15,437 research outputs found

    Direct measurement of penetration length in ultra-thin and/or mesoscopic superconducting structures

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    We describe a method for direct measurement of the magnetic penetration length in thin (10 - 100 nm) superconducting structures having overall dimensions in the range 1 to 100 micrometers. The method is applicable for broadband magnetic fields from dc to MHz frequencies.Comment: Accepted by Journal of Applied P:hysics (Jun 2006).5 pages, 5 figure

    Filtering of Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Systems With Intermittent Measurements

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    Dynamin-related protein 1 is required for normal mitochondrial bioenergetic and synaptic function in CA1 hippocampal neurons.

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    Disrupting particular mitochondrial fission and fusion proteins leads to the death of specific neuronal populations; however, the normal functions of mitochondrial fission in neurons are poorly understood, especially in vivo, which limits the understanding of mitochondrial changes in disease. Altered activity of the central mitochondrial fission protein dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) may contribute to the pathophysiology of several neurologic diseases. To study Drp1 in a neuronal population affected by Alzheimer's disease (AD), stroke, and seizure disorders, we postnatally deleted Drp1 from CA1 and other forebrain neurons in mice (CamKII-Cre, Drp1lox/lox (Drp1cKO)). Although most CA1 neurons survived for more than 1 year, their synaptic transmission was impaired, and Drp1cKO mice had impaired memory. In Drp1cKO cell bodies, we observed marked mitochondrial swelling but no change in the number of mitochondria in individual synaptic terminals. Using ATP FRET sensors, we found that cultured neurons lacking Drp1 (Drp1KO) could not maintain normal levels of mitochondrial-derived ATP when energy consumption was increased by neural activity. These deficits occurred specifically at the nerve terminal, but not the cell body, and were sufficient to impair synaptic vesicle cycling. Although Drp1KO increased the distance between axonal mitochondria, mitochondrial-derived ATP still decreased similarly in Drp1KO boutons with and without mitochondria. This indicates that mitochondrial-derived ATP is rapidly dispersed in Drp1KO axons, and that the deficits in axonal bioenergetics and function are not caused by regional energy gradients. Instead, loss of Drp1 compromises the intrinsic bioenergetic function of axonal mitochondria, thus revealing a mechanism by which disrupting mitochondrial dynamics can cause dysfunction of axons

    Activation Energy of Metastable Amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 from Room Temperature to Melt

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    Resistivity of metastable amorphous Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) measured at device level show an exponential decline with temperature matching with the steady-state thin-film resistivity measured at 858 K (melting temperature). This suggests that the free carrier activation mechanisms form a continuum in a large temperature scale (300 K - 858 K) and the metastable amorphous phase can be treated as a super-cooled liquid. The effective activation energy calculated using the resistivity versus temperature data follow a parabolic behavior, with a room temperature value of 333 meV, peaking to ~377 meV at ~465 K and reaching zero at ~930 K, using a reference activation energy of 111 meV (3kBT/2) at melt. Amorphous GST is expected to behave as a p-type semiconductor at Tmelt ~ 858 K and transitions from the semiconducting-liquid phase to the metallic-liquid phase at ~ 930 K at equilibrium. The simultaneous Seebeck (S) and resistivity versus temperature measurements of amorphous-fcc mixed-phase GST thin-films show linear S-T trends that meet S = 0 at 0 K, consistent with degenerate semiconductors, and the dS/dT and room temperature activation energy show a linear correlation. The single-crystal fcc is calculated to have dS/dT = 0.153 {\mu}V/K for an activation energy of zero and a Fermi level 0.16 eV below the valance band edge.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Children's Use of Electronic Games: Choices of Game Mode and Challenge Levels

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    Introduction. Interactive electronic games are popular and are believed to contribute to physical activity accrual. The purpose of this study was to examine children's electronic game use during conditions in which they had free access to selecting interactive and seated screen-based versions of electronic games and during the interactive versions had free choice in making adjustments to the activity intensity. Methods. We systematically observed 60 Hong Kong primary school children during two 60-minute game sessions while simultaneously recording their game mode choices and physical activity levels using SOFIT (System for Observing Fitness Instruction Time). Results. When given free choice, children spent more than half of their available time participating in interactive versions of games. These versions of games provided significantly more moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and greater energy expenditure than the computer screen versions. Children with the opportunity to modify intensity levels spent more time playing the interactive versions and accrued more physical activity. Conclusions. The tenets of behavioral choice theory were supported. Access to new-generation interactive games, particularly those with modifiable intensity levels, may facilitate children's participation in physical activity

