57 research outputs found

    Analysis of a Cahn--Hilliard system with non-zero Dirichlet conditions modeling tumor growth with chemotaxis

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    We consider a diffuse interface model for tumor growth consisting of a Cahn--Hilliard equation with source terms coupled to a reaction-diffusion equation, which models a tumor growing in the presence of a nutrient species and surrounded by healthy tissue. The well-posedness of the system equipped with Neumann boundary conditions was found to require regular potentials with quadratic growth. In this work, Dirichlet boundary conditions are considered, and we establish the well-posedness of the system for regular potentials with higher polynomial growth and also for singular potentials. New difficulties are encountered due to the higher polynomial growth, but for regular potentials, we retain the continuous dependence on initial and boundary data for the chemical potential and for the order parameter in strong norms as established in the previous work. Furthermore, we deduce the well-posedness of a variant of the model with quasi-static nutrient by rigorously passing to the limit where the ratio of the nutrient diffusion time-scale to the tumor doubling time-scale is small.Comment: 33 pages, minor typos corrected, accepted versio

    On a coupled bulk-surface Allen-Cahn system with an affine linear transmission condition and its approximation by a Robin boundary condition

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    We study a coupled bulk-surface Allen-Cahn system with an affine linear transmission condition, that is, the trace values of the bulk variable and the values of the surface variable are connected via an affine relation, and this serves to generalize the usual dynamic boundary conditions. We tackle the problem of well-posedness via a penalization method using Robin boundary conditions. In particular, for the relaxation problem, the strong well-posedness and long-time behavior of solutions can be shown for more general and possibly nonlinear relations. New difficulties arise since the surface variable is no longer the trace of the bulk variable, and uniform estimates in the relaxation parameter are scarce. Nevertheless, weak convergence to the original problem can be shown. Using the approach of Colli and Fukao (Math. Models Appl. Sci. 2015), we show strong existence to the original problem with affine linear relations, and derive an error estimate between solutions to the relaxed and original problems.Comment: 34 page

    Convergence to equilibrium for a bulk--surface Allen--Cahn system coupled through a Robin boundary condition

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    We consider a coupled bulk--surface Allen--Cahn system affixed with a Robin-type boundary condition between the bulk and surface variables. This system can also be viewed as a relaxation to a bulk--surface Allen--Cahn system with non-trivial transmission conditions. Assuming that the nonlinearities are real analytic, we prove the convergence of every global strong solution to a single equilibrium as time tends to infinity. Furthermore, we obtain an estimate on the rate of convergence. The proof relies on an extended Lojasiewicz--Simon type inequality for the bulk--surface coupled system. Compared with previous works, new difficulties arise as in our system the surface variable is no longer the trace of the bulk variable, but now they are coupled through a nonlinear Robin boundary condition.Comment: 29 page

    On a multi-species Cahn-Hilliard-Darcy tumor growth model with singular potentials

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    We consider a model describing the evolution of a tumor inside a host tissue in terms of the parameters φp\varphi_p, φd\varphi_d (proliferating and dead cells, respectively), uu (cell velocity) and nn (nutrient concentration). The variables φp\varphi_p, φd\varphi_d satisfy a Cahn-Hilliard type system with nonzero forcing term (implying that their spatial means are not conserved in time), whereas uu obeys a form of the Darcy law and nn satisfies a quasistatic diffusion equation. The main novelty of the present work stands in the fact that we are able to consider a configuration potential of singular type implying that the concentration vector (φp,φd)(\varphi_p,\varphi_d) is constrained to remain in the range of physically admissible values. On the other hand, in view of the presence of nonzero forcing terms, this choice gives rise to a number of mathematical difficulties, especially related to the control of the mean values of φp\varphi_p and φd\varphi_d. For the resulting mathematical problem, by imposing suitable initial-boundary conditions, our main result concerns the existence of weak solutions in a proper regularity class.Comment: 41 page

    Phase field modelling of surfactants in multi-phase flow

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    A diffuse interface model for surfactants in multi-phase flow with three or more fluids is derived. A system of Cahn-Hilliard equations is coupled with a Navier-Stokes system and an advection-diffusion equation for the surfactant ensuring thermodynamic consistency. By an asymptotic analysis the model can be related to a moving boundary problem in the sharp interface limit, which is derived from first principles. Results from numerical simulations support the theoretical findings. The main novelties are centred around the conditions in the triple junctions where three fluids meet. Specifically the case of local chemical equilibrium with respect to the surfactant is considered, which allows for interfacial surfactant flow through the triple junctions

    Shape optimization for surface functionals in Navier--Stokes flow using a phase field approach

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    We consider shape and topology optimization for fluids which are governed by the Navier--Stokes equations. Shapes are modelled with the help of a phase field approach and the solid body is relaxed to be a porous medium. The phase field method uses a Ginzburg--Landau functional in order to approximate a perimeter penalization. We focus on surface functionals and carefully introduce a new modelling variant, show existence of minimizers and derive first order necessary conditions. These conditions are related to classical shape derivatives by identifying the sharp interface limit with the help of formally matched asymptotic expansions. Finally, we present numerical computations based on a Cahn--Hilliard type gradient descent which demonstrate that the method can be used to solve shape optimization problems for fluids with the help of the new approach
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