/m3. In other hand, the 28-days compressive strength decreases with an increase of MP conten

    Avaliação do impacto regional de um programa de saúde – O caso do município de Ipatinga, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    Em 2002 vários municípios brasileiros implantaram, a partir da orientação do Ministério da Saúde, programas para prevenção e controle da asma. A asma é uma doença crônica de alta prevalência no Brasil, com grande impacto nos custos para os serviços de saúde pública e para os familiares dos doentes. No entanto, os estudos que pretendiam avaliar o impacto regional destes programas apresentam resultados contraditórios. No município de Ipatinga, Minas Gerais, foi implantado o Programa “Respirar”, um projeto que pretende promover o controle e prevenção da asma. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto econômico do Programa “Respirar”, considerando os custos diretos e indiretos. Para determinar os custos diretos e indiretos do Programa, foi definido o período de 2000 a 2012 considerando os dados do Ministério da Saúde do Brasil (DATASUS) e comparando os resultados do Brasil, Minas Gerais, Ipatinga e Coronel Fabriciano. Calculou-se também o custo-efetividade incremental, custos com medicamentos e unidades dispensadas. Nos resultados foram analisados o número de internações pertencentes ao Programa, custo com medicamentos e unidades dispensadas. Na avaliação do impacto económico do Programa “Respirar”, seja através do custo direto, do custo indireto ou pelo custo-efetividade, observou-se diminuição nos gastos com a doença em Ipatinga, principalmente a partir de 2008. Essa queda ocorreu mais tardiamente do que o registrado no Brasil e em Minas Gerais. O número de internações, atendimentos de urgência e gastos com medicamentos apresentou queda em 2012 no município de Ipatinga, comprovando a importância do programa na diminuição dos custos a longo prazo

    A meta-analysis of mesophyll conductance to CO2in relation to major abiotic stresses in poplar species

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    Mesophyll conductance (gm) determines the diffusion of CO2 from the substomatal cavities to the site of carboxylation in the chloroplasts and represents a critical component of the diffusive limitation of photosynthesis. In this study, we evaluated the average effect sizes of different environmental constraints on gm in Populus spp., a forest tree model. We collected raw data of 815 A-Ci response curves from 26 datasets to estimate gm, using a single curve-fitting method to alleviate method-related bias. We performed a meta-analysis to assess the effects of different abiotic stresses on gm. We found a significant increase in gm from the bottom to the top of the canopy that was concomitant with the increase of maximum rate of carboxylation and light-saturated photosynthetic rate (Amax). gm was positively associated with increases in soil moisture and nutrient availability, but was insensitive to increasing soil copper concentration and did not vary with atmospheric CO2 concentration. Our results showed that gm was strongly related to Amax and to a lesser extent to stomatal conductance (gs). Moreover, a negative exponential relationship was obtained between gm and specific leaf area, which may be used to scale-up gm within the canopy