    Pulsed squeezed light: simultaneous squeezing of multiple modes

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    We analyze the spectral properties of squeezed light produced by means of pulsed, single-pass degenerate parametric down-conversion. The multimode output of this process can be decomposed into characteristic modes undergoing independent squeezing evolution akin to the Schmidt decomposition of the biphoton spectrum. The main features of this decomposition can be understood using a simple analytical model developed in the perturbative regime. In the strong pumping regime, for which the perturbative approach is not valid, we present a numerical analysis, specializing to the case of one-dimensional propagation in a beta-barium borate waveguide. Characterization of the squeezing modes provides us with an insight necessary for optimizing homodyne detection of squeezing. For a weak parametric process, efficient squeezing is found in a broad range of local oscillator modes, whereas the intense generation regime places much more stringent conditions on the local oscillator. We point out that without meeting these conditions, the detected squeezing can actually diminish with the increasing pumping strength, and we expose physical reasons behind this inefficiency

    Self-aligned nanoscale SQUID on a tip

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    A nanometer-sized superconducting quantum interference device (nanoSQUID) is fabricated on the apex of a sharp quartz tip and integrated into a scanning SQUID microscope. A simple self-aligned fabrication method results in nanoSQUIDs with diameters down to 100 nm with no lithographic processing. An aluminum nanoSQUID with an effective area of 0.034 ÎŒ\mum2^2 displays flux sensitivity of 1.8⋅10−6\cdot 10^{-6} Ί0/Hz1/2andoperatesinfieldsashighas0.6T.Withprojectedspinsensitivityof65\Phi_0/\mathrm{Hz}^{1/2} and operates in fields as high as 0.6 T. With projected spin sensitivity of 65 \mu_B/\mathrm{Hz}^{1/2}$ and high bandwidth, the SQUID on a tip is a highly promising probe for nanoscale magnetic imaging and spectroscopy.Comment: 14 manuscript pages, 5 figure

    Origin of the different conductive behavior in pentavalent-ion-doped anatase and rutile TiO2_2

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    The electronic properties of pentavalent-ion (Nb5+^{5+}, Ta5+^{5+}, and I5+^{5+}) doped anatase and rutile TiO2_2 are studied using spin-polarized GGA+\emph{U} calculations. Our calculated results indicate that these two phases of TiO2_2 exhibit different conductive behavior upon doping. For doped anatase TiO2_2, some up-spin-polarized Ti 3\emph{d} states lie near the conduction band bottom and cross the Fermi level, showing an \emph{n}-type half-metallic character. For doped rutile TiO2_2, the Fermi level is pinned between two up-spin-polarized Ti 3\emph{d} gap states, showing an insulating character. These results can account well for the experimental different electronic transport properties in Nb (Ta)-doped anatase and rutile TiO2_2.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    XUV Frequency Combs via Femtosecond Enhancement Cavities

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    We review the current state of tabletop extreme ultraviolet (XUV) sources based on high harmonic generation (HHG) in femtosecond enhancement cavities (fsEC). Recent developments have enabled generation of high photon flux (1014 photons/sec) in the XUV, at high repetition rates (>50 MHz) and spanning the spectral region from 40 nm - 120 nm. This level of performance has enabled precision spectroscopy with XUV frequency combs and promises further applications in XUV spectroscopic and photoemission studies. We discuss the theory of operation and experimental details of the fsEC and XUV generation based on HHG, including current technical challenges to increasing the photon flux and maximum photon energy produced by this type of system. Current and future applications for these sources are also discussed.Comment: invited review article, 38 page

    Quantum study of information delay in electromagetically induced transparency

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    Using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), it is possible to delay and store light in atomic ensembles. Theoretical modelling and recent experiments have suggested that the EIT storage mechanism can be used as a memory for quantum information. We present experiments that quantify the noise performance of an EIT system for conjugate amplitude and phase quadratures. It is shown that our EIT system adds excess noise to the delayed light that has not hitherto been predicted by published theoretical modelling. In analogy with other continuous-variable quantum information systems, the performance of our EIT system is characterised in terms of conditional variance and signal transfer.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
